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Webservers on a USB stick


Well-Known Member

I'm doing a little project that needs me to build stuff on Wordpress. I don't want to build a server on my laptops so want to put one on a stick.

I know there are loads of downloadable ones but I want to bypass the stages of downloading them all and finding out they are pants.

So does anyone have any recommendations for a workable piece of software that'll build a server that either already has WordPress or that I can dump on it?

You can just sign up to one of infinity hosted wordpress sites, for free or next to nothing. Save doing any wordpress config/server stuff unless that is the project.

I'd install it via docker as docker makes most server installs a doddle. But I know docker really well. There is stuff to learn, but it makes installing servers of any type really simple as they were set up by the people that know how to set them up. You just install the image and run it. Sadly its more complex for the docker wordpress, as it requires the my sql server to be external so really need to know your docker to enable this. But installing wordpress using docker would take me a min or two. Often less for other servers.

Docker is amazing, really worth learning.
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