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US to Recognise UFOs


Haha fair enough. But 'sightings' often fall into how we are culturally conditioned through the media as to how extra-terrestrials might look. So it's somewhat odd when there is a sighting that looks just like that.
Haha fair enough. But 'sightings' often fall into how we are culturally conditioned through the media as to how extra-terrestrials might look. So it's somewhat odd when there is a sighting that looks just like that.

Exactly. They always look a bit like us but uglier, crossed with a frog or something. Like they could never be a puff of a previously unidentified chemical. Or even an advanced cockroach or something. I dunno, maybe Dr Who did that, I don't keep up with these things as I might.

But it all feeds into/from 'life' out there being recognizable as some sort of human (usually) or humanly recognizable life form. And that's bollocks because why should it be?

I think if alien life managed its way here from light years away they might have moved beyond the need/basic assumption that 'life' needs water. How did Star Trek cope btw?
Exactly. They always look a bit like us but uglier, crossed with a frog or something. Like they could never be a puff of a previously unidentified chemical. Or even an advanced cockroach or something. I dunno, maybe Dr Who did that, I don't keep up with these things as I might.

But it all feeds into/from 'life' out there being recognizable as some sort of human (usually) or humanly recognizable life form. And that's bollocks because why should it be?

I think if alien life managed its way here from light years away they might have moved beyond the need/basic assumption that 'life' needs water. How did Star Trek cope btw?
I liked V who walked and talked like humans do but were really lizards (naturally) who had developed prosthetic human skin to wear to fit in. They came here to farm us which let’s face it is probably what would happen or why bother?
Not a big Trekkie but presumably they recycled their piss for drinking water or maybe the ship ran on hydrogen which produces water. Fuck knows.
Exactly. They always look a bit like us but uglier, crossed with a frog or something. Like they could never be a puff of a previously unidentified chemical. Or even an advanced cockroach or something. I dunno, maybe Dr Who did that, I don't keep up with these things as I might.

But it all feeds into/from 'life' out there being recognizable as some sort of human (usually) or humanly recognizable life form. And that's bollocks because why should it be?

I think if alien life managed its way here from light years away they might have moved beyond the need/basic assumption that 'life' needs water. How did Star Trek cope btw?

Alien life has been represented in quite different ways in films such as Dark Star, The Abyss, Monsters and most recently in Nope.

It seems like a vanity to ascribe humanoid likenesses to aliens, but that has religious precedent, what with man being made "in god's image" when it's obviously the other way around.
Alien life has been represented in quite different ways in films such as Dark Star, The Abyss, Monsters and most recently in Nope.

It seems like a vanity to ascribe humanoid likenesses to aliens, but that has religious precedent, what with man being made "in god's image" when it's obviously the other way around.
But how many reports of extra-terrestrial contact on earth veer from generic cultural forms? That was the point being made. We weren’t discussing films particularly.
But how many reports of extra-terrestrial contact on earth veer from generic cultural forms? That was the point being made. We weren’t discussing films particularly.
The mention of Star Trek and Doctor Who fired up the interest. It's been a while but iirc, there's some reports of balls of light, voices and metallic visitations amongst all our humanoid galactic travelers.

But yeah, the latter type of alien contact seems to be the most reported. And it's pervasive throughout pop culture. Which is why they are probably bogus.

Must dig out copy of the Leslie and Adamski book, it's been a long time since the days when found that kind of thing fascinating!
Would you buy a used UFO from this man? :hmm:

Photo of "UFO Whistleblower" David Grusch with Jay Stratton, Travis Taylor and George Knapp at a UFO conference in June 2022.

All 3 are heavily involved with Skinwalker Ranch folklore, which includes killer poltergeists, scary werewolves and interdimensional monsters.

Stratton claims poltergeists and werewolves haunt his home and Taylor (a series regular on "Ancient Aliens") claims a Skinwalker poltergeist decapitated one of his chickens.


Knapp, a longtime UFO celebrity, has written 2 evidence-free books about Skinwalker Ranch, a supposed hotspot for UFOs, ghosts and goblins.

Grusch worked with Stratton and Taylor at the Pentagon's UAP Task Force, where it's reported they missed Chinese spy craft for years because they unsurprisingly only saw "UFOs".

related NYP video

Source of photo is from a presentation at the Roswell UFO Convention, happening this weekend: twitter.com/studyofuaps/status/1675285843190382593?s=46&t=OGa06ELOB2aIzPAZW4RBZw
Short breakdown and discussion of the hearing, 25mins:

Statement from head of AARO (All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office - "an office within the United States Office of the Secretary of Defense that investigates unidentified flying objects") effectively accusing Grusch of lying under oath at the hearing:

Finally, to be clear, AARO has yet to find any credible evidence to support the allegations of any reverse engineering program for non-human technology. Also, to be clear, none of the whistleblowers from yesterday's hearing ever worked for AARO or was ever a representative to AARO, contrary to statements made in testimony and in the media.
Exactly. They always look a bit like us but uglier, crossed with a frog or something. Like they could never be a puff of a previously unidentified chemical. Or even an advanced cockroach or something. I dunno, maybe Dr Who did that, I don't keep up with these things as I might.
There are plenty of praying mantis sightings. Both in UFO experiences and psychedelic experiences.

What I find interesting is that in the 19th century there was a wave of air ship sightings just a few years before air ships existed for real. Seems that people tend to see what they expect to exist in the near future when it comes to UFOs.
If aliens were so incredibly advanced that they could create machines capable of travelling unimaginably vast distances across space you'd think they'd be able to stay concealed from perky UFO spotters.
Are there other data sources that would provide a more fuller picture ?
I don't know.

I'd expect there would really be a bias towards english speaking countries because of Hollywood etc, but probably not that extreme and probably getting less in recent years with a more globalised culture.
If aliens were so incredibly advanced that they could create machines capable of travelling unimaginably vast distances across space you'd think they'd be able to stay concealed from perky UFO spotters.
Or reverse into a tree in the middle of the Nevada desert conveniently close to a restricted Department of Defence base who quickly retrieve the evidence and keep schtum.
If aliens were so incredibly advanced that they could create machines capable of travelling unimaginably vast distances across space you'd think they'd be able to stay concealed from perky UFO spotters.

Well, they learnt to stay much better hidden at exactly the same time most people started carrying smart phones with decent cameras all the time…
Yet another case of pilots reporting satellites as UFOs, uncritically touted by Ryan Graves, one of the other witnesses at the hearing. Graves is now running "a military pilot led nonprofit organization dedicated to aerospace safety and national security with a focus on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP)". :facepalm:

I suspect any civilisation cable of travelling the vast distances of space could easily go undetected by us...
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