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US to Recognise UFOs

Fresh ‘recovered alien craft’ claims from a former U.S. intelligence official, and backed up by a another intelligence official who’s still employed by Uncle Sam

Not that I’m saying this is likely to be true, but as a general observation, it’d be a proper cunt’s trick if the powers that be have had knowledge of the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life, and are keeping it from everyone. They can keep all the technological discoveries under wraps. There’s nothing I would like to know more before I peg it than whether we’re not alone. In fact, they can tell me and kill me right afterwards if I’m on my way out anyway.
you;re not missing much, aliens have mastered travelling beyond the speed of light to cover the impossible distances to reach earth but their brakes are shit and they keep crashing...boy racers basically
you;re not missing much, aliens have mastered travelling beyond the speed of light to cover the impossible distances to reach earth but their brakes are shit and they keep crashing...boy racers basically
So we have more in common with them than we might have thought.

An alien version of Jeremy Clarkson is not something I’d be mad to meet…
you;re not missing much, aliens have mastered travelling beyond the speed of light to cover the impossible distances to reach earth but their brakes are shit and they keep crashing...boy racers basically
Might just have crap maps and weren't expecting a planet in the way. :D
you;re not missing much, aliens have mastered travelling beyond the speed of light to cover the impossible distances to reach earth but their brakes are shit and they keep crashing...boy racers basically
First attempts at reaching other planets would likely be extremely risky. It's surely more likely that aliens arriving on earth would be a seat-of-their-pants job. If nearby aliens had super ships that could get here easily they'd have done it by now.
  • Ford Prefect: Teasers are rich kids with nothing to do. They cruise aroung the galaxy looking for planets that no one's made contact with and buzz them.
  • Arthur Dent: Buzz them?
  • Ford Prefect: Yeah. They find some isolated spot, land by some unsuspecting soul that no one's ever going to believe and strut up and down in front of them, making beep-beep noises.
  • Ford Prefect: Rather childish really.
There's a metabunk thread here, with more detail and background than was in the article.

For anyone inclined to take this seriously I'd recommend reading this article (as posted earlier in the thread) about the people behind this recent UFO hype, many of them named in the original piece about this latest one.
First attempts at reaching other planets would likely be extremely risky. It's surely more likely that aliens arriving on earth would be a seat-of-their-pants job. If nearby aliens had super ships that could get here easily they'd have done it by now.

Yet out of the billions of planets in this galaxy where they could practice atmospheric entry, they choose the one which is inhabited by apes with nuclear weapons and itchy trigger fingers.
Or maybe it is orchestrated distraction. "Don't interrupt the opposition as they shoot themselves in the foot". In this cast there is a slightly different emphasis but that maybe the idea.
Or maybe it is orchestrated distraction. "Don't interrupt the opposition as they shoot themselves in the foot". In this cast there is a slightly different emphasis but that maybe the idea.

Interesting YouTube video thumbnail. Including Russel Brand and a still from that fake alien autopsy video. Seems very clickbaity, mind summarising the video?
Yet out of the billions of planets in this galaxy where they could practice atmospheric entry, they choose the one which is inhabited by apes with nuclear weapons and itchy trigger fingers.

They'd practice atmospheric entry on their own planet surely but when we or any other civilisation first work out how to cover interplanetary distances we're unlikely to start with a choice of 'billions' of planets, a few dozen nearby ones maybe, or fewer if restrained by where they can create a wormhole or whatever. You wouldn't do a hugely expensive trial run to some barren rock of no interest, you'd go where the action was.
Interesting YouTube video thumbnail. Including Russel Brand and a still from that fake alien autopsy video. Seems very clickbaity, mind summarising the video?
I should have added - it is RBs comment on the recent noise about aliens/ufos from the US. He is not saying anything so different but I find him funny. Something is going on alright.
You didn’t notice that Russell Brand is a conspiraloon?

That makes you one too then.
I don't see that RB has said anything irrational re aliens or UFOs or much else. I've not personally encountered anyone who says they have seem such a thing. It is confusing. I don't actually hold any conspiracy theories about aliens/UFOs. It is pretty clear though that something is going here.
I don't see that RB has said anything irrational re aliens or UFOs or much else. I've not personally encountered anyone who says they have seem such a thing. It is confusing. I don't actually hold any conspiracy theories about aliens/UFOs. It is pretty clear though that something is going here.

Hmmm. Maybe you should look into your man Russell Brand a bit more.
Some guy in Las Vegas claims to have seen 8 ft tall aliens in his garden. Which, if true, means Spielberg was bang on the money with how he depicted them in Close Encounters.
I don't see that RB has said anything irrational re aliens or UFOs or much else.
Are you certain about that?

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Some guy in Las Vegas claims to have seen 8 ft tall aliens in his garden. Which, if true, means Spielberg was bang on the money with how he depicted them in Close Encounters.
My point here was that it’s more likely that the guy saw ‘aliens’ that looked like Spielberg’s film rather than vice versa.
Some guy in Las Vegas claims to have seen 8 ft tall aliens in his garden. Which, if true, means Spielberg was bang on the money with how he depicted them in Close Encounters.


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