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What do you think happens after death?

What do you think happens after death?

  • Nothing. We just die.

    Votes: 126 77.8%
  • We get reincarnated.

    Votes: 5 3.1%
  • We go to heaven or hell.

    Votes: 4 2.5%
  • We become part of a wider consciousness.

    Votes: 20 12.3%
  • Other, if so, what?

    Votes: 7 4.3%

  • Total voters
What, exactly, do you think is coming? No riddles please!
I think we as humankind are about to find ourselves suddenly lower down the food-chain that we have spent the last few millennia arrogantly believing in some delusional sense of isolation than we really are.
And I don't subscribe to any old UFO cack. I think everything is linked to our conscious selves. Whether we know it or not. And I haven't been here for years, and I remember some good minds here, and I wanted to just put that out there.
Things are changing. My only intent is about warning, and pre-calming. Lots of people will be triggered. We are not alone. We are being buzzed daily by extraordinary space vehicles and we do not know where or how they appear.
Neither do the intel services of any nation on Earth. I think the US has contacted and sold humankind out, from Eisenhower onward. Never mind what the Chinese and Russians are up to. I have no idea what is about to happen.
power, war, penis size
Control of water/hydrogen?
In exchange for anal probing?

I have no idea, really. But believe this, it is not in anyone's best interests to invoke or invite the dark.

Can you say what the dark is?
Are you saying that there are energies that are evil and others that are not?
What is controlling the dark energies?
Can you say what the dark is?
Are you saying that there are energies that are evil and others that are not?
What is controlling the dark energies?
I can tell you only of the loss of light, and the sadness. And likely a spectrum of forces - mostly light, but many dark, especially in the wrong minds.
Nobody here is stupid enough to do a ouija board for the very reasons given - you don't want to invite that into your lives.
As for control, I doubt us mortal man and womankind could control a damn thing about it. Maybe we can pretend to control it all.
I suppose we should think of it like a Higgs Bosun, or a God Particle. I have no idea. It's like explaining magnetic forces. Invisible energy that we use and take for granted.
Anyone studying yoga or martial arts understands the "chi" lifeforce. Many here won't know. I can't spell that out. But it's there.
I think we as humankind are about to find ourselves suddenly lower down the food-chain that we have spent the last few millennia arrogantly believing in some delusional sense of isolation than we really are.
And I don't subscribe to any old UFO cack. I think everything is linked to our conscious selves.
Things are changing. My only intent is about warning, and pre-calming. L
If I'm reading this correctly...you are saying that there are "energies " that are being called UFOs that are not really UFOs abd are actually part of something else...dark?
And that these are feeding off our human physical energy?
Is that what you are trying to say?
What has led you to this belief?
Most recently, after a lifetime of latent belief in weird shit that I filed into the recesses of my head?
Science, bitch. (not calling you a bitch, per se)
Things have recently become stated scientific fact, and all the worlds top military have known and accepted for a long time that there are objects with intelligent control in our skies that are thousands of years ahead of any human technology.
It's almost weird to me that you have no opinion on this other than to poo poo it. All known Navy and Aerospace agencies throughout the world are reporting these things. More so now than ever, with the advances in sensors.
If I'm reading this correctly...you are saying that there are "energies " that are being called UFOs that are not really UFOs abd are actually part of something else...dark?
And that these are feeding off our human physical energy?
Is that what you are trying to say?
That is what I am afraid of. Yes. Apparently feeding off negative energies. Like some sort of mega troll. In space. And I am fully aware that does sound crazy. But that is also the worst case scenario.
There are better futures ahead, if we let them happen.
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That is what I am afraid of. Yes.

So are you saying that there is a "light" energy (your word) that can be accessed or is given to humans when we are born?
Where does this come from.
And if there is reincarnation does the dark energy also reincarnate?
cyberpink I've just seen your posts on the English football hooligans thread and I'm wondering how genuine you are.
I genuinely think cocaine and alcohol combo is the main reason for the resurgence in racist shit from football circles. In the 90's everyone was hugging and clubbing.
So it is part of the same argument, if you are looking at it like a radio wave - negative frequencies versus positive. But apparently "hooligan" is a bad word to describe the miscreants, and I don't want to stir up any more trouble.
So are you saying that there is a "light" energy (your word) that can be accessed or is given to humans when we are born?
Where does this come from.
And if there is reincarnation does the dark energy also reincarnate?
If I assess it myself, I would GUESS that light energy is life, conception, joy, love etc.
Dark energy destroys that. As any astronomer will tell you.
Like if you strain your muscles, you need a heat pack, or a cool pack, to stimulate healing energy from within.
This is the essence of "chi" in Chinese medicine and martial arts.
Energy can't die but it can be subverted, or twisted? Does that make sense?
I can't spell it out. But I can tell you something is coming, and it's very weird and it will freak the hell out of a lot of people. So consider this a heads-up. A friendly one.
If I assess it myself, I would GUESS that light energy is life, conception, joy, love etc.
Dark energy destroys that.

Are you then equating dark energy with death.. sickness..sadness...depression? And if so are you thinking that these are out of our own control?
And finally .. do you think that these dark energies prevent humans from accessing the light energies you mention?

I am curious that's all..
Are you then equating dark energy with death.. sickness..sadness...depression? And if so are you thinking that these are out of our own control?
And finally .. do you think that these dark energies prevent humans from accessing the light energies you mention?

I am curious that's all..
The phrase "ride the lightning" comes to mind. Face down the fears. It's horrible and hard and it can take everything you have, but what do you have to lose?
Stare down that which curtails you. Be it work relationships or personal. You will win, if you face it down. Make full contact, never look away. It will empower you and you will feel the rush of relief.
Most pain and ingressed energy is self-inflicted. You can and you must rise above it, the core of your every being is begging you to do so.
The phrase "ride the lightning" comes to mind. Face down the fears. It's horrible and hard and it can take everything you have, but what do you have to lose?
Stare down that which curtails you. Be it work relationships or personal. You will win, if you face it down. Make full contact, never look away. It will empower you and you will feel the rush of relief.
Most pain and ingressed energy is self-inflicted. You can and you must rise above it, the core of your every being is begging you to do so.

That's kind of what has gotten me into the mess I'm in...facing down stuff that I should have walked away from. Facing down corruption and lies in work...left me with a lot of stress and isolation.

And my health is not great.
I don't want to face down a return to working with unvaccinated children
because I am severely immunosuppressed.

What I want is to stay away and care for my sister. And never ever return to my workplace. I have no idea how to make that happen bar chucking in the job...and then there will be nothing to pay the mortgage.
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