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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

Black Swan

Very impressive, almost as if Lynch, Polanski and Cronenberg had got together on a film :D

Great performance by Portman (and Barbara Hershey as the Carrie-esque mum too).

A few duff moments, but overall very good.
I didn't think Portman's performance was as good as it's praised.

I did like the part where she's drunk and her mom asked where she's been. She answered, 'the moon... and back'. That was good.
The Sentinel.

A Michael Winner 'horror' with an astounding cast (Ava Gardner, Eli Wallach, Chris Sarandon, Jeff Goldblum, Christopher Walken, Martin Balsam, John Carradine) and a half decent basic storyline, but fuck all else to recommend it. Misogynist drivel.
Mr. Nobody -

Perhaps one of the best underrated films ever.
If the choosing of a particular love has consequences, for better or for worse, it's fuckin' beautiful nevertheless.
The BBC HD version of Dickens's Bleak House. Oh how I would like to grab hold of the producer, the two directors and D.P. and burn the fucking lot of them alive. Woosh-Swoosh-Rapid Cuts-Epilpetic Cam-Zillions Of Close-Ups and Jesus knows what! All in all a savage attempt to fuck up good and proper one of Britain's foremost story tellers and stories.

How come they don't train these bozos in the art of filming? You never see that kind of crap gimmicy on the Coen Brothers films or anything shot by Robby Müller.
wut? It was the best dickens adaptation I've seen. I absolutely loved it!
I watched Avatar at last, and really enjoyed it - bit too long, but I love the blue fellas and the jellyfish in the air and the glowing Tree of Wise Spaghetti, and I even half fancied the cripple marine (the top half, that is).

I watched Avatar at last, and really enjoyed it - bit too long, but I love the blue fellas and the jellyfish in the air and the glowing Tree of Wise Spaghetti, and I even half fancied the cripple marine (the top half, that is).


visually its good but its so predictable
I watched Justice..A Cross the Universe about their tour of America in 2008. I liked their album although I've never really followed them or even knew what they looked like. My mate recommended it as a good music film, it did get pretty mental as far as their behaviour went.

Bizarrely I was in California at the time and they were sat next to us on the plane home.
The BBC HD version of Dickens's Bleak House. Oh how I would like to grab hold of the producer, the two directors and D.P. and burn the fucking lot of them alive. Woosh-Swoosh-Rapid Cuts-Epilpetic Cam-Zillions Of Close-Ups and Jesus knows what! All in all a savage attempt to fuck up good and proper one of Britain's foremost story tellers and stories.

How come they don't train these bozos in the art of filming? You never see that kind of crap gimmicy on the Coen Brothers films or anything shot by Robby Müller.

I despair. Same goes for 28 Weeks Later which was fucked totally by Juan Carlos Fresnadillo. Why don't these people take to serving in a chippy given they haven't got cock all idea about having a rapport with a script or a sense of cinema.


it's something about british filmakers. far too arty and pretentious, whilst being completely unable to tell a good story. i tried watching 'heartless' last night, found it unendurable and amateurish. everything about the plot, characters, situations jarred against reality. even the tv news reports were ludicrously unrealistic, and to me that's the sign of incompetent storytelling, relying on fake news reports to advance the plot. much like voice over narrations, another staple of the british film industry
how to train your dragon.
there was literally fuck all worth watching, so i put this on instead.
and was surprised how much i enjoyed it. even made it to the end. a good one for the family
Prince Of Persia - One of the worst films ever made. Why I even got half way through it I don't know.
I watched 'He's just not that into you' to remind myself what a bunch of cunts the male side of the species can be. Was going pretty well until the end when they all shacked up anyway :rolleyes: rubbish. Scarlett johansson was hot though.
The Killer Inside Me.

Hmm ...


Pol Pot's Executioner: Welcome to Hell

Not a DVD but a BBC Storyville documentary of one hour thirty minutes, broadcast on BBC4 first a couple of days ago, and now on iPlayer.

It made a few niggling factual errors, but moving overall. Some interesting old footage too.
i watched True Grit the other day, the John Wayne version - great stuff. I thought John Wayne was a joke, but he's great here as Rooster Cogburn. Kim Darby is very different to Haillee Stansfield as Mattie Ross, more innocent and less gritty but equally single minded. It's shot in lovely Technicolor and it's a nice surprise to see Dennis Hopper and Robert Duvall (has he always looked old?) pop up early in their careers
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