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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

The Lost Honour of Christopher Jefferies. A very respectful and senstive telling of the real-life story of retired schoolteacher Christopher Jefferies who was initially questioned by police as a suspect in the murder of Jo Yeates.

Jason Watkins does a fanatasic job portraying the naturally quirky outsider, who was villified because he existed on the edge of societal norms. It's a brilliant performance which doesn't try to wring any laughs out of the character or his affectations and unsual place in the world.

I really enjoyed it.
Mr Right

Reformed-ish contract killer meets deranged lunatic girl, they fall in love, stuff happens.

The plot's not exactly deep or thought-provoking, but I thought Sam Rockwell and Anna Kendrick were outstanding in the lead roles. Perplexed why it didn't go down better with the critics. I'm sure it would have if it had eg Tarantino's name somewhere in the credits.


Another one that seems not to have scored that highly, and I'm sure wouldn't hold up so well to close examination. But fuck it, the film is fun - is that not enough anymore FFS?
I dosed myself a triple set of What We Do In The Shadows, Bloodsucking Bastards, and Housebound the other day too.

Wouldn't bother with the latter, although it's not without merit. Bloodsucking Bastards is good fun, with a definite Office Space influence going on.

But the stand-out film of the three is by far What We Do In The Shadows. Has to be one of my favourite films in recent memory now. Loved it.
I dosed myself a triple set of What They Do In The Shadows, Bloodsucking Bastards, and Housebound the other day too.

Wouldn't bother with the latter, although it's not without merit. Bloodsucking Bastards is good fun, with a definite Office Space influence going on.

But the stand-out film of the three is by far What They Do In The Shadows. Has to be one of my favourite films in recent memory now. Loved it.
Housebound is a gazillion times better than Bloodsucking Bastards !

Agree on What They Do In The Shadows, it was my favourite film of last year.
Housebound is a gazillion times better than Bloodsucking Bastards !

Agree on What They Do In The Shadows, it was my favourite film of last year.

What? Housebound's brilliant
Meh - maybe it was the mood I was in then. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy it, and didn't see the twists coming until they were right on me.
I enjoyed the dialogue-preemptive 'Oh, that's why the teddy/food/power/etc' feeling too.
I just didn't enjoy it as much as the other two.
The reason why I liked it so much had less to do with the plot twists, though they were good. Genre films which are as strong on characterisation and dialogue as Housebound are rare and the two actresses who played mother and daughter were fantastic. The film is really about how Kylie goes from someone who is stuck in obnoxious suspended adolescence to responsible human being. And her chatterbox mum is annoying and lovely in the way many mums are.
Columbo: Blueprint for Murder

this time its a posh architect and I don't want to ruin it but columbo gets his man

also episde 6 season 2 of Powers, whih is refreshingly good for a show lost among the current glut of this sort of show
a half dozen episodes of the Marvel's Avengers Assemble cartoon. Suprisingly good, must have been released in line with the film but they have spared no detail and the writers celarly know the universe like the back of their hands. More tonight, I'm avoiding the tele cos its full of stupid people saying stupid things atm
Sicario - it started out well, I thought it would be what True Detective S2 should have been, but then it all got a bit meh. Best thermal image camera sequences I've seen in a movie though.
Guardians of the Galaxy - good fun but I'm tiring of the Marvel one on one combats, mass shoot 'em ups and all that... they get a bit samey.

Apart from the Netflix adaptations. So far.
funnily enough I watched Marvel also: more of the avengers assemble cartoon. It can be very crude in places but sometimes the writing shows a deft touch. Animation is uniformly top notch

also, last ep of this seasons GoT. Fairly epic. Not as good as last weeks battle though, that was some fucked up shit
Guardians of the Galaxy - good fun but I'm tiring of the Marvel one on one combats, mass shoot 'em ups and all that... they get a bit samey.

Apart from the Netflix adaptations. So far.
That and Deadpool have to be my favourites - not just crash bang wallop like some are.
Aside from showcasing a satirical hero I didn't see the purpose of Deadpool. It was a fairly flimsy film once the juvenile jokes were removed.
Fingersmith - BBC adaptation of the novel from 2005. Apparently Sarah Waters was quite impressed by it. Not sure, myself. The book was more engaging. The screen version veered into melodrama at times.
She's one of my favourite modern day authors. I think I've seen the film but it obviously wasn't that memorable.
The Lost Honour of Christopher Jefferies. A very respectful and senstive telling of the real-life story of retired schoolteacher Christopher Jefferies who was initially questioned by police as a suspect in the murder of Jo Yeates.

Jason Watkins does a fanatasic job portraying the naturally quirky outsider, who was villified because he existed on the edge of societal norms. It's a brilliant performance which doesn't try to wring any laughs out of the character or his affectations and unsual place in the world.

I really enjoyed it.
Ever seen the hunt? It's along these lines. A very well made danish film based on a very sad story.
The first half of S1 of Transparent.
It's so good!
What a family. The three children are such fuck ups but fuck ups in a plausible and real way. I identity with the youngest daughter so much it's embarrassing.
They could have been so selfish and unlikeable but it's a credit to the writing and acting that you love that family and want them all to be happy. And I'm only 5 episodes in. It's only half an hour long, which again is so impressive as I feel like I've watched an hour long show. I know way much more about everyone than I would have found in some hour long dramas.
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The first half of S1 of Transparent.
It's so good!
What a family. The three children are such fuck ups but fuck ups in a plausible and real way. I identity with the youngest daughter so much it's embarrassing.
They could have been so selfish and unlikeable but it's a credit to the writing and acting that you love that family and want them all to be happy. And I'm only 5 episodes in. It's only half an hour long, which again is so impressive as I feel like I've watched an hour long show. I know way much more about everyone than I would have found in some hour long dramas.
Yes I enjoyed this season one and two but the kids are hopeless, esp the son!
The Lost Honour of Christopher Jefferies. A very respectful and senstive telling of the real-life story of retired schoolteacher Christopher Jefferies who was initially questioned by police as a suspect in the murder of Jo Yeates.

Jason Watkins does a fanatasic job portraying the naturally quirky outsider, who was villified because he existed on the edge of societal norms. It's a brilliant performance which doesn't try to wring any laughs out of the character or his affectations and unsual place in the world.

I really enjoyed it.
Watched last night. Loved it. Didn't know he went on to champion Hacked Off. Good got him. I was expecting him to be a total recluse but he was just odd and looked a bit funny.
The Invitation, excellent new thriller which almost entirely takes place over the course of a dinner party. A bit of a slow burn, but none the worse for it, as it's all about accumulating detail and growing paranoia. Very well shot, great sound design, very tense and one of the better films I've seen recently.

Trailer here, though you may want to go in cold:

Seconded. Watched this last night and it's all the above.

I followed it up tonight with another horror/thriller, Hush. A more basic plot than The Invitation and with only two main characters but once the first ten minutes are done the tension is tighter than cramp throughout. Highly recommended.

Dark Places - Charlize Theron murder/mystery type thing, also starring Nicholas Hoult...Barely worth bothering with.

Some more episodes of American Crime - loving it.
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