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what a creepy little site...


Well-Known Member
No, I don't mean urban75!
I mean http://www.capitalism.org
Has anyone come accross this before?
As far as I can see there is no info about it's funding except for an appeal for donations.
It is a rabidly anti-socialist pro free-market affair.

I just came across it by accident and it gave me the shudders.

Anyway, follow the link yourself and let me know your views...

Thats fucking awful.....

''the peaceful form of competition of capitalism -- trade, ideas, and dollars -- with the brutal "jungle" form of competition of anarchism -- brutality, whims, and bombs''

anarchism is about bombs now ...... :eek:

And capitalist society never has any war does it not....???

''Anarchism is not a form of capitalism; anarchism is a form of collectivism, where individual rights are subject to the rule of competing gangs''

Bless her she really dosen thave a fuckin clue does she...

Im quite angry now.... :mad:

We should all right them letters ....

I just wrote them this one ....

Id like to report an error , your site seems to be full of them its quite Shocking ... !!

I dont know who told you about the definations of capitalism , Morality , Anarchism and socailism , But it would appear that you have been grossly misinformed .

I also have a question , Was the right wing brainwashing fun ? Its a present I have been considering for my 18 year old cousin , Who along with having left wing tendencies , such as acceptance , tolerance and understanding has started to act like a bit of a commie . He talks all day about peace and equality , He even has a poster of Che Guevara on his wall . Im sure'll agree this is very disturbing !

Shall I try to convert him into the ways of righteousness , or just shoot him ?

Yours truly ,

E Campbell
the bit about 'left-wing' artists being drugged up hippies making meaningless scratchings is my favourite!

i'm guessing they're not fans of tracey then?
wake_up said:
the bit about 'left-wing' artists being drugged up hippies making meaningless scratchings is my favourite!

Pretty accurate...
wake_up said:
this is intersting though: their stance on abortion is pro-choice

But one of the worse pro-choice agruements i've heard. (and before any gets stupid (or even more stupid), i am pro choice).
james_walsh said:
But one of the worse pro-choice agruements i've heard. (and before any gets stupid (or even more stupid), i am pro choice).

you said it. the logic seems to be that the unborn child is to be considered a sort of 'tennent' in the mother's property, i.e. body.
How strange
quite cool...

Are drugs prohibited by government under capitalism?
Since the act of taking drugs does not violate the rights of others, no drug is prohibited under capitalism.

What is the solution to the drug problem?
The solution to the drug problem is not just political, but is primarily philosophical. It is our view of man and reality and the role of reason we must first address, if we wish to solve the drug problem. This requires an educational solution -- and not the creation of irrational drug laws, that criminalize a peaceful activity, creating a black market (anarchist-like) for drugs.

Who is responsible for making underground 'black' drug markets profitable?
Observe that much of the slime that created our drug laws, are no different then the slime who deal drugs (perhaps those who deal are more honest). In fact the two are partners in a sense, as each needs the other: the power-seeking bureaucrat needs the pusher as an excuse to expand his police state powers; the pusher needs the bureaucrat to outlaw the legal market, creating a "black market" that only his kind can compete in, since if their were no laws making his wares illegal, he would no longer be able to earn a "black market" profit by dealing in them. (The best historical example of this is prohibition of alcohol at the turn of the Twentieth century).

It is important to note that in a capitalist society there would be no 'black' market for drugs, since the only kind of market that exists in a capitalist society is a free one.
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