MellySingsDoom Decimated by the shrapnel of his rhetoric Mar 20, 2014 #7,712 Saw this combo live many years ago - they were excellent:
MellySingsDoom Decimated by the shrapnel of his rhetoric Mar 20, 2014 #7,719 From when SY were at the top of their game: Last edited: Mar 20, 2014
MellySingsDoom Decimated by the shrapnel of his rhetoric Mar 20, 2014 #7,723 One of Lee Ranaldo's key inspirations (open tuned gtrs and so on):
MellySingsDoom Decimated by the shrapnel of his rhetoric Mar 21, 2014 #7,724 And finally, for now, we have this:
K Knotted Bet the horse knew his name Mar 22, 2014 #7,733 MellySingsDoom said: Click to expand... If I remember there is a great piece of footage of them playing Vernal Equinox on telly on that.
MellySingsDoom said: Click to expand... If I remember there is a great piece of footage of them playing Vernal Equinox on telly on that.