Serving Eargasms....
Madame Bovary. And I can't say I'm particularly enjoying it.
Madame Bovary. And I can't say I'm particularly enjoying it.
I've just started "The Book of Dave" It's a bit wierd getting used to the lingistics and figuring out what exactly is going on, but I'm liking it. One of those books you read aloud in your head, iysim?
I really liked that. I struggled with the language at first, but you do become more familiar with it and it gets easier to read
Dialogue Between a Priest and a Dying Man
Just discovered there's a sorta dictionary/glossary at the back! Am kinda just enjoying sussing it out myself though
I have a bad habit of flicking to the back couple of pages and scanning what names pop up, sorta glad I did this time!
I have a bad habit of flicking to the back couple of pages and scanning what names pop up, sorta glad I did this time!
Shame - it's one of my favourite books evar! Are you male Fictionist? I've always thought you were...maybe you can't relate to a woman's desperate need to be loved and then let down by marriage, affairs, shopping and debt?
Because men just can't relate to women (real or fictional)ever, can they? As a story I found it deeply unattractive, and the writing style was occasionally irritating (although I am reading via a translation). My next book will be either 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' or 'Farenheit 451'.
Because men just can't relate to women (real or fictional)ever, can they? As a story I found it deeply unattractive, and the writing style was occasionally irritating (although I am reading via a translation). My next book will be either 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' or 'Farenheit 451'.
I am genuinely shocked. For shame!
I would rather stick pins in my eyes than flick to the back of a book
I am revisiting Anna Karenina at the moment.
have you any idea how that reads?I often reread Tolstoy in the summer.