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US to Recognise UFOs

Even if the witnesses themselves swear blind that what they saw was an alien spacecraft, any half-way competent intelligence agency is going to explore more earthbound hypotheses first. I'm pretty sure the fact that they can see places like Area 51 with their own spy satellites is going to clue them in.

The US did a pretty good job keeping the F117 stealth fighter a secret for several years after the first subscale prototypes were flown in 1977. If the orbits and positions of spy satellites are known, then some things can be hidden from their view.
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[...] It's driven by nutcase senators like Harry Reid and friends forcing them to release whatever they have. [...]
Just came across this good article about them from a few weeks ago:
How Washington Got Hooked on Flying Saucers
A collection of well-funded UFO obsessives are using their Capitol Hill connections to launder some outré, and potentially dangerous, ideas.
The threat narrative was a brilliant bit of framing, turning a story of poltergeist hunters battling a cabal of demon-believers into a national security issue. But this influence campaign masks the deeper transformation its advocates want to bring about: Puthoff and his colleagues seek to delegitimize material science in favor of a magical, neo-medieval view of reality founded on spirit—or, in their terms, “consciousness” and psychic powers.
Just came across this good article about them from a few weeks ago:
This is an interesting take on it. And the requests for UFO data in Congress do seem to be coming from the trumper types, feckless bastards like Ron DeSantis. But from the accounts of all the pilots and people like Lue Elizondo I'm not sure it will gain traction as a cause celebre for those that believe in backward bible belt shit like The Rapture. I think it'll scare the shit out of them, and whatever constitutes a pineal gland in their world is surely as redundant as Ashli Babbitt's bullet.
This thread does remind me of this quote

Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don't know we don't know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tends to be the difficult ones.

UFOs are definitely known unknowns.
i think this is the best explanation of these types of UFOs

which although they show up on sensors havent actually been seen by the human eye.

"David Hambling described the technology in a May 2020 Forbes piece titled “U.S. Navy Laser Creates Plasma ‘UFOs.’ ” It creates “phantom images with infrared emissions to fool heat-seeking missiles,” he wrote. “The laser creates a series of mid-air plasma columns, which form a 2D or 3D image . . . similar to the way old-style cathode ray TV sets display a picture.”

Simply put, it’s a laser that generates a holographic image to confuse fighter pilots and their sensors during aerial combat. The patent is pending, and the technology may or may not be operational. But a foreign adversary may already be using something similar and testing the U.S. response. In 2017 Russia claimed it had achieved “next generation” laser plasma weaponry."
I am not trying to clarify an already obfuscated phenomenon. Within that confine, the move implies recognition of UFO sights as phenomena of its underlying identity of extraterrestrial spacecraft. Humans have no clear knowledge of identity of extraterrestrial spacecraft apart from the descriptions of these sightings. This is only my reply to the message.

i think this is the best explanation of these types of UFOs

which although they show up on sensors havent actually been seen by the human eye.

"David Hambling described the technology in a May 2020 Forbes piece titled “U.S. Navy Laser Creates Plasma ‘UFOs.’ ” It creates “phantom images with infrared emissions to fool heat-seeking missiles,” he wrote. “The laser creates a series of mid-air plasma columns, which form a 2D or 3D image . . . similar to the way old-style cathode ray TV sets display a picture.”

Simply put, it’s a laser that generates a holographic image to confuse fighter pilots and their sensors during aerial combat. The patent is pending, and the technology may or may not be operational. But a foreign adversary may already be using something similar and testing the U.S. response. In 2017 Russia claimed it had achieved “next generation” laser plasma weaponry."

Except that UFO’s have been showing up for a really long time.

Depending on how you categorise things, you could make a case for them showing up occasionally for thousands of years.

We frame them nowadays in terms of advanced technology because that is part of the standard rubric of our culture.
lol. US not quite able to recognise stars.

One of the comments from this video:
I'm becoming more and more convinced that these videos were leaked from some folder on some pentagon server where someone who works in training Navy pilots was putting together some kind of package of a pilots making common mistakes for educational purposes. Then the footage got leaked along with a UAP narrative and the Navy is put in the difficult position of either calling out their own veterans as liars, or admitting that their servicemembers make these kinds of dumb (but understandable) misidentification errors.
I think something like this is the answer, or a deliberate troll, or a cash grab from the gullible credulous politicians. But I really cannot believe it got all the way to being released without someone going 'hey that's just stars and an aircraft.'
One of the comments from this video:

I think something like this is the answer, or a deliberate troll, or a cash grab from the gullible credulous politicians. But I really cannot believe it got all the way to being released without someone going 'hey that's just stars and an aircraft.'
I suspected that when the pentagon found out that 22 million of their budget had been given to a UFO program they sent some of those videos, especially the "gimbal" and similar ones that were easy to identify or at least to ask the right people, as a test to see whether he was serious. Then after he failed the test they shut it down and he leaked the videos. I don't know what happened with the guy at that hearing though. He should at least have some competent advisers.
I don't know what happened with the guy at that hearing though. He should at least have some competent advisers.
A few days ago I came across this article written 5 years ago, which might be interesting to people following this. It shows how even with a load of serious experts, they often can't solve these things because "you can’t be an expert in the unknown".

In the case they're talking about the panel of experts spent two years on it and declared it "a genuine unexplained phenomena". Then the details were published on the internet and within a week the exact flight had been identified.

The expert panel had ruled out a plane partly through making incorrect assumptions and partly through not knowing about a tool that was used to help find a matching flightpath.
All UFOs are are things people see in he sky that they can't explain. How long since the US done the stealth fighters / bombers? What have they been up to since? That's what is being reported. Or aliens have been visiting. One or 'tother

btw, the fastest spaceship we have ever made, the one floating around by the sun right now, for that to get to Alpha Centuri would take it 18,000 years...
US announces it still has no evidence there is anything non terrestrial visiting us.

The Cool Worlds lab did a video on this, they specialise in "cool worlds" or planets cool enough to be habitable (early exoplanets tended to be hot as hell)

In essence the person they found who had investigated the videos thought they had prosaic explanations.

Also some VFX specialists looked into these with broadly similar results.

There is something worth noting about all the famous videos that got the press attention.
All of them are F/A-18s. Not other aircraft.
All of them are using FLIR or an infrared camera that they fit to these aircraft, this accounts for much of the distortion and the often strange seeming movements as the cameras gimbal around.
All of them happen in two locations, off the coast of California and off the coast of Virginia, basically close to major on shore defence and research establishments and in the water the USN uses for "work up" where the fleet trains before deploying.
Never F-16s or F-22s over land or F/A-18s in transit or on deployment.

My view? These are all just the sort of anomalous sighting and misidentifications you will get with 100 000s of hours of flight time that the USN will chuck in. But people are more than happy to stick these in a bin marked "mysterious" when they happen in places that the US is likely testing undercover technologies. We know they had a brand new fighting, the NGAD, that is to replace F-22 in a couple of years and likely have some rather advanced drones flying around over water where they are unlikely to be photographed often. So if every time a navy pilot reports "weird thing" it goes into the same file as all the UFO crap, there is a reason another hot spot for UFOs is around Groom Lake and Tonapah where things like SR-71, U-2 and -F117 were developed and deployed in the 50s-80s.

US had some Soviet fighters at Tonapah that it used to train fighter pilots against. So anyone who thought there was something fishy at Tonapah would find something fishy, except at night, the F-117 would come out to train, so the speculation is that the former was used to satiate the curiosity of people and help hide the later.
Again there is a reason that part of the world is famous for its UFO sightings.
There is a lot of speculation that https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=eyes+on+cinema , which has been posting historic videos daily for the past few months is part of a disclosure process.
That's a pretty impressive dumping of content, massively time consuming and have to wonder where have they got it all from.

But despite that what we know so far is Americans have seen some things they can't explain and there's still no real video evidence
There is a lot of speculation that https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=eyes+on+cinema , which has been posting historic videos daily for the past few months is part of a disclosure process.
Just another grifter running the same old scam.

It is important to note that UFOlogy is not about real scientific investigation of UFOs. It is about personalities who have found a niche in society that allows them to satisfy their egos and appear important to those who want to believe these stories. By promoting the myth that the US government is concealing aliens or information about UFOs, they can continue to write books, appear on "Larry King", and ask for money from credulous individuals who want to believe them. With that kind of sensationalism being sold, there is no reason for many UFOlogists to really want "disclosure". This is why "disclosure", in the sense that many in UFOlogy describe, will never happen and why it is nothing more than a myth.
Just another grifter running the same old scam.
For sure, It maybe that there is nothing more going on than people who are desperate for attention or think they experienced things they didn't. For me disclosure would have to mean parading alien paraphernalia in public. However, I have found the bits of footage on that site so compelling to watch esp the older ones. Its very like the ghost thing - ETs are believed to have superpowers!
For sure, It maybe that there is nothing more going on than people who are desperate for attention or think they experienced things they didn't.
It's often cruel and cynical scammers manipulating people with mental health problems into believing those kinds of delusions really happened to them and then selling their supposed stories. See here for example.
Fresh ‘recovered alien craft’ claims from a former U.S. intelligence official, and backed up by a another intelligence official who’s still employed by Uncle Sam

Not that I’m saying this is likely to be true, but as a general observation, it’d be a proper cunt’s trick if the powers that be have had knowledge of the existence of intelligent extraterrestrial life, and are keeping it from everyone. They can keep all the technological discoveries under wraps. There’s nothing I would like to know more before I peg it than whether we’re not alone. In fact, they can tell me and kill me right afterwards if I’m on my way out anyway.
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