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What is ‘smart casual’ for women


Is it my normal trousers and boots type thing or does the “smart” part mean not that. Cos that’s just casual and not smart.
It’s tomorrow I very can’t be arsed but kind of have to go.
I know what it means for men but what about me ? Work event but not a meeting an evening thing.
Nobody knows what smart casual means, particularly in the summer.

As long as nothing's torn or showing flesh in allegedly questionable places, you should be OK.
I’ll think about this in the morning, do have one thing that might be the answer. Sort of very long linen jackety thing that makes me look expensive & arty whatever it’s worn on top of, or so I like to imagine . Don’t feel like dressing up in an actual dress.
I just always take it to mean that stuff like ripped jeans, joggers/trackies, sports shorts, work boots, flip flops etc. is out.

Just what you'd wear out to a restaurant where you didn't want to look scruffy should be fine.
This is how I see it too.

Not scruffy, not work wear or sports wear though i would say a decent pair of trainers could be seen as smart casual.

Something that's more dressy than everyday but less dressy than formal wear.
No way ... I think most of those are too fussy and smart casual doesn't mean high heels any time..in my book.

Dark straight leg denims.
Nice classy belt. White shirt / blouse and blazer. Flat slip ons. That would be my smart casual as in for work.
This is good practical stuff thank you.
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