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What no 7/7 bombers release video tape thread?

Does this show that they didn’t act alone?

How easy would it be in the real world to get a tape aired on the day you want and with no leaks?
Crazy_diamond said:
Does this show that they didn’t act alone?
Presumbably, but it doesn't follow from that that they are part of some vast shadowy organisation, just that they knew at least one trustworthy, sympathetic person who didn't take part in the attacks.
What the video does show is that the conspirabonkersloonies on here who insist that the four alleged perpetrators were innocent were talking out of their massively dilated arseholes.
But if you look really closely you can see the strings moving his lips, and half-way through a lizard tail is briefly visible in the bottom-left corner of the screen.
Fruitloop said:
But if you look really closely you can see the strings moving his lips, and half-way through a lizard tail is briefly visible in the bottom-left corner of the screen.


In Bloom is spot on IMO. Of course, the government have been quick to claim that this demonstrates Al Qaeda involvement - but you don't need to be part of some James Bond-esque international organisation to have someone send a tape to Al-Jazeera a year after the event...
In Bloom said:
Presumbably, but it doesn't follow from that that they are part of some vast shadowy organisation, just that they knew at least one trustworthy, sympathetic person who didn't take part in the attacks.
Yes that is true, I have no idea if they were or were not part of some larger group.

I think it shows they didn't act alone as we are meant to believe, I also don't think it is as easy as people might at first think, to keep such a tape secure and private for all this time and to get it to a TV station that would play it on the anniversary.

I have spoken with 2 journalists I know well and they say the same, it wouldn't be as easy at it may look to arrange this.

My reason for this thread is to see what others think as I haven’t followed this in the newspapers as I don’t read them (unless there is a free copy in the café ;) ).
Roadkill said:

In Bloom is spot on IMO. Of course, the government have been quick to claim that this demonstrates Al Qaeda involvement - but you don't need to be part of some James Bond-esque international organisation to have someone send a tape to Al-Jazeera a year after the event...
It's that easy, is it? Just pop it in the post :)
Crazy_diamond said:
Yes that is true, I have no idea if they were or were not part of some larger group.

I think it shows they didn't act alone as we are meant to believe, I also don't think it is as easy as people might at first think, to keep such a tape secure and private for all this time and to get it to a TV station that would play it on the anniversary.
How difficult would it be exactly? Just give it to your mate and tell him to post it so it arrives a year afterwards. Not difficult.

There's not a TV station on Earth that wouldn't play a tape like this.
On a sidenote, they were al-Qaeda, strictly speaking, since al-Qaeda is a term referring to the millitant "vanguard" of the Islamist movement, not an organisation.
In Bloom said:
How difficult would it be exactly? Just give it to your mate and tell him to post it so it arrives a year afterwards. Not difficult.

There's not a TV station on Earth that wouldn't play a tape like this.
Yes I'm sure you are right :)
For me one of the interesting aspects of the recent tape is that it puts an end to the question of whether the bombers were motivated by Iraq etc. In the past, supporters of Blair have tried to argue that Iraq was irrelevant, on the basis that Tanweer's previous video statement didn't specifically mention Iraq.

The most recent tape, leaves no doubts on that score and undercuts all attempts made by the government to fudge the issue over the last year.

In the video Tanweer, 22, speaking in his west Yorkshire accent, can be heard justifying his attack on the Aldgate tube in which seven people died and more than a hundred were injured. He says non-Muslims of Britain "deserve to be attacked" because they voted for a government which "continues to oppress our mothers, children, brothers and sisters in Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq and Chechnya."

Jabbing his finger emphatically, he warns: "What have you witnessed now is only the beginning of a string of attacks that will continue and become stronger until you pull your forces out of Afghanistan and Iraq and until you stop your financial and military support to America and Israel."
They hate our freedom, Therefore the only reasoned response is to strip us of our freedoms. Oh and war.

Yet everyone still believes it all. Makes me feel ill. :(
Bernie Gunther said:
For me one of the interesting aspects of the recent tape is that it puts an end to the question of whether the bombers were motivated by Iraq etc. In the past, supporters of Blair have tried to argue that Iraq was irrelevant, on the basis that Tanweer's previous video statement didn't specifically mention Iraq.

The most recent tape, leaves no doubts on that score and undercuts all attempts made by the government to fudge the issue over the last year.

I’m sure I heard on the news last night (while drifting off) that the 2 UK guys who went to Israel , one I think set his bomb off and the other ran away are linked in some way to ne of the guys from July 7, I think there is a TV programme sometime soon, (iirc 9PM but not sure what day) Something like “Britain’s first suicide boomers” I think.
Azrael23 said:
They hate our freedom, Therefore the only reasoned response is to strip us of our freedoms. Oh and war.

Yet everyone still believes it all. Makes me feel ill. :(
Who's this nebulous "everyone" who believes this?
Well, we already have one thread that's just a big fight over various conspiracy theories.

Maybe we could have another thread about the bombings that isn't?
In political terms, I think the latest tape is at least a bit significant, because it strips away Blair's ability to pretend that the bombing were nothing to do with his support for US-sponsored invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Further attempts to deny that there is a connection now run right up against this direct video evidence that Tanweer at least, was motivated by Iraq etc.
it was interesting to be reminded that these guys made these vids in pakistan, that perhaps somebody see whats going in the worst parts of these countries ( afghanistan and palestine) and then brings that home to britain, applying the intensity there to here, where say bombing an empty building or shooting a 1 politician (just for eg) would nearly have as much impact/shock as suicide bomb in train killings loads... thats something too much for us to comprehend our shockometer only goes so far.

maybe that's terrorism 101, thats why IRA got more reaction from bombing the mainland but it just seems that policies have travelled back further, like with Northern Ireland it was near to Britain, and ETA brought disruption techincally within the same country a few score miles to Madrid, and Chechans might bring it Moscow.

its a wonder that you don't seem to hear of any Qaeda plans to target military or political targets in Britain, ( why would ya when you got more opportunity to them attack in the ME). I guess targeting civilians is what makes it even worse.
lostexpectation said:
its a wonder that you don't seem to hear of any Qaeda plans to target military or political targets in Britain, ( why would ya when you got more opportunity to them attack in the ME). I guess targeting civilians is what makes it even worse.

....it is a well known tactic used by al-qaeda . why attack the lion when there are plenty of sheep-a sentence that is actually used during their training. :(
BlackSpecs said:
....it is a well known tactic used by al-qaeda . why attack the lion when there are plenty of sheep-a sentence that is actually used during their training. :(
..... and don't forget they also ask their mates to post packages to a TV station a week or so before they want it released and they know it will be OK :D :D :D
BlackSpecs said:
....it is a well known tactic used by al-qaeda . why attack the lion when there are plenty of sheep-a sentence that is actually used during their training. :(

well thats not unique to al qaeda, its just surprising there haven't been any at all, even wannabee Travis Bickle attempts, I can't think if any military were attack by IRA on the mainland UK but they did go after politicians on the mainland didn't they, the rest of the attacks military and civilian were at the coalfront of the dispute in NI, which for Al qaeda is AF,IR,PA,SA.
Azrael23 said:
They hate our freedom, Therefore the only reasoned response is to strip us of our freedoms. Oh and war.

Yet everyone still believes it all. Makes me feel ill. :(

Conspiraloon admits to feeling ill! Shock horror!
Bernie Gunther said:
In political terms, I think the latest tape is at least a bit significant, because it strips away Blair's ability to pretend that the bombing were nothing to do with his support for US-sponsored invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Further attempts to deny that there is a connection now run right up against this direct video evidence that Tanweer at least, was motivated by Iraq etc.

This is absolutely true, although it might be questioned whether the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq were their sole motivation. Nonetheless the video must make uncomfortable viewing for our dear, beloved Prime Minister.
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