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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

Just watched Battle in Seattle and Youth In Revolt (both cracking films! highly reccommended, I expect most have already seen BiS) and half of Deception before windows update reset my pc automatically, the second half of it is shit anyway so i'll just go to sleep now.

Do you reccommend I'm Still Here?
Shaun the sheep (party animals) Funniest thing ive seen in ages especially the one were the farmer has his birthday party! The part were the sheep is dressed as a dalek and tries getting up the stairs had me in stitches!!!!!
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Enter The Void

Noe's taken the piss royally on this one, catapulting himself from relatively obscure but promising film maker class to Lynch like proportions of epic self indulgence, originality and genuine impact. From the very start you know its going to be different, something a lot of films attempt to be, but rarely manage to pull off without reminding you of something you've already seen before. The camera work is incredible, long uncut shots where the camera flies through streets, above houses, through walls and into peoples heads where you can hear them think.....even this aspect is brilliant, the way it takes you into the lead characters head - with headphones on and the right amount of ketamine beforehand this can be quite surreal :D

As mentioned before, its long, a bit too long. But think of it as an investment, and compared to Inland Empire its a doddle anyway. In only three films that Noe has produced (that I know of) the jump from simple yet impactive storylines and cheap special effects to this absolute masterpiece, which will set the standard for films of this genre for years to come, is quite remarkable.

Breaking Bad. Last episode (recap) of season 1 before embarking on season 2. Been sent the best hard drive ever today, have at least six months of wicked watching :D
Watched Dogtooth on saturday night :eek: And there was me thinking the family in Visitor Q was dysfunctional.
Seem to be juggling TV and Films at the mo -

Rewatching Firefly and The Wire from the start (persuaded my housemate to give both a go, seems to have worked in both cases :D). The Wire's obviously been done to death on here, but I'd forgotten how great some of the dialogue in Firefly is, it's fucking hilarious in places, not to mention pretty dark at times.

Also started watching The Pacific on Blu-Ray - so very, very pretty :cool: Hardly any of the 'set-up' that Band of Brothers had either, just thrown onto Guadacanal and into a terrifying jungle of firefights and close-quarters combat. Oddly the 3rd episode slows things down massively as the Marines get some R&R in Melbourne, but it's definitely keeping my interest. Bit of an issue telling the characters apart (especially when they're covered in blood / dirt), but I imagine it will get easier.

Movie-wise, I was recovering from a hangover the other day, so went for the easy watching of Zack & Miri Make A Porno, followed by Naked Gun (in honour of Mr Neilsen). Zack & Miri was fairly amusing fluff (Justin Long steals the film as a gay porn star with Brandon Routh), Elizabeth Banks is pretty good with what she's given to do and Seth Rogen does his usual schtick.

Naked Gun was as good as ever :D
Also: the perfect storm. What a fucking cheese fest from start to finish. Nicely juxtaposed with oldboy 'he grassed on a sister-fucker who then tricks him into boning his daughter'

'it hurts so much but I am enduring it' will haunt my sleep for days now. And people go on about the live squid eating scene :rolleyes:
Tales of The Golden Age (Romanian) - Really funny :D

To warm and often hilarious effect, Mungiu combines several urban legends to portray a time during which food was more important than money, freedom more important than love and survival more important than principles. As he does so, he subtly and comically unseats the propagandist myth that Ceausescu's Romania was the "golden age" of communism.
The Wolfman: I loved watching the original as a kid starring Lon Chaney Jr and this isn't a bad update. The cast is impressive (Hopkins, Del Toro, Blunt) and it looks great for the most part (very gothic, very fairy tale). The problem is that all wolfman films of the last 25+ years live in the shadow of An 'American Werewolf In London', especially in terms of werewolf effects and transformation, and this falls a bit short in that department. It doesn't help that the wolfman himself looks a bit too cuddly (like Chaney Jr in the original) when something a bit nastier and properly wolf-like would have been a better idea.

Well impressed, quite a realsitic portrayal of drug dealing life I imagine. Main character was excellent.
up, nightmare before christmas and the corpse bride. then once the kids had gone to bed i watched spirited away
watched Restrepo, Youth In Revolt, Scott Pilgrim vs The World and Requiem For A Dream last night. All cracking good entertainment!
Crazy Love. Interesting "life is stranger than fiction" documentary about Burt and Linda Pugach. Burt Pugach was a shady laywer who became obsessed with Linda. When she found out that he was married, she dumped him and he started stalking her. She got engaged to someone else. He hired gangsters to throw lye in her face, disfiguring and eventually blinding her. She got him sent him to prison for many years. After he gets out of prisong they get married.

You find out everything that happened at the beginning and then the film explores how and why it happened via interviews with all involved.
Started watching Video Nasties: The Definitive Guide, which runs to three discs. The documentary on Disc 1 is superb, featuring contributions from directors such as Chris Smith and Neil Marshall as well as academic Martin Barker (an eloquent and truly remarkable man). The 'other side' of the argument is represented too, mostly by former Tory MP Graham Bright whose private members bill sought to outlaw the likes of 'I Spit On Your Grave' and 'Driller Killer' in this country. The doc made me realise just what a truly shoddy episode in UK history the whole video nasties moral panic was - utterly shameful behaviour by the media, police and government egged on by nutcases like Mary Whitehouse.
Brothers of the Head.

Alright, perfectly enjoyable, tho all a bit 'so what?' The Aldiss bits on the extras was interesting tho
Started watching Video Nasties: The Definitive Guide, which runs to three discs. The documentary on Disc 1 is superb, featuring contributions from directors such as Chris Smith and Neil Marshall as well as academic Martin Barker (an eloquent and truly remarkable man). The 'other side' of the argument is represented too, mostly by former Tory MP Graham Bright whose private members bill sought to outlaw the likes of 'I Spit On Your Grave' and 'Driller Killer' in this country. The doc made me realise just what a truly shoddy episode in UK history the whole video nasties moral panic was - utterly shameful behaviour by the media, police and government egged on by nutcases like Mary Whitehouse.

I watched that a couple of weeks ago, including the two discs on every single film on the list. Fantastic set and I particularely liked the contributions by Stephen Thrower who used to bring out Eyeball Magazine and has written several excellent books on exploitation cinema.
I watched a brilliant film told in 3 stages - cant remember what its called though? Something mental comes on telly and makes everyone kill each other, some girl has to get to terminal 13 and one geezer ends up wearing a tin foil hat :confused:

It has definitely got the inspiration for Family Guy's Quagmire in as well :D
I watched a brilliant film told in 3 stages - cant remember what its called though? Something mental comes on telly and makes everyone kill each other, some girl has to get to terminal 13 and one geezer ends up wearing a tin foil hat :confused:

It has definitely got the inspiration for Family Guy's Quagmire in as well :D
are you sure it wasn't just a dream?
The Expendables, which was rubbish from start to finish. Like somebody took all the crap bits out of half a dozen 80's big budget action films and made a film.
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