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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

Tried to get through Caligula last night. In theory, it should be pretty enjoyable, Peter O' Toole and Malcolm McDowell madding it up to a backdrop of Bacchanalian porn...
That doesn't answer my question. Is it anything to do with Henry Poole the savile row guy?

Just googled 'Henry Poole the savile row guy'...
Oh no it doesn't. It has nothing to do with suits or mayfair or london even.
It's about this depressed guy thinking he was dying from an incurable disease, and some bogus miracles.
Just googled 'Henry Poole the savile row guy'...
Oh no it doesn't. It has nothing to do with suits or mayfair or london even.
It's about this depressed guy thinking he was dying from an incurable disease, and some bogus miracles.

Oh right. Sounds interesting. Odd they chose such a famous name, or is it based on a real person?
Continuing my George Clooney season: Intolerable Cruelty. Hahaha. It was awful. Another of those films where I hated every single character, but found their corrupt, materialist-driven antics semi-amusing when observed from a safe distance. I know it's supposed to be comedy, but these sort of shallow, cliche-ridden ''relationship'' movies just make my nostrils flare.

I think that's an end to the short-lived Clooney season!

Getting back to some proper fillums :) I plan to watch La Historia Oficial this weekend.
Step Brothers - funny, cheesy good old classic US comedy style. Better than a lot of the recent fare. On a par with The Hangover I'd say :cool:
Children of Men.

Watched it for the first time last night and really enjoyed it. Some of the story was a bit naff in terms of being cliched (the paranoid terrorist group and immigration control thugs spring to mind), but visually it was a realistic depiction of near-future Britain (more litter and a few more video screens).

I particularly liked the one-take action scenes, from the earlier ambush in the woodland to the last one during the terrorist-instigated uprising in the refugee camp, where without pause main characters are matter of factly shot or blown up. Much like the earlier glimpse of the possible fate (execution) of Pam Ferris' midwife character, when dragged away by immigration guards as the bus keeps going on its way to the camp. There's a calm interlude too, allowing mother and child to escape, before a rocket hits a tank, triggering the resumption of carnage.

I'm probably going to get bashed because it's got Clive Owen in it.
"The Man Trap" - the first season episode of Star Trek (discounting the pilot and the episodes which were filmed before but shown after!) on blu-ray.

Plus a few extras including one excellent one about how they remastered the original print, the clarity is amazing, and also re-recorded the music using the original scoring etc..It all sounds and looks great. Jim Kirk's bare chest in HD. Fantastic!
Continuing my George Clooney season: Intolerable Cruelty. Hahaha. It was awful. Another of those films where I hated every single character, but found their corrupt, materialist-driven antics semi-amusing when observed from a safe distance. I know it's supposed to be comedy, but these sort of shallow, cliche-ridden ''relationship'' movies just make my nostrils flare.

I think that's an end to the short-lived Clooney season!

Getting back to some proper fillums :) I plan to watch La Historia Oficial this weekend.

Did you see that one where he jets around firing people? Me gusta.
The Black Swan. Not bad. Enjoyed the bits where Natalie Portman was going loopy. The fingernail bit is one of the cringiest things I've seen in a movie for years.
Love Exposure- Japanese film about religion, sex, family and knickers. Despite a running length of over 4 hours, it's quite watchable.
Nine - I take it back about Prince Of Persia, this is the worst film I'll see in 2011. Managed 35 minutes before the pretentious, over-blown storm of shite had to be abandoned. How did this get made?
Love Exposure- Japanese film about religion, sex, family and knickers. Despite a running length of over 4 hours, it's quite watchable.

Watched the first disc of this t'other night, wasnt what I expected!! Will maybe watch the other two soon, didnt grab me that much.

I also watched Tron Legacy last night, excellent visually but couldnt follow the story too well (havent seen the original though so....)
Nine - I take it back about Prince Of Persia, this is the worst film I'll see in 2011. Managed 35 minutes before the pretentious, over-blown storm of shite had to be abandoned. How did this get made?

Nine the musical or Nine the animation?
The animation is fantastic. Agree if you meant the musical.
In a fit if drunken apathy I found myself watching 'what a girl wants' again. Now that really is the shittest film ever made. It's brainpoundingly bad in every way, so much so the torture is almost enjoyable.
Just watched Eva remake film 2.
Does not make anything mysterious as before though, everything is spelt out (when mentioned). Shame in a way but if you watched the TV series you would know anyway so it doesn't really matter.
22 Bullets - Jean Reno - mafia revenge type stuff - he's a retired head of a French gang - his life-long friend takes over - all is well until they decide to wipe out Jean Reno :( and he is shot 22 times :( but he doesn't die :) horrah!! and sets out to wreak revenge

I thought it was excellent - really enjoyed it - very violent

Hilariously shit :D

I lost count of the amount of times me and my housemate shouted / laughed at the telly "Nooo, that's fucking stupid", etc.

And Maggie Grace appears to be aging backwards :hmm:
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