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Weds 1st April: G20 protests - discussion, reaction and chat

Sad that she couldn't be bothered to turn up but quiet happy to turn up for the media. :/ I said this a while back and got slated. With that aside I think the whole thing is laughable. Him felt threaten by a small girl with an orange juice carton and a digital camera and the so called "baying mob" that just wanted to join the protest penned in the middle. Ha Ha Ha Ha. The sad thing the whole show is making fun and belittling her and the protest as a whole. Cheers for sticking to your guns gurly and making a mint in the process.
Sad that she couldn't be bothered to turn up but quiet happy to turn up for the media. :/
Unfortunately, I think it might be exactly that sort of attitude amongst activists that is part of the reason why she's not turned up.

She's not done any stuff with the media since the initial furore, they're all using old interviews in their reports. The distaste that some activists feel for her decision to use Clifford and sell her story back then may have led to her getting rather less support than she needed to see this through to the end.

Jury acquits G20 protester accused of being ringleader in clashes

Crown court clears Harvie Brown of violent disorder in case that challenged police version of events

His bloodied face became the symbol of violent G20 demonstrators seemingly intent on attacking police. But the man whose angry remonstrations with police at the protests in April last year were relayed live on television news, and later emblazoned across newspaper front pages, was not the rioter he was depicted as.

A jury at Isleworth crown court in Middlesex took 30 minutes to clear Harvie Brown, 31, of violent disorder this week, in a case that challenged the police version of events and established that his injuries were probably inflicted by officers.

Brown was among several hundred protesters "kettled" by police near the Bank of England on 1 April last year. Attempts to contain anti-capitalist and green activists inside cordons led to angry confrontations and clashes.

Brown was caught between lines of baton-wielding police attempting to push the crowd back. Many at the front, including Brown, from Glasgow, were unable to obey the police orders as the agitated crowd behind them tried to surge forward. Many were struck with batons.

The court heard Brown's injuries – two head wounds and a broken tooth – could have been inflicted by police.

In court, Brown was accused of being the ringleader of an aggressive group of rioters, encouraging the crowd to attack police officers – a charge he denied. He faced three years in jail if found guilty.

Initial press reports suggested Brown was goading officers into a confrontation.

"I was shocked when I was released from the police station in the early hours of 2 April to see that I was plastered all over the newspapers and described as a violent agitator at the G20 protests," Brown said tonight.

"I was distressed that I was made out to be the aggressor. I was also very upset that the emphasis of the reporting, which I felt should have been on the demonstration against the causes of the financial crisis, had turned into a focus on what was described as anti-police behaviour."

Witnesses told the court that Brown spent much of the protest distressed and in tears, upset at police treatment.

Rhona Friedman, defending, said: "This was a prosecution that should never have been brought. Footage and photographs show that Mr Brown was repeatedly struck by police officers without resorting to violent retaliation. "Members of the jury were seen to flinch at footage of police officers deploying baton strikes against people in the crowd. When asked to decide who was guilty of unlawful violence and who was not, the jury could not have more clearly decided in Mr Brown's favour."

Despite initial claims by police about violence caused by protesters G20, there have been relatively few convictions for a demonstration of its size.

Seven people have so far been convicted of violent conduct, criminal damage and public order offences at or during the demonstration, including a handful who were identified as having taken part in the ransacking of a branch of the Royal Bank of Scotland. A further five prosecutions are pending, while five have resulted in acquittals.

Prosecutors dropped charges in their largest case, which involved 11 members of the Space Hijackers, an anarchist group whose members arrived at G20 protests in a tank, dressed in police-style helmets and boiler suits. The activists, some wearing red stockings, were arrested and charged with impersonating police officers. They are suing the Met for wrongful arrest and false imprisonment.

Does seem to be a recurring pattern doesn't it?

Police blame (and not infrequently, try to stitch-up) the victims of violent policing, with the help of the press.
What struck me about the whole tomlinson 'oh he had a heart attack and the crowd bottled us' bullshit was just how badly they attempted to cover it up. Use the pet pathologist and make up lies. They know they won't face a judge.
I've filled out a contact form on the no.10 website asking what is happening with this Ian Tomlinson case.


Dear Prime Minister

Could you please inform me what is happening with regards to the Ian Tomlinson case?

I am concerned that justice is not being seen to be done. It is over 14 months since this man died, after a series of contacts with an officer who has yet to be charged.

One rule for them is it?

If the police are not seen to be accountable for their actions, how can you expect members of society to have any respect for the law or those charged with keeping it?

Or is this what 'Big Society' means?
You know what's going on, it's the same old story. It will be more delays then a deceleration that too much time has elapsed to enable a fair trial. Then the pig cunt will be fully exonerated.
The beeb have reported that pc Smelly will not be facing any disciplinary proceedings. i cant link from this phone but is on the front page.

edit: thanks button.
Good to know someone can smack the shit out of you for jumping about a bit, whilst waving a carton of orange and successfully claim self defence.
Ian Tomlinson pathologist accused of incompetence over autopsies

The pathologist whose initial examination suggested that Ian Tomlinson died of a heart attack during the G20 protests in London is facing accusations that he conducted four other autopsies incompetently.

Dr Mohmed Saeed Sulema Patel ,known as Freddy Patel, will appear this week before a disciplinary panel of the General Medical Council, which has the power to strike him off the professional register.

Need names.
I am assuming this happen on the 2nd April?

Police Pointing a 50,000-volt Taser at a Group of People Lying on the Floor

The Met has agreed to pay settlements to some of those arrested in that raid., admitting that the whole raid was illegal.



I forgot all about this, of cours they knew from the very moment them came up with the idea that it was illiegal. point tasers at a sleepy kids crashing out on the ground.
No surprises, when did a police bastard ever get convicted for killing anyone whilst on duty? Ever? In the last 100 years? No doubt that pig cunt DB will be on here soon justifying the death and decision to do nothing.
No surprises, when did a police bastard ever get convicted for killing anyone whilst on duty? Ever? In the last 100 years? No doubt that pig cunt DB will be on here soon justifying the death and decision to do nothing.

In my brother's case, 1988 in Liverpool CC two cops were convicted of his murder - but that was reduced to manslaughter on appeal a year later and they were immediately released.

He's all but forgotten these day - the death of a white working class lad in a Morecambe police station wasn't a cause célèbre in the trendy left press then nor probably would it be today.
No surprise then didn't see that coming did you? One wonders why they treid to cover it up and bother to move the eco camp protestors the same evening.
PC SIMON HARWOOD didn't kill #IanTomlinson alone: Ch Supt ALEX ROBERTSON; PC ALAN PALFREY; Ch Insp PETER MILLS & others #G20KillersHaveNames
A senior Metropolitan Police commander has apologised for giving false information to MPs over the 2009 G20 protests in London.

A month after the protest Commander Bob Broadhurst claimed no plain clothes officers were deployed in the crowd.

Scotland Yard has now admitted covert officers were used.

Mr Broadhurst told an MPs' Home Affairs Select Committee the information was "true to the best of my knowledge at the time".

In 2009 he told a parliamentary committee: "We had no plain clothes officers in the crowd.

"It would have been dangerous to have plain clothes officers in the crowd like that."

A Met statement released this month said: "The officers were covertly deployed by the Metropolitan Police Service to G20 protests to identify individuals who may be involved in the organisation of criminal activity and to give intelligence as to the protesters' activity."

Commander Broadhurst was so-called 'gold commander' of the police operation on the day.

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