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Vile, disgusting, entitled, predatory man hassles brave woman on unmanned railway station

Oh my god the level of bullshit here is high.

There’s a kind of doubling-down that happens in situations like this, a kind of sunk cost fallacy that takes over. The dick has invested so much, has demonstrated such high levels of devotion that he now cannot back down. He’s shown her how courageous he is, how he’s prepared to put his life at risk for her by crossing the tracks, and she’s shunned him. He has to go on showing her that he’s big strong brave confident ballsy alpha high value man. He can’t take no for an answer because doing so would minimise the highly valuable efforts he’s demonstrated.

On some level he knows (of course he does) that she can’t possibly accept his advances. (And he knows that if she did, she’d immediately become a slut, a whore etc.) But he also believes he’s the ballsy tough alpha who would protect her from predators who would hassle her on a train platform late at night, he’s demonstrated that by crossing the tracks for her, putting his life at risk for her.

It’s so fucked up. When he said “let me have my say….” she paused, to allow him that. And he couldn’t come up with anything, because he knows he’s fucked it up. It wasn’t the romantic dramatic gesture he intended it to be, it’s creepy predatory bullshit.

In his head no doubt it’s her fault for assuming the worst, being defensive, making it out to be something it wasn’t, exaggerating, being hysterical. Showing him in a bad light. All he wanted to do was ask for her number
If anyone knows the identity of this young man, who was at Bruce Grove London Overground station 20 October 2023, perhaps they could simply notify British Transport Police as soon as possible:


(Souce: TikTok)


(Souce: TikTok)


(Source: @tiandemi)

British Transport Police has confirmed that it has seen the video and is investigating it.


"We are aware of the video and investigating. No, we haven’t received a formal complaint and we would like the victim or any witnesses to come forward.

"No one should have to put up with sexual harassment on the rail network. Detectives investing this video would like the victim and any witnesses to get in touch.

"They can do this by texting 61016 or calling us on 0800 40 50 40 - quoting reference number 168 of 22/10/23."
I saw this on TikTok the other day. The woman being accosted did remarkably well handling the situation but she shouldn't have had to do so. The part where he reaches inside his jacket and says he'll follow her made me shudder.

Here's the thing though. These encounters are not as rare as we would like to think they are. There are tons of videos out there of women being pestered by entitled shitcunt men on public transport. I just....I don't know. Obviously I hope the man is caught and all that soon but tht does little to stem the flow of men thinking they're entitled to a womans attention or worse.
I don't think 'unmanned' is allowed anymore. And it was obviously not unmanned, there was one there at least. Unattended.
Here's the thing though. These encounters are not as rare as we would like to think they are. There are tons of videos out there of women being pestered by entitled shitcunt men on public transport. I just....I don't know. Obviously I hope the man is caught and all that soon but tht does little to stem the flow of men thinking they're entitled to a womans attention or worse.
I was just about to say that this is really REALLY standard and really REALLY common. Are people really surprised by this? :confused:

ETA And not just on public transport.
I was just about to say that this is really REALLY standard and really REALLY common. Are people really surprised by this? :confused:

ETA And not just on public transport.

Sadly enough, you're completely right. I think I saw maybe 8 or 9 videos of women being harassed on public transport but I have no doubt there's tons more out there. Men really do need to do better here. We need to call out this behaviour when we see it at a fucking minimum.
It's made the national news so hopefully someone will be able to recognise and shop this piece of shit

Sad that only one woman tried to help her.

The woman shared the clip to TikTok, writing: "!!Watch out for this man!! On the 20/10/23 I was waiting alone for a friend at Bruce Grove train station when a man joined the other platform. He crossed the tracks to talk to me and immediately tried to intimidate me.

"He sat down and after politely denying him I got up to walk away. He tried to grab me and started shouting, immediately angry that I didn’t want his attention. I stopped recording after he said he would take my phone but he followed me to the exit and blocked my way out.

"I shouted for help from people in the street and even when other people were there he didn’t seem fazed. A brave woman came over to help and the disturbance had caught the attention of other people in street, she simply told me to run.

"I didn’t post this video for any attention other than to share how important it is for young women to stay as safe as possible when travelling on public transport. I am quite tall and believe I am quite capable of defending myself but in situations like this it’s easy to lose composure.

"Please please please make sure someone knows where you are at all times and avoid travelling alone at night, this occurred somewhere I usually feel quite safe and comfortable as it’s near home but it can happen to anyone, anywhere at anytime."
It’s the stories of people just standing by, not intervening, that makes me particularly angry.
I can't get involved.

I did once. Got 200 hours of community service. I've got 67 hours left. I can't stand up for what I think is right because I might go to prison if I do.

It's not fun. It's not right. But cunts are gonna cunt. I have to literally watch shit go down and not he able to do anythingm it's so hard.
I can't get involved.

I did once. Got 200 hours of community service. I've got 67 hours left. I can't stand up for what I think is right because I might go to prison if I do.

It's not fun. It's not right. But cunts are gonna cunt. I have to literally watch shit go down and not he able to do anythingm it's so hard.

I get what you’re saying and it must be teethgrinding agony to have to stand by.

But you can get involved.
This stuff doesn’t come out of nowhere it’s part of the whole edifice.
So get involved elsewhere. Talk to other men. Have conversations with your brothers. Call out the small stuff. Raise awareness.
I get what you’re saying and it must be teethgrinding agony to have to stand by.

But you can get involved.
This stuff doesn’t come out of nowhere it’s part of the whole edifice.
So get involved elsewhere. Talk to other men. Have conversations with your brothers. Call out the small stuff. Raise awareness.
Would love love to.

But when I do they are all "but you punched someone".

I fucking give up. And I bet I'm not the first to either. The cunt men win.
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