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Watford Sack Manager With 2 Vital Games Left

Don't worry, we are going to absolutely destroy those claret and blue pretenders. All you have to do is not lose like 7-0 and you'll be fine.
I'd love to see Villa and WBA in the top division - I've found it sort of reassuring that Burnley are, too, nice to see teams there that were in the top division in my yoof.
I'd really like Bournemouth to beat the drop, but think the odds are against them. Never say never, because sport, but Bournemouth and Watford certainly seems most likely on the face of it.

If the Bomo win and the other two lose then they stay up. Bournemouth away to Everton, Watford away at Arsenal and Villa away to us. It's unlikely but not massively so. Actually thinking about it, they have to not draw as well. Hmmm.
If the Bomo win and the other two lose then they stay up. Bournemouth away to Everton, Watford away at Arsenal and Villa away to us. It's unlikely but not massively so. Actually thinking about it, they have to not draw as well. Hmmm.
Yeah, it's not totally inconceivable, wouldn't be the biggest shock, but would still rather be in Watford or Villa's position.

Just :hmm:
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