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Vaughan Gething's time is up


Alligator in chains by the park gates.
The new First Minister of Wales elected earlier today. Son of a white father and black mother, non-Welsh speaker (though he is learning).

I don’t know if he is beating the Torries at their own game or a Tory in sheep’s clothing.

Actual left wing politicians seem to be few and far between since Tory Blair infiltrated Labour.
There was a story that an official Labour email about the election sent to union members took you straight to a vote page if you clicked on Gething name and a general non-voting one if you clicked on opponent.
he won't resign

That's what it says in the BBC's report.

First Minister Vaughan Gething looks set to lose a vote of no confidence in his leadership later, after one of his members said that two Labour colleagues are off sick.
Mr Gething said in the Senedd on Tuesday that it is "non-binding" - this is legally true. He will not need to resign as soon as the vote is passed. But the politics is very different and failing to corral Labour Senedd members to fully support him would demonstrate a loss of authority that will likely damage his leadership.

So what is likely to happen if he does lose?
That's what it says in the BBC's report.

So what is likely to happen if he does lose?
He'll just try and front it. The LP will back him as we're in election times and he's the sort of person Starmer can do business with. He won't walk unless he's given a good shove. Personally I'd like to shove him off Barry Docks, but I ain't getting all excited about his potential downfall, he's a slippery little cunt.
Because you come across as the self appointed gate keeper of the thread.

Why should I need to justify my posting here to you?
No, you snarky twit
1 I didn't start it and didn't even post on it 'til today
2 never been a gate keeper
3 simple question, "why do you care", not justification needed or wanted, just a question, and you chuck your toys about as per :rolleyes:
Excellent - absolute scumbag.
Says quite a lot about Starmer - not only his morals, but also his acumen - that he's still backing Gething
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