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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

saw a v interesting film last night called "Funeral Parade of Roses", was a kind of art exploitation film about the gay/drag scene in tokyo in the 1960s (i think), didn't have aclue what it was going to be before i watched it and wasn't paying close attention at first but i think it has a v weird film within a film thing going on and ends with lots of greek tragedy style violence. cool just seeing inside that culture though even if it was in an exploitation way. might rewatch.
I saw Red this weekend, which is exactly what you'd expect it to be. Obvious action movie, not unentertaining.

I also saw... ummm... Knight and Day.

I blame girls. :mad:
see i only post in this thread when i have watched highly obscure art films in oredr to fool people into thinking that those are all i watch.
labyrinth - disappointing watching this as an adult. way shitter than i remembered. david bowie's swinging cock is a bit much for a children's film too.
the loved ones - australian ordeal horror film. really quite grisly and creepy. great performance from the 'villain'. beautifully filmed and scored too.
spent ages trying to find the che bio prt 2 then gave up and watched predators but that was shit so canned it.
i watched the latest episode of Sons of Anarch- I'm becoming convinced that they are using some sort of camera technique for the outdoor scenes in ireland. Compared to Charming outdoor scenes the colours are all washed out. And adding pipes to the already massively-cheesy credits music was a BAD idea. Writing holds up though.
Under the Skin. An earlyish Samantha Morton about a woman coping with the loss of her mother by having lots and lots of sex. Cheery stuff. very good tho.

Another Michael Powell Award winner, seen nearly all of them now and they're all very very good films.
i watched the latest episode of Sons of Anarch- I'm becoming convinced that they are using some sort of camera technique for the outdoor scenes in ireland. Compared to Charming outdoor scenes the colours are all washed out. And adding pipes to the already massively-cheesy credits music was a BAD idea. Writing holds up though.
They go to Ireland? :hmm:

I'm only at the beginning of series 2 :mad:

(I'm still finding it really funny that Clay is Vincent from Beauty and the Beast though :D)
(I'm still finding it really funny that Clay is Vincent from Beauty and the Beast though :D)

And Gemma does the voice for

Out of Control.

Another Michael Powell Award winner, a cheery account of three south London youths being sent to a YOI, and their time there. Guess how big a laugh that was.

Very impressive piece of work, despite it be far from easy viewing. Great performances, probably the best of which was from Tamzin Outhwaite!

Can't decide what next, it's between The Maid, My Son My son What Have Ye Done? and The Killer Inside Me.
First half of The Lives of Others.......quite interesting so far :)

And BBC4's Atom series - brilliant if you like science
Can't decide what next, it's between The Maid, My Son My son What Have Ye Done? and The Killer Inside Me.

Went for My Son My Son last night - decent bit of Herzog/Lynch, not that weird actually, kinda film. Not their meisterwork, but wel lworth a watch.

And then The Killer Inside Me today. Well, what a heartwarming, lighthearted romp that was. I feel kinda soiled.

May choose something a bit lighter after those last four things. Like Seventh Seal.
I'm two thirds through the first series of Hung. Pretty good, kind of like the lighter side of Breaking Bad.
Revanche: slow moving Austrian drama/thriller that got Oscar nominated two years ago for best foreign picture. It was alright, but there was nothing new here and there were a couple too many co-incidents and contrivances for a film so naturalistic. A bit overrated really.

How to Train Your Dragon. All the publicity made me think that I'd hate this, but it's one of the better non-Pixar CGI animation features of recent years. I especially liked the bitter-sweet ending. Wasn't so keen on the human character designs, but the dragons are very cute in a cartoonish sort of way.
Crazy Heart - Jeff Bridges excellent as a the broken down country singer, working his way back from the bottom back to the top
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