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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

Most of the Borgias over the past six days. Excellent stuff, but it's distracting me from Thrones, so I need to get it finished. Four episodes left for tmoz night :cool: :cool: :cool:
Going in Style (2017) - IMDb
Some guys nearing retirement get screwed out of their jobs and pensions and begin struggling with the bills. After one gets caught up in a bank robbery, they decide to do the same themselves. Strong cast, should have been funnier, kinda film you'd watch with your Nan. 6/10

The Circle (2017) - IMDb
The Circle, AKA facebook, and how a tech company end up wanting to control the world. A bit out there, unrealistic and the main character (Played by Emma Watson) is just so unlikable and an idiot that you just hate her. Tom Hanks also stars as a Mak Zuckerberg/Steve Jobs hybrid but again comes across as a bit of a prick. Film doesn't go where I'd have liked it to go, and seemingly just ends abruptly. 5/10
John Wick 2. Lots of guns and head shots but not enough cars, and they managed the trick (again) of not minding Keanu Reeves being on screen. Shows another way to handle the loss of a loved one: get a nice suit on and go out and kill lots of bad people. Something in that for all of us, I think. 7/10.
Brighton Pride today so I thought I'd watch camp cult film "Auntie Mame" (1958) and very funny it was too. Rosalind Russell in the title role is great but at 2.5 hours long it could maybe do with losing 30 mins to stop it sagging in places.
John Wick 2. Lots of guns and head shots but not enough cars, and they managed the trick (again) of not minding Keanu Reeves being on screen. Shows another way to handle the loss of a loved one: get a nice suit on and go out and kill lots of bad people. Something in that for all of us, I think. 7/10.
Keanu Reeves pops up quite unexpectedly as the clinical psychologist in Bred in The Bone-Netflix.I watched this last night expecting to be under-whelmed but it was okay.Its about teens struggling with eating disorders which,as we know,are on the rise and beyond the scope of a lot of GPs.Its a frightening phenomenon,hard to fathom and the film brings this out and still manages to end on an optimistic note.8/10
A Fish Called Wanda (1988) - IMDb
Yep, I'd never seen this, and it is delightfully funny and British with the best possible outcome you could hope for! 7/10

The Lovers (2017) - IMDb
This started off really well, and the bloke, kinda reminded me of me, especially in scenes when his wife is crying and as a bloke, you stand there for a bit, try to console, they move away, you hang your head etc..., and then there's the crazy woman he's having an affair with who just seems a fucking nightmare, and reminded me of another ex. Anyway, married couple, both having affairs, the woman, is having an affair with Littlefinger from GoT so that's a little weird, and both are planning when to tell the other, before they eventually end up back in bed with each other to make it even more complex. Despite the good start, this seemed to drag in the end for a film that only goes on for 1h40m. 5/10
Ghost in the Shell.

Better than I expected, even though it didn't have anything we hadn't seen before, e.g. in Bladerunner and the Matrix.

Good action, and some good acting from some of the cast (not Scarlet J. as the cyborg though).

DotCommunist, did you see this one? If so, what was the Kimble verdict?
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance. Surprisingly enjoyable, mainly thanks to excellent special effects. My 8yo son pronounced it one of the best films he's ever seen, which probably means it has perfectly fulfilled its brief.
Ghost in the Shell.

Better than I expected, even though it didn't have anything we hadn't seen before, e.g. in Bladerunner and the Matrix.

Good action, and some good acting from some of the cast (not Scarlet J. as the cyborg though).

DotCommunist, did you see this one? If so, what was the Kimble verdict?
Not seen it yet, caught the anime way back. Will see if theres a d/l. I recall a fair amount of complaints about whitewashing surrounding the live action earlier this year

I was really enjoying upto the point (after just over an hour) that i fell asleep :oops:
Not seen it yet, caught the anime way back. Will see if theres a d/l. I recall a fair amount of complaints about whitewashing surrounding the live action earlier this year
Yeah, there were a couple of scenes that did feel awkward like that. Maybe if they had just set it in a generic dystopia, and not a specific Neo-Tokyo?
It Follows. An extremely well made horror film with a limited budget. Almost no special effects, it makes you check out everyone in the background for possible threat. Constantly rotating the camera 360 slowly, you scan every person, every alley, every door. Effective and engaging with (for a teen horror) a compelling narrative and lots of undertones.

Baby Driver. aka The Fault in our Cars. Edgar Wright is on top, top form. There's a transition scene early on using sunglasses. Quality actors all over, great music, great action.
Plan Z

odd little zombie film that looks like it cost very little to produce but holds together well enough

docu on Grinling Gibbon. Worked in limewood during the Restoration era, wood carver to the bourgeoisie and the royals
Yeah, there were a couple of scenes that did feel awkward like that. Maybe if they had just set it in a generic dystopia, and not a specific Neo-Tokyo?
well I watched it and I don't think it could have been done without that neo-tokyo background. It's one of the films strengths that the background is so engaging, also theres a nice amount of body discomfort stuff, the way they jack in and all the bio/mech mod stuff. It wasn't a bad story but it feels strangely of its time although it is modern as a film (which being an adapt you'd expect) but not just in the themes, the styling over all. Impossibly large lightweight guns that fire high rates per second. Cyberpunk future. Rain and water, neon. And the bloke who plays her partner? white hair and robot eyes? They wanted Malcom McDowell 10 years ago. Mabe Tankgirl era, which is when this film would have blown my brainz out with cool. But despite my critiscisms it was very good for what it was. Oh, the other thing which ties into fifth element tempers bladerunner visual style I was getting. Fractured beautiful assasin woman. Flawed and deadly. So Leeloo from fifth element, Dollhouse. Battle Angel Alita. You see where I'm going with this. Her invisibility suit is her birthday suit near enough.
Fanfare (1958) - Dutch comedy about a small village brass band that splits into two competing sides after the local cafe owners fall out. Very charming, very funny, lovely footage of the canals and waterways, even the cows and ducks give good performances.
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thanks to the inestimable programmers of freeview channel London Live I was able to catch this one without having to pop down to Poundland


and despite being a whole pound better off I'm still slightly..... processing the experience

whilst the title suggests a product with a target audience for whom sophisticated command of english, or indeed language based communication generally, is by no means a requirement, emanating from one of those back-room film companies whose emails Jason Statham's spam detector sends straight to the trash bin the first slightly surprising indication to the contrary was the cast list

Mickey Rourke
Daryl Hannah
Eric Roberts
Michael Madsen
Jeff Fahey
Alan Ford
Gary Daniels

hmm..... people you have actually heard of - OK in some cases not for a considerable period of time but still...and yeah you did read that right - they actually got THE Gary Daniels in the title role

and to his credit his rather more minimalist approach to the craft of acting was in no way shown up by the somewhat broader style on display from others amongst the cast. Connoisseurs will particularly enjoy the Hannah-Madsen double act wearing expressions that could either have been the result of past, not entirely successful, surgical procedures or else genuine surprise that they were actually appearing in this shit

whilst the cheap digital cinematography imparts a strangely surreal patina to the whole thing that in some ways helps viewers contending with Beirut-on-a-budget scenes of urban mayhem performed in incongruous London film locations. The demented & whacky rogue-vigilante "plot" however ( "Please I have a wife & kids" "They're better off without you" ) was almost enough to make one nostalgic for the restrained authenticity of Michael Winner's higher-numbered Death Wish instalments

as if all of that wasn't enough daftness for 90 minutes sofa time Gary Daniels began to take on a distracting resemblance to a startlingly homicidal although it must be admitted , rather more entertaining version of Paul Mason

thanks to the inestimable programmers of freeview channel London Live I was able to catch this one without having to pop down to Poundland

View attachment 113224

and despite being a whole pound better off I'm still slightly..... processing the experience

whilst the title suggests a product with a target audience for whom sophisticated command of english, or indeed language based communication generally, is by no means a requirement, emanating from one of those back-room film companies whose emails Jason Statham's spam detector sends straight to the trash bin the first slightly surprising indication to the contrary was the cast list

Mickey Rourke
Daryl Hannah
Eric Roberts
Michael Madsen
Jeff Fahey
Alan Ford
Gary Daniels

hmm..... people you have actually heard of - OK in some cases not for a considerable period of time but still...and yeah you did read that right - they actually got THE Gary Daniels in the title role

and to his credit his rather more minimalist approach to the craft of acting was in no way shown up by the somewhat broader style on display from others amongst the cast. Connoisseurs will particularly enjoy the Hannah-Madsen double act wearing expressions that could either have been the result of past, not entirely successful, surgical procedures or else genuine surprise that they were actually appearing in this shit

whilst the cheap digital cinematography imparts a strangely surreal patina to the whole thing that in some ways helps viewers contending with Beirut-on-a-budget scenes of urban mayhem performed in incongruous London film locations. The demented & whacky rogue-vigilante "plot" however ( "Please I have a wife & kids" "They're better off without you" ) was almost enough to make one nostalgic for the restrained authenticity of Michael Winner's higher-numbered Death Wish instalments

as if all of that wasn't enough daftness for 90 minutes sofa time Gary Daniels began to take on a distracting resemblance to a startlingly homicidal although it must be admitted , rather more entertaining version of Paul Mason

View attachment 113225
LOL at THE Gary Daniels. Had to look him up. Can't remember him in The Expendables. Haven't seen owt else he's been in
A bit of catching up from the last several nights

Norman: The Moderate Rise and Tragic Fall of a New York Fixer (2016) - IMDb
Richard Gere stars as Norman who is a fixer, mainly dealing with American-Isreali business and politics. It's not very exciting, but there's some good bits. 6/10

King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017) - IMDb
Different spin on a very old tale, that was better than I was expecting. 7/10

Shot Caller (2017) - IMDb
A couple had already mentioned this so I gave it a go purely based on what people had said, and they were right, a well good gritty prison film starring that guy who plays Jaime in GoT. Surprised they didn't make a bigger deal out of this, but seems a small studio and budget, deserves to become a cult classic. 8/10
Billion Dollar Brain

Michael Caine has to try to stop a mad American billionaire from starting World War 3.

Freshly relevant for obvious reasons. I'm surprised it's not a major cult film.
A bit of catching up from the last several nights

Norman: The Moderate Rise and Tragic Fall of a New York Fixer (2016) - IMDb
Richard Gere stars as Norman who is a fixer, mainly dealing with American-Isreali business and politics. It's not very exciting, but there's some good bits. 6/10

King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017) - IMDb
Different spin on a very old tale, that was better than I was expecting. 7/10

Shot Caller (2017) - IMDb
A couple had already mentioned this so I gave it a go purely based on what people had said, and they were right, a well good gritty prison film starring that guy who plays Jaime in GoT. Surprised they didn't make a bigger deal out of this, but seems a small studio and budget, deserves to become a cult classic. 8/10
shot caller is quite good even if the ending is daft and cheese]

That king arthur one though, fuck me thats expensive looking trash.

I also watched the new Ducktales, David Tennant voices the capitalist duck.
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