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What are you listening to right now? v2.0

STAND DOWN i think i have recovered from mentally looping into scaredness
thank you LeytonCatLady and Argonia

i knew i knew the name polaris but couldn't remember why. they remind me of the for carnation a bit. will do some finding more of their stuff - ta for that x

i called my cat pete kitten; i couldn't just call her pete because my neighbour below me at the time was one of my best friends and also called pete. seeing both petes together was always lovely; at one point we named pete kitten Transgressive Pete because she kept running into his flat just to piss him off - it was the Forbidden Place.

one of the gentlest men i ever knew gave me this when i first got diagnosed with ptsd in 2008?9?. i completely forgot about it til now - i suspect my posting trail will actually have all the default calm me down stuff from that time that i can't remember. right. all my support women have got back in touch with me - i picked the worst time to give up having a working phone and then lose all my numbers when i replaced it :facepalm:
thanks for being stand in support women, as it were, you two x
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^ mixcloud can't find that content - repost?
e2a: oh. i see what you're doing. again. fuck that.

chuffing brain tardises. i upgraded from ptsd to complex ptsd in 2013. i'm resisting the urge to pack up my house and run.
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i called my cat pete kitten; i couldn't just call her pete because my neighbour below me at the time was one of my best friends and also called pete. seeing both petes together was always lovely; at one point we named pete kitten Transgressive Pete because she kept running into his flat just to piss him off - it was the Forbidden Place.

Awww! It suits her - Pete kitten the puss. My childhood cat was called Paddy. I still miss him.

I remember this so well from magic mushrooms in Amsterdam in about 1998. Remember coming up to this and looking in awe as pictures of politicians started dancing in newspapers in front of me.

repeating another bands lyrics inside your own is a new thing to love

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