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Travelling from the UK to the USA with a criminal record

You need a machine readable passport to get in - check that yours is OK. I doubt if they would have kept any record of your cancelled meeting.

Would I declare in your case? I probably wouldn't.
Hello, im in 2 minds on what to do, i got arrested when i was 14/15 for stealing a mascara from boots... (silly thing to do i no...) i got taken to the police station, fingerprints/dna etc taken from me, im going to book my flight next week to america (to see friends ) and was going to fill out the ESTA @ the travel agents, the question about 'moral turpitude' has got me abit confused.. should i just click 'no' and risk it?? as non of the other questions relate to me, im now 21 so the crime was years ago, it didnt go to court or anything, and i didnt have too pay a fine, just got a slap on the wrist and was told not to do it again, i havent committed anything else. If i just click 'no' on the esta, and risk it, whats the likelyhood that anyone will find out? Any informative replies would me most helpful, as i'm swaying more to the idea of just clicking 'no' help please.................???

Hi there, I am going to california soon and I dont know if i should tell them about a conviction I had which is basically the same as yours! I was caught shoplfting from boots when i was 15 for stealing some fake nails. I got a caution which i know is on my record. Please could you tell me what happend with you? Did you disclose it on the ESTA? Did you get a visa? Did you just risk it and if so what happend? Would really appreciate if you could help me. thanks. I know you might not even see this message, but if you do please please reply :)
Look, this is all very simple. If you want to be turned back at immigration, declare on the ESTA. If you don't, don't. They really don't have the database from hell where they can cross reference every time you smoked a spliff.

You are the very last person I'm telling this to because after seven fucking years of people joining the boards to ask this question and for no other reason I have entirely lost patience. Read the sodding board. The answer is there. It's not going to change however much the nitty gritty details of your question do.
Look, this is all very simple. If you want to be turned back at immigration, declare on the ESTA. If you don't, don't. They really don't have the database from hell where they can cross reference every time you smoked a spliff.

You are the very last person I'm telling this to because after seven fucking years of people joining the boards to ask this question and for no other reason I have entirely lost patience. Read the sodding board. The answer is there. It's not going to change however much the nitty gritty details of your question do.

now now Trashy, stop scaring the new posters away :D
Hello All,

I would just like to quickly share my recent experiences of travel to the states. This is basically reiterating previous posters but the information is current.

I have a caution (2 years ago) for possession of class a,class b and class c drugs. A very small quantity of each.

In July 2011 I travelled to the USA. I ticked no on the ESTA for criminal convictions. I cleared immigration in Detroit as that was a short stopover on the way to California. I got the standard questions. What are you here for? Have you got any money? Do you have a job back home? How long are you staying? The officer was very curt but only doing his job. I was let in no problems. Passport stamped for 3 months visit (I stayed for 16 days).

I went back to California last month for a 2 week trip this time. I got the same questions but this time in NYC as that was my stopover (cheap tickets!!). Again I cleared customs with no trouble.

They just want to know that you aren't a terrorist. You aren't going to overstay (hence the job/home/family question). You have the dollars to support yourself.

Those of you travelling with families should have even less trouble than I did. I'm 28 and was travelling solo. I also look a bit 'hippy' and I would consider myself the prime candidate for over staying if I was interviewing me! I do on the other hand have a good job and a nice polite manner and answered all their question openly and honestly. The first time I went I was just renting a car and drifting down the Cali coast exploring. I took a tent. Superb times. I told them that was my plan and it wasn't even blinked at. The second time I went I was visiting a girlfriend I met their last time and attending a wedding. I thought that this may raise alarm bells with them as I told them I was staying with a girlfriend and that must have flagged me up as a potential overstayer, or a violated of visa by doing something silly like marrying her while I was there (for a green card?). Anyway the upshot of it all is they gave me a stamp for 6 months this time and waved me through.

Just tick the 'no' box. The worst that happens is you get deported and can't go back ever; but then you couldn't go there in the first place so you have lost nothing.........

I hope this may help somebody! Good luck and I hope you have a fantastic time in the USA!!!!! Yeeehaw!
im 20 years old now but when i was 14 i was involved with criminal damage on door, well no damage was done to the door but i kiked it once and got arrested, finger prints taken, photo and they gave me an interview and let me off with a reprimand i think it was, about a year later i was going through a rough time lost my temper and through a cup at my moms wall it put a small thumb size dent in it and my mom decided to call the police and had me arrested same proceedings as the time before and nothing done. basically im so embarresed of all that and me and my boyfriend are planning a trip to florida next year but im worried about ticking no on the esta form as i know that its not moral turpitude but then getting pulled from the immigration line and then getting busted, what kinds of questions do they ask you at immigration and can they find out everything from my fingerprints. im so worried about this and that if i have to get a visa they will deny me,ive read so many forums and its making me worried that no matter im going to get refusal
im 20 years old now but when i was 14 i was involved with criminal damage on door, well no damage was done to the door but i kiked it once and got arrested, finger prints taken, photo and they gave me an interview and let me off with a reprimand i think it was, about a year later i was going through a rough time lost my temper and through a cup at my moms wall it put a small thumb size dent in it and my mom decided to call the police and had me arrested same proceedings as the time before and nothing done. basically im so embarresed of all that and me and my boyfriend are planning a trip to florida next year but im worried about ticking no on the esta form as i know that its not moral turpitude but then getting pulled from the immigration line and then getting busted, what kinds of questions do they ask you at immigration and can they find out everything from my fingerprints. im so worried about this and that if i have to get a visa they will deny me,ive read so many forums and its making me worried that no matter im going to get refusal

Do you really think that US immigration knows about every kid that threw a cup at their mum? How clever do you think they are?
They couldnt stop a group of extremists crashing planes into the two laregst buildings in Manhattan, I think you'll be OK. Do NOT apply for a visa as then they will know all about!

If I was working for US immigration I would not let in anyone who threw a cup at their own mum. That is appalling behaviour and no wonder she called the police. In any case they don't need your fingerprints. These guys are experts at their game, they can tell a wrong-un just by looking at them. A few hours of interrogation and they will get all the facts out of you including kicking the door.

The good news is that they won't send you to Guantanamo but simply deport you back to the UK. I hope your paperwork is in order or the UK authorities may not want to let you in either. You could end up a stateless person moving around the world trying to be let in somewhere. It is very cold travelling in the wheel housing of an aeroplane as well and the air is thin up there above the clouds.
Look, this is all very simple. If you want to be turned back at immigration, declare on the ESTA. If you don't, don't. They really don't have the database from hell where they can cross reference every time you smoked a spliff.

You are the very last person I'm telling this to because after seven fucking years of people joining the boards to ask this question and for no other reason I have entirely lost patience. Read the sodding board. The answer is there. It's not going to change however much the nitty gritty details of your question do.
I think this post should be highlighted for all new posters on this form :cool:
Charged with possession of a class A 2005 and given a small fine 2005

-few minor stuff arrested at 15 for being drunk, I'm 29 now
- shoplifting 2000 - community service
- Assult 2006 - not charged

I've booked to go to Vegas for my best friends mams 50th with a group of people. Then I found out about this visa.

I honestly dont think they would be interested in someone who got done for shoplifting while living on her own at 16 and going to college so I only had a part time job.
Who got arrested for hitting her boyfriend back after 1 too many beatings and being pissed on cider at 16 (we have ALL being there)

The 1 thing I am worried about though is the class A conviction. I was caught with 2 grams of mdma 5yrs ago while on a night out in London.

I am an administration manager at a textiles company and have a lovely house and nice car and my friends mam would have a heart attack if I got deported and she found out.

** Trashpony are you saying just tick no and even with the class a I'll be fine? **
Trashpony please dont shout at me for this but.....
Our friend has travelled twice to the usa 1st time at 13 2nd last year whilst awaiting to go to court, she has since been to court. As it goes she is doing her nursing degree and working some overtime shifts whilst claiming housing benefit and council tax benefit. She did not declare these extra hours and got 120 hours of community hours for fraud.:eek: She got convicted in her maiden name and is now married. Ive just been reading the list for denial and the top 1 is fraud!!:hmm: She was not arrested for this never has beeen so no finger prints etc taken, she has booked to go back with he husband and sons who she travelled with last year, do u think she will have any problems or should she just go straight 4 the visa?
Trashpony please dont shout at me for this but.....
Our friend has travelled twice to the usa 1st time at 13 2nd last year whilst awaiting to go to court, she has since been to court. As it goes she is doing her nursing degree and working some overtime shifts whilst claiming housing benefit and council tax benefit. She did not declare these extra hours and got 120 hours of community hours for fraud.:eek: She got convicted in her maiden name and is now married. Ive just been reading the list for denial and the top 1 is fraud!!:hmm: She was not arrested for this never has beeen so no finger prints etc taken, she has booked to go back with he husband and sons who she travelled with last year, do u think she will have any problems or should she just go straight 4 the visa?

How many fucking times?
Do you really think that the USA has a data base of EVERYONE in the world and every single crime they ever committed? Is there even a computer big enough to store that info? DO NOT apply for a visa as it is the only way they will find out this inf:confused:nce you tell them you are fucked.

A mate of mine lived in Chicago for years and worked illegally, without a green card, he was initiually wary that they would catch up with him and that any problem with the authorities would get him deported. Once he git done for a driving offence, another a court appearance for not having his dog on a leash. On neither occassion did the court question his accent or whether he was legal or not. Neither did the court computer cross reference with the IRS computer which would have shown him up to be illegal. In the end he was actually on the local Police benevolent committee, he never got found out.

If the systems in the US cant even work out who is legal in their own country do you really think they will work out who is leagl from outside? Really, think about it!
They're only ever likely to try and look up your records when you enter a country if:

(a) you look particularly suspicious/sweaty/shifty
(b) there's something wrong with your paperwork
(c) there's something wrong with your baggage
(d) you've been daft enough to leave something incriminating on your person
(e) you're spectacularly unlucky and have been pulled out for a spectacularly rare random check
Christ chance it you loons worst case you get a flight back a a pub tale to tell

TBH after transiti g through the states many times i can't think of a place less fucking attractive to go to

The homeland security experience is fucking dehumanising and wouldn't be out of place in an abotoir

Avoid like the plague and fuck the country a million times over in the face to death with a fucking axe

Ok just a recap for anyone else with 9 or more criminal records.
I got back from the US today and had a great time in PA, At US customs I got my passport taken off me because the officer was unsure about me and went into a room for 30 minutes then got called and had to have a little chat with a customs officer and then he said "Ok welcome to america" and got my passport back

It was worth the risk
guys in august 2009 i was found guilty of GBH but was not sentenced,(i ran into a security guard while running away from police and he hit his head on the floor and needed stiches)i spent a week in prison on remmand. Do you think i will be allowed into the usa anytime soon?? is there a time limit after an offence u have to wait before your allowed there or something??? please get bk to me.thanks
Lee, that kind of thing will bar you for life from the USA, sorry. Croydon may let you in for a bit though.
guys in august 2009 i was found guilty of GBH but was not sentenced,(i ran into a security guard while running away from police and he hit his head on the floor and needed stiches)i spent a week in prison on remmand. Do you think i will be allowed into the usa anytime soon??
It's all a gamble. So long as you don't attract attention to yourself when you arrive, you should have no probs getting in to the US, but....

See my post above:
Oops I remembered I got a very polite PM from someone asking me about this and forgot to answer it. I love the fact that I have become the resident expert :D
A mate of mine was arrested sometime back. No charge, but the arrest still counts under the draconian INS regs.

He decided to go to the US embassy to declare and apply for a visa. The interviewer was apparently surprised that he was meant to do this, and - after some brief checks - issued a 10 year visa there and then.

So that's another option, for those down at the 'arrest only' level.
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