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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

I recently watched Outland with my mum. A lone Marshal deserted by his deputies in a frontier town, awaits the arrival of hired guns in the pay of a corrupt mining manager and organised crime, for a pump-action shotgun showdown.
I'm currently watching 'Gettysburg' with an all star cast, loads of heavyweight battle scenes and an excellent epic war film, IMHO.
Baader Mienhoff Complex

Fuck yeah.

Also quite pleased with the cinematography- it was able to convey period. Slightly annoyed that everyone in it smoked like a bastard cos I have done near half an ounce of Amber Leaf while watching. Has thrown a lot of questions at me.
Scott Pilgrim. No story and the fact that Scott was a douche to kinves made it hard to be on his side. Not total shit but I wont be watching it again.

On the subject of watching stuff again, I didnt really watch scott pilgrim last night, I watched it a few days ago. last night I watched panic au village again for the millionth time. I have it on my phone and watched it in a drunken stupor on the train home laughing like a drain.
Baader Mienhoff Complex

Fuck yeah.

Also quite pleased with the cinematography- it was able to convey period. Slightly annoyed that everyone in it smoked like a bastard cos I have done near half an ounce of Amber Leaf while watching. Has thrown a lot of questions at me.

It's awful! Terrible.
Into Eternity. A documentary about the Onkalo nuclear waste facility in Finland, the only deep level storage facility being constructed in the world. It doesn't go into the usual anti nuclear arguments, but looks at the philosophical issues around creating a hazardous waste facility that you hope will last 100,000 years and that you hope future generations and civilizations will 'remember to forget'. It strays into sci-fi as it is a letter to the future, but this is a useful device to convey the massive time-scales involved in the project.

It's riveting and scary stuff.
I had a 9 hour plane journey from hell sandwiched between two overstuffed people and with no toilet break, so I watched 5 films in a row.
Black Swan - over-the-top enjoyable nonsense. i'm no expert on ballet, but portman's a bit of a hoofer isn't she? is that what she got the Oscar for? that and gurning?
True Grit - high quality western, though, i had to turn up the headphones and rewind a couple of times to follow the dialogue.
An Education - surprisingly good. excellent performances from everyone. reluctant credits to nick hornby for the script.
Due Date - perfunctory rehash of Planes, Trains & Automobiles, except with no sympathetic characters.
RED - I was pretty delirious by then so didn't pay it much attention. Lots of old people shooting at each other. I think I gave it the attention it deserved.
Dogville. Quite liked the way it was set up; the idea of the town with no walls appealed at the beginning but got I bored with the slow plot and fell asleep half way through.
Zebraman 2 - yet another crap new Miike, i think this is the 5th or 6th in a row i've failed to finish..

Yeah, saw the trailer a while back and it didnt look great. First film is good though.
I was just talking about Miike with a friend yesterday and suddently realised he hast done anything good for years now. I guess he really was just a director for hire like he said. In the old days he got low budget fast turn around jobs and made something of them, now he has bags of time a money and makes very run of the mill family crap.
Coffee and Cigarettes yesterday afternoon which my mate recommended and hyped a bit so it's been waiting to be watched for a while. Probably not as great as she said but I enjoyed it all the same, Iggy Pop and Tom Waits, Steve oogan and Alfred Molina and GZA, RZA and Bill Murray were probably my favourites.

Jackass 3 last night. I read the 3D stuff was really good on the big screen and spent the film looking for the obvious 3D bits and thinking, "yeah that would be good". The stunts and larks aren't as good as they once were, still plenty of peurile laughter though. Steve O looks like shit in some parts of the film, and not just the bits where he gets covered in it.
I really liked this, thought it was miles better than I Saw the Devil which is the other Korean one being bigged up right now.

I Saw The Devil -

I tried to like the Bourne type lead character but he just pissed me off (2D as hell).
Ended up sympathising with that serial killer/ rapist - and that's just plain wrong. WTF.

Not as good as The Chaser or Memories of Murder.

And yep, The Man From Nowhere is way better.
Wake Wood: Low-budget horror from the new Hammer company. The 'demonic child' idea has surely been run into the ground but this puts a clever, chilling spin on it. Atmosphere-wise it reminded me of The Wicker Man (creepy villagers carrying out terrible, secret rituals), while its main theme (the horror and madness of grief) was straight out of Antichrist. The ending is gloriously nasty and beautifully set-up.

That said, it has more than its fair share of clunky contrivances and outright plot holes, some of which had me shaking my head in disbelief.
The Hole....A kids horror film (from the fella who made Gremlins I think). Uses a lot of familiar plot ideas as 'real' horror films and is actually pretty scary in places for a 12. It's also another film that was 3D in the pictures so the little un spent a lot of the film spotting the bits meant to be in 3D.
Mde in Dagenham the other day. Bit boring but I did cry at the end which is very unusual for me. Last night I watched an australian film called Bitter and Twisted which was the best thing I have seen in a very long time, amazing script, amazing acting. Reminded me a little bit of Magnolia, similar look to it.
watched The Social Network, quite enjoyed it, the FB guy doesn't come across as very likeable, can't imagine he was too pleased about his portrayal.
Perfume - Story Of A Murder. Great visual, visceral film, wish they'd written a more original story to go with the nicely thought out theme rather than a standard serial killer hunt dropped into 18th Century France though.
Perfume - Story Of A Murder. Great visual, visceral film, wish they'd written a more original story to go with the nicely thought out theme rather than a standard serial killer hunt dropped into 18th Century France though.
I saw that at the cinema when it came out - hated it tbh - it did look beautiful, but I came out pissed off at wasting money to see it - can't remember what I hated about it now.
The title of this thread should be called just 'what film did you see?' as i've just seen Source Code at the cinema. I should have gone to see Cave Of Forgotten Dreams instead as this was a load of guff, though never a dull moment.
Just watched 'When the wind blows'. Kind of wish I hadn't. Very disturbing. But glad I wasn't around in the cold war...
Just watching Brewsters Millions, quality mid sunday afternoon film of 80s greatness.

Gonna follow this up with as much as series four of X-men i can be arsed with as i am tired in the face.
Battle: Los Angeles Or keep the feckin camera still willya! would be a better title! Or even shakey cam! Jesus if you need an excuse to give up watchin American films this is it.........One big pile of turd,,, Avoid! Fink i will watch sum estonian film about mobile phones to balance me head out. Wiv subtitles of course/
Battle: Los Angeles Or keep the feckin camera still willya! would be a better title! Or even shakey cam! Jesus if you need an excuse to give up watchin American films this is it.........One big pile of turd,,, Avoid! Fink i will watch sum estonian film about mobile phones to balance me head out. Wiv subtitles of course/

Fuck, I came here to moan about this! Saw it last night and expected it to be at least a decent action flick. What a piece of shit. Even Aaron Eckhardt was crap. God he must've cringed coming out of with some of those lines he got given.
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