M Meltingpot Living in our pools we soon forget about the sea Sep 5, 2012 #3,931 Even if you think you don't like religious music, this might surprise you. It did me;
nogojones spelling is overrated Sep 6, 2012 #3,941 gentlegreen said: Click to expand... You got a good taste in old house music
gentlegreen I hummus, therefore I am ... Sep 6, 2012 #3,942 I've been hearing tunes like these on Dogglounge. Their mixes are now my cycle sprinting music.
gentlegreen I hummus, therefore I am ... Sep 7, 2012 #3,945 Just heard something playing on the radio in the shop when I bought my lunch. It may not have been Iris Dement, but it made me think of her :-
Just heard something playing on the radio in the shop when I bought my lunch. It may not have been Iris Dement, but it made me think of her :-
K Knotted Bet the horse knew his name Sep 7, 2012 #3,946 Area International Popular Group. Hits the spot nicely.
K Knotted Bet the horse knew his name Sep 8, 2012 #3,953 8115 said: Click to expand... Oh that is terrible. (Pop) corny stuff. Love it.
M Meltingpot Living in our pools we soon forget about the sea Sep 9, 2012 #3,954 I think I prefer the version of this track on "Relics", but this is still worth a listen;
kittyP Pluviophile Sep 10, 2012 #3,956 The Cramps Just came on 6music. Have not listened to them in ages. Fucking A!!!
M Meltingpot Living in our pools we soon forget about the sea Sep 11, 2012 #3,958 A couple of tracks by the acclaimed harp duo Camille and Kennerly; I could spend all morning listening to these two (and watching them too - they're undeniably beautiful).
A couple of tracks by the acclaimed harp duo Camille and Kennerly; I could spend all morning listening to these two (and watching them too - they're undeniably beautiful).
Frances Lengel Atrophied Member Banned Sep 11, 2012 #3,960 Man Parish - Hip Hop Bee Bop. Can't be arsed embedding a video though.