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Undercover policing enquiry

'Rob Harrison' seems to be the latest name named - International Solidarity Movement, State of Emergency (aka State of Emergency Collective), No Borders, Globalise Resistance, 2004-7
Just a word of warning about outing someone, even if the name is already public...

Usernames can be quite similar to one another, and what with the human memory being quite unreliable, when it's done can it be made very clear and with more than just 'It was X' so to avoid confusion and stop people being mistakenly thought of as cops and causing even more chaos and upset please?
It would be interesting to know what Met Special Branch did with the personal data (including real names; addresses; telephone numbers; email addresses) of Urban75 users - mostly with no clear connection to any political activity - which the ‘undercover poster’ actively sought out on a number of occasions and over an extended period of time.

Plenty of things need to be clarified about this spycop's deployment in relation to U75 - was his rocking up here incidental, or planned; whilst here was he keeping tabs on specific people/topics, or just drift trawling; from which IP addresses did he log on (especially after his deployment ended when he continued to occasionally post here), and can these be matched up to other users in non-trivial ways; and so on.
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Right, with assent from mods, 'Boogie Boy' was aka 'Rob Harrison' aka 'DJ Boogie Knight'. And as DaveCinzano alluded to he was involved in Urburn where posters were exchanging CDs by post, presumably including his Bethnal Green (fake) hone.


Police spy infiltrated Palestine activists

Mayday Party
State of Emergency Benefit Night - Saturday 16th September 2006
The fucking cunt. But no surprise, obvs.

Emails from Harrison, obtained by The Electronic Intifada, show that he was a leading organizer of a September 2005 fundraiser for ISM London. He was also a DJ, and played a set at the event, which took place at the rampART social centre, a squatted venue in East London.

It was one of several such events he volunteered his services for, under the DJ name “Boogie Knight.”

ISM activists who knew “Harrison” have told The Electronic Intifada of their shock and dismay.

Kieron Gill, now a local Labour councillor in London, remembered Rob as a “nervous loser” who claimed not to feel educated enough to speak out on Palestine.

“I’m disgusted, amazed, incredulous,” said Gill upon learning that the man he’d thought was a friend was in fact a police spy.

Most ISM London activists interviewed by The Electronic Intifada declined to be quoted using their real names.

“Kerry” said she had been suspicious: “I knew it!” During her time in ISM London, “Harrison” would often visit her housing co-op, but would never reciprocate. “It’s pathetic, spying on a bunch of peace activists,” she said upon learning the news.

Another ISM London activist, “Steve” said, “I would have thought we’d be a waste of time.” He said, “We weren’t a threat to anyone in my opinion.”

Another activist who wants to remain anonymous, “Miriam,” suggested the information “Harrison” collected may have been passed onto Israeli authorities.

“No wonder we all got refused” entry to the country, she said.
It would be interesting to know what Met Special Branch did with the personal data (including real names; addresses; telephone numbers; email addresses) of Urban75 users - mostly with no clear connection to any political activity - which the ‘undercover poster’ actively sought out on a number of occasions and over an extended period of time.

Do we know for certain of other things other than Uburn that he did to get contacts?

I expect a lot of regular posters arent reading this thread, so if there is something to be gained by asking the broader forum "Did you give your details to this spycop", maybe a new thread should be started, with Boogie Boy in the title?
I expect a lot of regular posters arent reading this thread, so if there is something to be gained by asking the broader forum "Did you give your details to this spycop", maybe a new thread should be started, with Boogie Boy in the title?

Good point. Is Community Chat the right forum for that, or General do you think?
He claims to have been attending Birkbeck uni

Birkbeck university

And at Bash the Rich Notting Hill:

"The cops were all over us, lots of FIT and plenty of TSG too. Lots of them and not enough of us perhaps."

Bash the Rich!

Menezes family campaign launch:

"I have to agree that anyone at the meeting had to have been struck hard by the quiet humility and dignity of the family. Their expression of thanks for the support during these difficult times was absolutely gut wrenching.


Absolutely - it was a fucking disgrace - what did they think was going to happen? Did they think that there was going to be a riot? Someone at the LSE should be called to account."

Jean Charles de Menezes meeting tonight (reminder)
Right, with assent from mods, 'Boogie Boy' was aka 'Rob Harrison' aka 'DJ Boogie Knight'. And as DaveCinzano alluded to he was involved in Urburn where posters were exchanging CDs by post, presumably including his Bethnal Green (fake) home.


Police spy infiltrated Palestine activists

Mayday Party
State of Emergency Benefit Night - Saturday 16th September 2006

This is a test for FridgeMagnet's sysadmin acumen. It's apparent BB did underhand work in PMs. If he was half sharp he would be deleting along the way....but if FM has got a decent selection of periodic backups there could be some very helpful information lurking there.

Some questions for U75 admin to think about:

-What historic backups are kept?

-Do you still have a backup of the old vBulletin PMs?

-Have you changed BBs password? If not, do so NOW.

-What email address(es) were associated with BBs account?

-What other historic logs are available?​

If you do not have the time or the will, find a trusted party that can assist and punt the info off securely to the good people at undercoverresearch.net

His PMs are likely to be v interesting.

On more flippant note, a brief trawl through his posts reveals his dislike of Strings of Life.

Strings of Life!!!
Go for it ska invita. Some of the old ones ought to know.
I don't know, i think this is a serious thing and needs to be treated with respect and a degree of due process, not to mention the issues raised by l-0_0-l above. I'm sure starting a new thread will bring out more stories, contacts and meetings, but is airing them on an unstructured thread the right way to go about it?

I can imagine a circumstance where some people may not want to share what happened, but it would be good that it got fed in to the URNetwork mentioned, if they require it.

I guess what I'm saying is it would be good to start a thread constructively and on the right foot, with a sense of a point to starting it, and a sense that information that comes out is of use, and directed somewhere.

If it isn't then it just becomes a bit of gossip for the boards and not really worth it. Perhaps. Maybe best to let sleeping dogs lie. Im sure others have a better idea about this, and if not perhaps best to get guidance from the URN first and see what they want, if anything.

Then again, aside of all that, I'd want to know if id had interactions with this cop and it should be flagged up to the community.
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One of the other outcomes of spycops is it breeds suspicion... Its a horrible potentially poisonous thing that, and no one likes suspecting people, and id imagine as a mod I'd have concerns how it might play out, or what might become uncovered.

It would be good to get guideance from those doing work on the issue but also from the mods, who have to protect the longevity of the boards, for what they want.

This may be sounding over dramatic, and maybe it's no big thing really, but on the other hand I wouldn't want to blunder through it if that led to a bigger problem down the line.
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