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What is the greatest service station?

Sadly not, the one on the Pyewipe. You could watch the rabbits playing at the back before they moved the whole lot to their own ecosystem on that huge roundabout on the A180 coming into Grimsby
I would guess it was a bit "perfumed" from Grimsby Fish Meal
I find that one borderline-dangerous to drive into/out of. One of the roundabouts seems badly thought out.

It's got a Co-op though!
Yes, but it used to have a big climbing wall.
I went in that co-op this morning for some hot cross buns after my halfway to work piss.
That Gloucester one is ££££ from what I remember.
Tebay was always good for a long lift when hitching south or north
Corley , scratchwood and watford gap are shit
Anyway, anywhere that Isn’t accessed via a slip road or a turn off a main motorway/A-road access roundabout has no right to call itself a services. There’s some particularly egregious modern examples on the A1(M) that require a mystery tour round some fucking industrial estate to find them. Pretty sure it was New Labour that allowed shit petrol stations with a coffee machine and a dingy toilet out the back start call themselves ‘Services’. Fuck off.

this with bells on.
This is Ireland's best service station...

View attachment 265327

"The Barack Obama Plaza is a purpose built motorway service station located at Junction 23 on the M7 Dublin to Limerick motorway.
We opened our doors in 2014 and have a vast variety of food offerings which include a Supermac’s, Papa John’s Pizza, SuperSubs, Mac’s Place Deli and a Bewley’s Coffee Barista station.
The Obama Plaza also has a state of the art conference facility as well as The Barack Obama visitors centre which is hugely popular with visiting tourists."

The service station operating under the Circle K brand has 26 petrol pumps across two fourcourts offering unleaded petrol, diesel, MGO (marine gas oil), Adblue (diesel exhaust fluid) and LPG (liquefied petroleum gas), as well as a fast-charge ESB electric car charge point.

In addition to fuel supplies there is a variety of food outlets including Supermac's, Papa John's Pizza, Mac's Place Bakery and Carvery, Bewleys coffee and a Spar shop. The Plaza also includes a visitor centre that provides information on Obama's family connections to Moneygall where his great-great-great-grandfather lived,[8] as well as five meeting rooms and a large function room.

A bus service, No. 854 between Roscrea and Nenagh, calls at Barack Obama Plaza seven days a week. The service connects with the local communities of Toomevara, Cloughjordan and Shinrone

meeting rooms

Meeting Room Catering Options

We have several catering options available for parties booking Meetings, Events & Conference Rooms;

  • Breakfast Options
  • Tea/Coffee & Biscuits
  • Tea/ Coffee & Scones
  • Tea/ Coffee & Sandwiches
  • Daily Lunch Menu from our Carvery ‘Mac’s Place’
  • Evening Meals
  • Gluten Free & Vegetarian options

Function room too...

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Visitors Centre
View attachment 265326


Beat that 😁
what an excellent service station. thanks.
I've driven into Cardiff Gate crying bceause my marriage was breaking down. Next.
I drove out of Cardiff Gate crying. I bought a hot chicken & mushroom slice there after work and bit into it when I got onto the M4, only for the side to burst and coat my right hand in red hot pie filling. I drove a lot of the way home with my right hand out of the window to cool it but it still blistered pretty badly.

Obviously I no longer eat hot slices while driving, sorry about your marriage btw.
Anyway, anywhere that Isn’t accessed via a slip road or a turn off a main motorway/A-road access roundabout has no right to call itself a services. There’s some particularly egregious modern examples on the A1(M) that require a mystery tour round some fucking industrial estate to find them. Pretty sure it was New Labour that allowed shit petrol stations with a coffee machine and a dingy toilet out the back start call themselves ‘Services’. Fuck off.

There's one fucking weird one somewhere on the A1 that iirc doesn't actually do fuel... Just has a very scary looking cafe.

e2a: Stibbington

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shit petrol stations with a coffee machine and a dingy toilet out the back ...‘Services’. Fuck off.

Pretty much my experience driving in northern Spain. And the coffee machine isn't a given.

Can't beat Aires in France. At least they have proper picnic areas. Sometimes.
I literally could not cope when I found out there were TWO Tebays. Live about thirty miles away and always pretend I need a wee on way more North and way back and spend stupid money because been bored in car. Always thought it was the same one. Somehow. Do people who work in opposite service stations have the same Christmas do? Always wondered that.
There is a particularly awful random service station in the North West, somewhere near Bradford ( I think) that does 'bargain' stuff. 'Great' I thought as I purchased my coffee for a quid. But it did not taste like coffee. I thought it might be tea by mistake but my partner disagreed. We both agreed that it somehow tasted and smelt of weetabix. I am glad in retrospect I did not get the one pound 'cheese' baguette.
And having been brought up living just off the A1, we used to call them transport cafes. And they looked like this. (My local).

View attachment 265425

Blue for a boy, pink for a girl (my sister's best friend growing up as it happens)

View attachment 265426

A1, Sandy

Yes, from the brief glimpse on the way to the pisser, I suspect the Stibbington Diner is basically the same. The only change being the lack of ashtrays. Possibly.

Also good picture, that.
There are a few up around Liverpool that are set up so you eat above the road. Really ruined the excitement of the bridge at Fleet for me.
I was once going south, from Edinburgh, on the A1 and needed an overnight stop. I don’t know where it was but the car park was full of trucks so it seemed a safe bet. I had a massive three course dinner and equally massive FEB. The food was awesome, basic but tasty. The room was the worst I’ve ever been in. I doubt it had ever been cleaned properly, the bed was scruffy but comfortable. IIRC there was an RAF base nearby. I’ve never found it again, but I’ve not looked hard.
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