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What is the greatest service station?

Gloucester - not that I've been very often, but I do like it.

Tebay is/was a regular stopping point, that I would patronise because it was an independent concern. It was exceedingly good value for money.
Unfortunately the recent coffee purchases were very disappointing. [far too strong, very bitter and with a very strange aftertaste].

UK motorway (& major/trunk road) service stations are, generally speaking, pretty appalling - with a poor reputation for value for money.
Run down being an understatement in most cases, with some exceptions ...

I do have some happy memories, though. Being taken into the waitress service Little Chef on the Bridge at Charnock Richard sounds odd, but the food was very good, as was the service. [this was well before the chain starting heading south for cheap n nasty when it was sold off, so it was many, many years ago]
Never been to Tebay or Gloucester. I feel like they’ve been so built up in my mind now that I’ll be disappointed.

Fleet is the one I know best and is shit but apparently better since the fire. I do like that they have Scott Mills bridge though.
Services: shit and a ginsters!

On trips from London up to North Wales as a kid we stopped at Frankley on the way up and Warwick on the way back to walk the dog briefly.

Cartgate Picnic area on the A303 is my recommendation though - near Martock - no petrol but a nice place to stop and have a packed lunch and theres a cafe too. “The highway to the sun” is my preferred route from London / Thames Valley down to Devon as it’s got more interesting than the motorway, and the idiot drivers tend to stay in the slow lane.
Never been to Tebay or Gloucester. I feel like they’ve been so built up in my mind now that I’ll be disappointed.
I would say not to bother with the cooked breakfast at Gloucester fwiw - it's nothing special and there isn't enough of it. Pretty much everything else is solid though.
Rheged near Penrith is brilliant. Might be stretching the definition of service station very slightly though, although plenty use it as such.
Services: shit and a ginsters!

On trips from London up to North Wales as a kid we stopped at Frankley on the way up and Warwick on the way back to walk the dog briefly.

Cartgate Picnic area on the A303 is my recommendation though - near Martock - no petrol but a nice place to stop and have a packed lunch and theres a cafe too. “The highway to the sun” is my preferred route from London / Thames Valley down to Devon as it’s got more interesting than the motorway, and the idiot drivers tend to stay in the slow lane.

The Newcott Chef near Honiton was always a fav, is now a decent American diner called Route 303, worth a stop. Also in the area is the Greyhound pub near Escot Park, does a nice lunch...
Rheged near Penrith is brilliant. Might be stretching the definition of service station very slightly though, although plenty use it as such.
That's also part of the Tebay chain I think, or at least they sell their stuff in the shop. But yeah, that's more of a petrol station :D

I quite like Lancaster's observation tower thing. I don't think I've ever stopped there though.

It is Gloucester although it's too close for me to use it very regularly. Membury is our halfway to London stop but it's merely average. The super middle class middle aged true answer is on very long trips I try to find a National Trust place near the motorway and stop there. We're members so it's no extra cost, and the food, loos and children's playground are always better. Hardwick Hall in Derbyshire, just off the M1 is a particularly useful one.
Has anyone been to Cornwall Services? If so, are you as non-plussed as I am about the excessive signage as you drive in? All I want to know is which way to go, but there are so many signs and advertisements that my eyes don't know what to do with themselves.

Gloucester is the best.

Cobham is alright but i remember it being really busy all the time.
Has anyone been to Cornwall Services? If so, are you as non-plussed as I am about the excessive signage as you drive in? All I want to know is which way to go, but there are so many signs and advertisements that my eyes don't know what to do with themselves.

Gloucester is the best.

Cobham is alright but i remember it being really busy all the time.
Some of them are like packman but with ginsters as the ball things
I actually find Gloucester services profoundly disturbing. You get the impression that as the forests burn and the Northern Wall is finally breached by Fox's Iron battalion, there will still be people wandering around in salmon pink trousers buying up the last stocks of Stichelton.
Has anyone been to Cornwall Services? If so, are you as non-plussed as I am about the excessive signage as you drive in? All I want to know is which way to go, but there are so many signs and advertisements that my eyes don't know what to do with themselves.

I find that one borderline-dangerous to drive into/out of. One of the roundabouts seems badly thought out.

It's got a Co-op though!
That's also part of the Tebay chain I think, or at least they sell their stuff in the shop. But yeah, that's more of a petrol station :D

I quite like Lancaster's observation tower thing. I don't think I've ever stopped there though.

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This is Forton services. They renamed it Lancaster a few years ago, but all true brutalists still call it Forton.

The tower is actually a restaurant, but it's been unused for years because of fire regs.
As a resident non-Brit I’ve always felt that you really have to have been born here to see service stations with any fondness whatsoever.

The first one on the motorway, in particular if just a couple of junctions in, tends to be a bit of a shithole. I guess the owners long ago figured out the only people wanting to stop at a services two miles into their motorway journey/ away from their destination are those desperate for a shit, so there’s little point in making an effort. The one at the beginning of the M1 is particularly soul destroying, or at least was the only time I stopped there a few years ago.

Having said that, some are a lot more pleasant than others. I myself will choose those that have a Pizza Express as they serve alcohol- something that until relatively recently was unheard of (perhaps even illegal) in this blessed country.
As a resident non-Brit I’ve always felt that you really have to have been born here to see service stations with any fondness whatsoever.

The first one on the motorway, in particular if just a couple of junctions in, tends to be a bit of a shithole. I guess the owners long ago figured out the only people wanting to stop at a services two miles into their motorway journey/ away from their destination are those desperate for a shit, so there’s little point in making an effort. The one at the beginning of the M1 is particularly soul destroying, or at least was the only time I stopped there a few years ago.

Having said that, some are a lot more pleasant than others. I myself will choose those that have a Pizza Express as they serve alcohol- something that until relatively recently was unheard of (perhaps even illegal) in this blessed country.
you clearly haven't ever been to clacket lane road chef.
Gordano, circa 1987, because it was about half a mile from where I grew up and a great place to fuck about after you’d necked half a bottle of Blackthorn in the adjacent cornfield. In those days it had a decent adventure playground, a small petting zoo, an aviary with parrots and one of those ponds with shit remote controlled boats that you could operate for 20p. Plus a large array of phone boxes for ringing up the operator to swear at then run away frantically as if they had some kind of special police team staking them out. These places were a family day out back then.
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