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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

Nooo. It was too silly to be funny.

Like when his dog saves him and his girlfriend, when they're trapped in the bear enclosure, by negotiating with one of them.

In subtitles: "You'll always be a friend of the bears." :facepalm:
i watched Dancer in The Dark, well i watched the first 20 minutes then got bored and read a book whilst watching the rest of it with one eye. is everyone in it meant to be acting really badly in it? i guess so, but it made it a bit hard to watch. and i didn't dig the music at all. still nice that the director tried something different i guess even if it turned out a bit shit.
A Bay Of Blood aka Twitch Of The Death Nerve: Mario Bava's hugely influential slasher flick from 1971. There are some genuinely brilliant moments (I particularly love the artful, inventive way Bava cuts between certain scenes), but the plot's horribly convoluted and the twist ending is (deliberately) absurd. Thoroughly enjoyable though.
Pusher 3...the final scenes are :eek: Think I liked 2 the most.

Just started watching Mad Men, 3 eps in, liking it so far.
Dai Nihonjin (Big Japanese man)

Fake fly on the wall doc about a looser who turns into a giant to fight monsters for the Japanese army.
A little bit like the office with giant fighting over tokyo bits. Personally I would have liked more big man fighting odd monsters, when he stops to have a chat with one of the monsters you can see far more comedy potential was available. The best bit though was when the CGI stops and they act out the last bit of the film with a model miniature sized tokyo, throwing toy trucks and the like with a US parody of the Ultraman family.
Coco before Chanel which was ok, had to watch it in two parts as couldn't multitask hrough the subtitles.
Where the Wild thngs are which I found genuinely heart breaking.
Intolance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages. Wow, the Fall Of Babylon story is utterly amazing, reminisent of some battles in the recent LOTR films even (but there was no CGI in 1916 of course).
It's a shame that some of the French & Judean sequences have been lost leaving the film a bit lop sided leaning toward the 2 more complete stories.

Powerful stuff but a mile away from the book. There's loads more in the book as you'd expect but the film benefits from seeing the faces of the soldiers , seeing how young they are and how hard they're finding it to keep it together when they get back.
"Carlos" (the jackal). the truncated version. this film i later learned was a 5hrs, 3 part french-german miniseries aired by canal+.
edgar ramirez plays the multi lingual, charismatic ideologue, llich (carlos). nora von waldensttaten plays magdelena kopp (carlos' future wife), a
forger and member of red army faction.

the performances are very accomplished, even by seemingly irrelevant cast members.

this was helped by great direction and a brilliant script.
Five Easy Pieces on Blu-ray, which is part of a Criterion collection called America Lost and Found: The BBS Story that collects seven late 60s/early 70s classics of the American New Wave. Never had seen it before. Maybe a little dated in its subject matter of a middle class drop out, but still a great film, beautifully shot and acted and I think it's the first film where Jack Nicholson's persona and style got a platform.
Yesterday ...American Werewolf in London and Bad Santa

Today...first 7 episodes of series 2 of Mad Men, just off to watch Micmacs. I've seen it thought it was great, recommended it to the little un so hoping he'll love it too.
Just watched most of Young Sherlock Holmes (only cos its crimbo) still like it though even if young Sherlock Holmes to trusterfarian, foot loosing gimp in Lock Stock is a bit lame....

Not sure about tonight. Might have some dedicated xbox binge action :)
Carriers - Survivors-style tale about a world in which most people have been wiped out by some terrible epidemic. Surprisingly good as it keeps the story low-key and personal, focusing on a small group of survivors - including Star Trek's Chris Pine - slowly but surely losing their humanity as they battle to stay alive.

Vampyr - German horror film from the early 1930s. Creepy, sinister and atmospheric, although story-wise not very involving.
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