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What DVD / Video did you watch last night? (pt3)

Just watched George C. Scott and Diana Rigg in The Hospital, 1971. It's on youtube, but I won't post the link, because there was a scene of sexual aggression I found . . . problematic.
Red State. Shooting fish in a barrel. Not good.
Did your copy have the kevin smith extra where he did the talk at sundance or cannes (can't remember which, wherever it premiered)? That was interesting.

The acting by the lead religious guy was terrific, I thought. His long sermon was frighteningly well done.
Did your copy have the kevin smith extra where he did the talk at sundance or cannes (can't remember which, wherever it premiered)? That was interesting.

The acting by the lead religious guy was terrific, I thought. His long sermon was frighteningly well done.

I've seen his self-aggrandising Sundance rant/publicity stunt already a while ago.

He cast good actors, but they all had one-note roles. I really didn't like anything about Red State. I find his flawed but much more ambitious Dogma a more interesting film about religion than this. This film didn't tell me anything I didn't already know about how nuts these type of people are.
I've seen his self-aggrandising Sundance rant/publicity stunt already a while ago.

He cast good actors, but they all had one-note roles. I really didn't like anything about Red State. I find his flawed but much more ambitious Dogma a more interesting film about religion than this. The film didn't tell me anything I didn't already know about how nuts these type of people are.
I certainly agree Dogma was a better film, whether religious or not I don't care, it was miles better than Red State. He'd probably say the same.

I wouldn't call the sundance speech a self-aggrandising rant, (although it was,) for me it addressed issues re the big companies and the way they destroy movies.
A few docu's this evening. Long regarded as the standard bearer, I found The Thin Blue Line an entertaining and human story about injustice in 80's Texas. It was difficult not to be endeared to the chap who was resolute despite the stacks put against him, and gauling the way the real perpetrator was able to go on to do more heinous shit. Thankfully the innocent chap was released not long after the film was put out, as a direct result of the expose.
Waiting for "Superman" covers the state of America's public system. I was expecting a radical take on schools, in a similar vein to Jonathan Kozol, but it seems to be arguing that American schools are poor because there are too many bad teachers, whom can't be fired because of contracts put in place by their unions. Engaging in parts, primarily concerning the realities and expectations of poor families, it was nonetheless a messy affair.
ETA King of Kong, awesome short documentary on the surreal world of classic games, with an underdog story of a contender taking on the highscore on Donkey Kong.
The Guard, my g/f did not get the humour and fell asleep half way through but I thought it was a great film.
first 10 minutes of 'Another Earth'


This film is like magic, I start watching it then boom! asleep. Its not like it is boring either, it just cold cocks me for no reason

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.

This is the one with Marilyn doing "Diamonds are a girl best friends". Jane Russell is the real star, though, I have to say. Great stuff, and quite close to the knuckle for its time, though it does keep on the right side of the Hays Code. Really good fun.
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.

This is the one with Marilyn doing "Diamonds are a girl best friends". Jane Russell is the real star, though, I have to say. Great stuff, and quite close to the knuckle for its time, though it does keep on the right side of the Hays Code. Really good fun.

I love this film and still think it's a little underrated. It's one of the best Hollywood musicals ever and quite unusual for it's time in that it focuses on a friendship between two women. Diamonds are a Girls Best friends is one of the most eye-popping Technicolor sequences ever.
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.

This is the one with Marilyn doing "Diamonds are a girl best friends". Jane Russell is the real star, though, I have to say. Great stuff, and quite close to the knuckle for its time, though it does keep on the right side of the Hays Code. Really good fun.
Totally agree with you about Russell Idris, she knocks spots off Monroe IMO.

I love this film and still think it's a little underrated.
I think a lot of Hawks' films are.
The Hollywood version of "Girl w/ Dragon Tattoo". Having read the book and seen the Swedish version....I don't think it get any more redundant. I switched on the lights and painted my nails, yay multitasking :-P

fyi: it wasn't good but I like Daniel Craig with that smouldery broody eyeball-fuck he does heh
Don't be Afraid of the Dark - not very afraid at all
TrollHunter - really enjoyable and funny
Cowboys and Aliens - pish but very entertaining pish
Immortals - really enjoyed this, much better than the remake of Clash of The Titans
Magic to win (2011) A complete load of silly nonsense an obviously the critics agreed <<(arse) but yer no what i really enjoyed it! granted the stories a bit patchy an it flags a bit at times but the special effects were pretty good. Loved the bit when the guy was tryin to finish his race an thee 2 magicians were pullin at his shorts (childish humour alert) Made me laugh anyways.
Best ta leave your brain in a different room when ya watch it though!
The Apartment? Children's Hour?? Being There???
I've not actually seen any of those, The Apartment is one of those films I know I should watch but I've just never got round to seeing.

Though I do like The Trouble With Harry, which she's also in.
The Machinist: Twisty thriller that ladles the paranoia on thick. Probably most notable for Christian Bale's extreme weight loss. Not sure the part was worth it, to be honest.
Don't be Afraid of the Dark, the Guillermo Del Toro produced remake of the 70s TV horror movie. Initially there was a lot of excitement over this film, then when it came out the reviews were so-so and for some reason it seems to be hated on Internet forums. So with my expectations lowered I quite enjoyed it. It's probably be a better horror film for kids than for adults, but I liked the evil little basement gremlins, which make a nice change from ghosts and the gothic atmoshpere and art direction had a very Del Toro feel about it, even if he didn't direct it.

A grim dystopian tale of a world ruled by giant corporations, where the masses are distracted with the spectacle of an ultra-violent sport, the "rollerball" of the title. These sci-fi people and their crazy ideas, I ask you.

(the film's actually very good indeed).
Don't be Afraid of the Dark, the Guillermo Del Toro produced remake of the 70s TV horror movie. Initially there was a lot of excitement over this film, then when it came out the reviews were so-so and for some reason it seems to be hated on Internet forums. So with my expectations lowered I quite enjoyed it. It's probably be a better horror film for kids than for adults, but I liked the evil little basement gremlins, which make a nice change from ghosts and the gothic atmoshpere and art direction had a very Del Toro feel about it, even if he didn't direct it.

As i said earlier......not very fraidy
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