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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

What about the plot was smart?

Off the top of my head -

The small touches to hint at the fracas that went before (the door, jelly beans, the coffee being shit), Major Warren's probing of 'Bob' in the stable and later on, it wasn't over the top and it mixed the truth and lies to catch 'Bob' out, something we find out later Warren has been doing for years with the Lincoln Letter.

The character's shifting allegiances all made sense in the wider context too, they may have felt like caricatures at times but their motivations made sense and no loose ends, not an easy thing to plot over a near-3 hour film.
Off the top of my head -

The small touches to hint at the fracas that went before (the door, jelly beans, the coffee being shit), Major Warren's probing of 'Bob' in the stable and later on, it wasn't over the top and it mixed the truth and lies to catch 'Bob' out, something we find out later Warren has been doing for years with the Lincoln Letter.

The character's shifting allegiances all made sense in the wider context too, they may have felt like caricatures at times but their motivations made sense and no loose ends, not an easy thing to plot over a near-3 hour film.

All nice touches, but I didn't feel they were anything more than playful or anything more than an average episode of columbo...
Finished watching Hap & Leonard on Prime. It's not amazing great, but more than good enough to hold you through. I can't really point out why I enjoyed it, just that I did. The leads mesh well, I guess.
I watched the last couple of episodes of The People v OJ Simpson which were great and I started on the last season of The Good Wife.
More Line of Duty. It just gets better. You think the complexity will fall off and it'll start being obvious but it doesn't.
I want to know what you think of the very ending DC. Not going to spoiler it for you but would be very interested for your reaction when you get to end of s3!
Watched a sci fi film called air with Norman Reedus. Bit of a throwback to 70s budget sci fi.

Two engineers overseeing some cryo-chamber underground after the air on earth becomes polluted....some of their equipment starts to fail and they get a bit intense.

I wanted to like it, but it was kinda dull, although it had merits and the director showed promise.
I want to know what you think of the very ending DC. Not going to spoiler it for you but would be very interested for your reaction when you get to end of s3!
I shall keep you informed. Its fascinating to watch someone who doesn't think he is bad letting shit roll down a slope of shit and it turning turning into a giant boulder of shit chasing him down the tunnel like he is Indiana Jones. That and the power games they play with each other. Not yank style house of cards power games either. Those slights, that odd g up, that fuckaround. Vipers the lot of them
The Martian, which was fine and no more. I'm not even sure why the film didn't really land with me, everything about it (apart from the unimaginative use of 70s pop music) worked pretty well. It reminded me of Gravity and Contact, both of which I like better, even though The Martian is probably a less flawed film.
Three episodes into Season 7 of The Good Wife. It's the televisual equivalent of comfort food for me and I will so miss it after I've watched all of this final season.
Captain America: Civil War

bit too busy. some excellent fights though which always saves the day for me. scarlet witch was pretty good and they've got peter parker tonally perfect
Planet Hulk. Hulk ends up on another planet because reasons and it turns out he's needed to help defeat baddies by smash, which I so didn't see coming.

at no point did he revert back to Banner, I assume by this point in the comics there had been some seperation between jeckyl&hyde so now they are two entities. This Hulk is more articulate than most times you see him but still relies on everyone else to do the exposition cons he's a Hulk of few words, still
Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story Of Cannon Films.
Very entertaining and funny.
I now have a slew of bad films to watch. I've already downloaded The Apple.
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