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Windows 10 "Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed)"

How much data is on C?
far too much...

OCD and hoarding are bastards.

This was an upgrade to W7 I did in 2016 - the last time the machine was in some sort of order - I bought a new SSD as part of that - I put the old 128GB SSD in a caddy and I think it has the restore image of W10 on it ...


I do need to get a "new" PC, USB my current boot drive and put my hard drives in reasonably secure storage - I probably won't even miss what's on them ...

far too much...

OCD and hoarding are bastards.

This was an upgrade to W7 I did in 2016 - the last time the machine was in some sort of order - I bought a new SSD as part of that - I put the old 128GB SSD in a caddy and I think it has the restore image of W10 on it ...

View attachment 419623

I do need to get a "new" PC, USB my current boot drive and put my hard drives in reasonably secure storage - I probably won't even miss what's on them ...

View attachment 419622

Only 500GB? Well I've got a draw full of hard drives. I can post you one (or more). You can then shuffle the stuff of C and disconnect the others whilst you do a fresh install?

I know the data hording thing. I think I'm up about 20TB now, but head over r/datahorder if you really want to feel better.
I bought a SAN at a bankruptcy auction. It only took me about 6 months to get it working with Fedora and KVM VMs etc. And it uses about $80 / month worth of electricity. Very much recommended as a wildly impractical personal storage solution. It does look fucking cool in my garage though.
Only 500GB? Well I've got a draw full of hard drives. I can post you one (or more). You can then shuffle the stuff of C and disconnect the others whilst you do a fresh install?
That's really very kind, but my nerves are too frayed to do serious computer stuff at the moment.
I absolutely need to source a whole replacement PC before this one stops working altogether.
If I had real faith in the hardware I might at least buy a medium size SSD and do a fresh build on that ...

I've had to accept that unless a miracle happens I will be in this house until very late in 2025 at least.

Last year I almost bought a reasonably fancy laptop to deal with a future transition period where I will be in rented accommodation and travelling light ...
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Buy a new PC then P2V this one and run it as a VM on the new hardware if you can't be arsed to shuffle data about. I do this whenever my wife gets a new laptop. The old hardware goes to e-waste but if she wants anything off it I can power up the VM in the aforementioned garage data centre.
That's really very kind, but my nerves are too frayed to do serious computer stuff at the moment.
I absolutely need to source a whole replacement PC before this one stops working altogether.
If I had real faith in the hardware I might at least buy a medium size SSD and do a fresh build on that ...

I've had to accept that unless a miracle happens I will be in this house until very late in 2025 at least.

Last year I almost bought a reasonably fancy laptop to deal with a future transition period where I will be in rented accommodation and travelling light ...

Maybe a nice second hand laptop is just what you need? Start uncluttered. You can then turn the old PC in to a NAS which you could run headless so you've still got all your drives. Plug the laptop into your monitor, keyboard and mouse when you have more serious "work" to do.

If you change your mind about the current PC, just ping me. You could move all the data on to another drive and just wipe what you have.
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Just had it fail again for the first time in 2 weeks...
My OCD dictates I disconnect all the power to my room when I leave the house and for ages I was doing that in in a very dodgy way - by pulling out a plug :oops: (something I'm about to remedy with a dedicated switched socket.)

What has been working for me is to switch the power off on my PC PSU and waiting until the separate standby 5 volt supply had discharged (there's an LED on the MOBO) then disconnecting the power ...
Last night I switched off the PSU but as an experiment didn't disconnect the power and it booted up hanging ..

I know I'm odd, but it does make me wonder what's going on electronically ...
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In technical terms, it's fucked. :thumbs:
I've probably zapped some part of the mains input filter - perhaps the VDR ...
But even in my hoped-for new life, I will always remember that there is always a separate SMPSU operating when a PC is shut down...
The only significant incident I know of at work with our HP kit - apart I think from some smoking LCD monitors was a common mode choke going bang and managing to spit a tiny blob of copper through the ventilation holes and burn a teeny hole in the carpet - in an institution with many thousands of the things.
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