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USB-C will be mandatory on all phones sold in the EU by end of 2024

I've found that my USB-C phone/laptop will charge on a low charge USB-A outlet but it just takes a lot longer - so its not a problem if I'm in a hotel and leave it to charge overnight.

Mine won't fustatingly. Although my phone charges quickly with my high power chargers. :)
I would bet everything that Apple doesn't change this for US and RoW... Too much money to be made on their shite cables

You think they'll have different chargere standards on the same models of phones depending on whether they were sold in the US or Europe?
I would bet everything that Apple doesn't change this for US and RoW... Too much money to be made on their shite cables
They can make a lot more money selling wireless charging cases/power banks than they ever will from cables.

And it will be the case that you charge, not the phone. Ala Airpods.
Is there a time when this will be reviewed? USB-C is a pretty good standard but tech moves on.

And is there anything to stop Apple just sticking a removable USB-C > lightning port adaptor in the bottom of each phone?

Now the rest of the world's devices need to catch up as most trains, planes, docking stations etc I've used with a USB port still come with USB-A.
My chromebook, phone, controller, headphones etc are all USB-C and came with cables that are USB-A on the supply side. The only thing I've got which was USB-C connectors on each end was a nexus phone I had a few years ago (and the charger plug actually burnt out quite badly which put me off quite a bit).

I did rent a car recently which had USB-C sockets and was frustrated that my cables didn't work :(
I know. I was surprised at DaphneM saying that Android would follow Apple when it's not the case.

Personally I can't be bothered, but there's no harm in having both options.
And, to give apple their due, they are currently on their second socket type since the first iPhone in 2007. If you had stuck with a capable non-iPhone over the years, you would have had a very full drawer of obsolete cables for blackberries, micro-USBs, and the like before the Android world moved to USB-C. I think this sort of legislation would have been more useful 10 years ago when there seemed to be a huge number of standards.
And, to give apple their due, they are currently on their second socket type since the first iPhone in 2007. If you had stuck with a capable non-iPhone over the years, you would have had a very full drawer of obsolete cables for blackberries, micro-USBs, and the like before the Android world moved to USB-C. I think this sort of legislation would have been more useful 10 years ago when there seemed to be a huge number of standards.
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Since my Palm Pre in 2009, I've only had three different sorts of USB cables which is hardly a 'very full drawer' and all of them have their uses for cheap/older electronic kit I still use.

Apple may have only changed plug twice but most people will have had plenty of various USB powered gizmos in the house over that time.
Since my Palm Pre in 2009, I've only had three different sorts of USB cables which is hardly a 'very full drawer' and all of them have their uses for cheap/older electronic kit I still use.

Apple may have only changed plug twice but most people will have had plenty of various USB powered gizmos in the house over that time.
I’m just not convinced this will make a lot of difference…the industry has made its way to 2 standards for cables, plus wireless, all by itself. I can’t actually see apple pushing back too hard against this as there are rumours of them adopting USB-C with every iPhone release. (I think the new iPads are USB-C)
its those of us “brainwashed” ;) into the apple ecosystem over the last 20 years that will now be contributing to landfill for only the second time
I’m just not convinced this will make a lot of difference…the industry has made its way to 2 standards for cables, plus wireless, all by itself. I can’t actually see apple pushing back too hard against this as there are rumours of them adopting USB-C with every iPhone release. (I think the new iPads are USB-C)
its those of us “brainwashed” ;) into the apple ecosystem over the last 20 years that will now be contributing to landfill for only the second time
Apple's relentless push and hype to get people to buy the latest 'this changes everything' product has done more than enough to fill up landfill sites around the globe, as has the trend - which they started - for extravagant packaging.

They've hardly had the greatest environmental credentials over the years either, despite their relentless greenwashing, and the lack of repair/upgrade options in their products - and the tech trends they created as a result - have been plain disgusting

Apple's relentless push and hype to get people to buy the latest 'this changes everything' product has done more than enough to fill up landfill sites around the globe, as has the trend - which they started - for extravagant packaging.

They've hardly had the greatest environmental credentials over the years either, despite their relentless greenwashing, and the lack of repair/upgrade options in their products - and the tech trends they created as a result - have been plain disgusting

I'm no apple fan, but suspect that an iPhone lasts much longer then most cheap or mid range Androids. The second hand market is much stronger and I think it's more normal for people to use much older ones. Helped that they release updates for longer.

Airpods on the other hand...but the same charge could be leveled at the cheaper Anker ones I use.
I don't know why anyone bothers using earphones, wired or otherwise. Those tiny little speakers are physically incapable of providing a decent bass response. They can't properly convey the longer wavelengths that a pair of headphones can.
I don't know why anyone bothers using earphones, wired or otherwise. Those tiny little speakers are physically incapable of providing a decent bass response. They can't properly convey the longer wavelengths that a pair of headphones can.

Because you can't easily run with them. They leak can sound. They're more bulky to carry.
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They might send stock from outside the EU.

Not all mobiles are the same because of the mobile communications tech used - generally there are Europe, us and Asia models - the U.K. will get the Europe model.

The U.K. is now a rule taker not rule maker.
They might just be making "not EU" versions and sending those.
Yeah but the frequencies used in the UK are the same as in the EU and different from the rest of the world. So manufacturers would still have to make 3 versions which they aren't going to do just for the UK market.
I cannot see anything other than a universal USB-C model in Apple's future. Not sure why they'd bother doing a separate lightning version. It's not like there's tons of love for it.

They're also making loads already on wireless charging and magnetic charging accessories. They're not going anywhere soon.
I don't know why anyone bothers using earphones, wired or otherwise. Those tiny little speakers are physically incapable of providing a decent bass response. They can't properly convey the longer wavelengths that a pair of headphones can.
Absolutely, but you can stick them in a pocket.
I don't know why anyone bothers using earphones, wired or otherwise. Those tiny little speakers are physically incapable of providing a decent bass response. They can't properly convey the longer wavelengths that a pair of headphones can.
I don't use them, because I seem to have the kind of ears that earbuds just won't stay in.
You’ve just tried the wrong ones. A few years ago I’d have agreed with you but now some of the best are fucking ace.

Sounds like there's something about earphones that makes them hard to sound good.
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