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Travelling from the UK to the USA with a criminal record

After what? I've never been convicted of serious drugs offences to my knowledge. I have been in the nick a couple of times, drunk tank stuff. And no, I never had any trouble getting into the US.
After what? I've never been convicted of serious drugs offences to my knowledge. I have been in the nick a couple of times, drunk tank stuff. And no, I never had any trouble getting into the US.

have u ever been to prison for a yr or more or know of any1 who has and gone on holiday to usa and not got checked
After what? I've never been convicted of serious drugs offences to my knowledge. I have been in the nick a couple of times, drunk tank stuff. And no, I never had any trouble getting into the US.
what is the process like at the airport does it seem like they are doing checks or do they just scan passport scan finger prints and then let u threw or is there more or less to it?
when was the last time u went?
have u ever been to prison for a yr or more or know of any1 who has and gone on holiday to usa and not got checked

I've never been, and I'm not sure about the latter part of that. But I am sure I've got mates with prison behind them who got in no probs.

what is the process like at the airport does it seem like they are doing checks or do they just scan passport scan finger prints and then let u threw or is there more or less to it?
when was the last time u went?

Passport, finger prints, lots of questions about your business there, where you're going etc etc. I was last in 2008, the missus is over now and it didn't sound like it had changed. They'll be assholes at border control but they're like that with everyone, American or foreigner. As I said, unless someone's been a very serious bad-ass I very much doubt they'll pick up on some minor embellishments of the truth.
travelling to us with criminal record

I've never been, and I'm not sure about the latter part of that. But I am sure I've got mates with prison behind them who got in no probs.

Passport, finger prints, lots of questions about your business there, where you're going etc etc. I was last in 2008, the missus is over now and it didn't sound like it had changed. They'll be assholes at border control but they're like that with everyone, American or foreigner. As I said, unless someone's been a very serious bad-ass I very much doubt they'll pick up on some minor embellishments of the truth.

I have been seeing this forum with interest for a few months as I had to go on Holiday to Florida with my wife and a 6 year old child. I was charged and than convicted for shoplifting 13 years ago after pleading guilty as I could not handle the pressure of a trial. I was the victim of a racial hatred from a shop assistant who called the police and got me arrested. I am a senior hospital consultant. Again I had the option of either declaring the conviction and go through the process of visa or click no on the ESTA and take the risk. I saw the document posted by someone who said that home office has confirmed that they do not pass on the details on their police register to the american authorities and hence they will only know what you tell them. I have had no problem entering the country. Just the usual questions asked as to why I was there and for how long. I must say that dont travel if you have committed a class A crime and are required by the interpol. Minor class C offences to declare on ESTA will make your journey to US difficult now and for ever and as they do not share records with British Authorities these petty offences are only knowledgable to them if you tell them. So if you have class C offence tick No and enjoy your time in the US.
I have been seeing this forum with interest for a few months as I had to go on Holiday to Florida with my wife and a 6 year old child. I was charged and than convicted for shoplifting 13 years ago after pleading guilty as I could not handle the pressure of a trial. I was the victim of a racial hatred from a shop assistant who called the police and got me arrested. I am a senior hospital consultant. Again I had the option of either declaring the conviction and go through the process of visa or click no on the ESTA and take the risk. I saw the document posted by someone who said that home office has confirmed that they do not pass on the details on their police register to the american authorities and hence they will only know what you tell them. I have had no problem entering the country. Just the usual questions asked as to why I was there and for how long. I must say that dont travel if you have committed a class A crime and are required by the interpol. Minor class C offences to declare on ESTA will make your journey to US difficult now and for ever and as they do not share records with British Authorities these petty offences are only knowledgable to them if you tell them. So if you have class C offence tick No and enjoy your time in the US.

Thanks for sharing abcdxyz. Don't be a stranger!
Hello, im in 2 minds on what to do, i got arrested when i was 14/15 for stealing a mascara from boots... (silly thing to do i no...) i got taken to the police station, fingerprints/dna etc taken from me, im going to book my flight next week to america (to see friends ) and was going to fill out the ESTA @ the travel agents, the question about 'moral turpitude' has got me abit confused.. should i just click 'no' and risk it?? as non of the other questions relate to me, im now 21 so the crime was years ago, it didnt go to court or anything, and i didnt have too pay a fine, just got a slap on the wrist and was told not to do it again, i havent committed anything else. If i just click 'no' on the esta, and risk it, whats the likelyhood that anyone will find out? Any informative replies would me most helpful, as i'm swaying more to the idea of just clicking 'no' help please.................???
Hello, im in 2 minds on what to do, i got arrested when i was 14/15 for stealing a mascara from boots... (silly thing to do i no...) i got taken to the police station, fingerprints/dna etc taken from me, im going to book my flight next week to america (to see friends ) and was going to fill out the ESTA @ the travel agents, the question about 'moral turpitude' has got me abit confused.. should i just click 'no' and risk it?? as non of the other questions relate to me, im now 21 so the crime was years ago, it didnt go to court or anything, and i didnt have too pay a fine, just got a slap on the wrist and was told not to do it again, i havent committed anything else. If i just click 'no' on the esta, and risk it, whats the likelyhood that anyone will find out? Any informative replies would me most helpful, as i'm swaying more to the idea of just clicking 'no' help please.................???

Dont even think about declaring it. Do you really deep deep down believe that the US authorities are gonna know about every single shoplifting offence ever committed by a UK nd by definition every person in the world? There are probably convicted murderes getting into america daily.
Hello, im in 2 minds on what to do, i got arrested when i was 14/15 for stealing a mascara from boots... (silly thing to do i no...) i got taken to the police station, fingerprints/dna etc taken from me, im going to book my flight next week to america (to see friends ) and was going to fill out the ESTA @ the travel agents, the question about 'moral turpitude' has got me abit confused.. should i just click 'no' and risk it?? as non of the other questions relate to me, im now 21 so the crime was years ago, it didnt go to court or anything, and i didnt have too pay a fine, just got a slap on the wrist and was told not to do it again, i havent committed anything else. If i just click 'no' on the esta, and risk it, whats the likelyhood that anyone will find out? Any informative replies would me most helpful, as i'm swaying more to the idea of just clicking 'no' help please.................???

It wouldn't be considered a crime and wouldn't go on your criminal record then, even in the US. I had to go to court for what was considered a criminal offense (driving while uninsured) and I admitted to the offense, but something like that it hardly ever gets recorded on your permanent record. I just had to pay a fine and say I would never do it again, etc. So, you have absolutely nothing to worry about, as you did not even commit a crime "on the books". If you're really not sure you can order a background check on yourself.
Hello everyone.

Right I need little scaremongering just honest advice folks.

We wish to travel to Florida for a family holiday next year and my brother has been aressted twice! one was for drink driving one xmas years ago, he wasnt highly over the limit but the twit was charged obviously.

The next thing he was aressted for was `sexual harassment`!! It came as a HUGE shock to us all (with his Frank Spencer personality an all) and we all went to court with him. It was suggested that he`d pinched the bottom of a fellow employee and said "inappropriate" things :0/ dear lord it was a terrifying experience and totally BS and he got not-guilty all charges dropped etc etc.
However we fear that he will be frowned upon, more for the fact he has had two arrests! and one was of a sexual nature, even though he was found innocent!

He is adamant on filling all required visa forms and attending interviews as he has nothing to hide, but what are the chances he will be refused? He is a professional, home owner with a wife and kids.

Thanks everyone
However we fear that he will be frowned upon, more for the fact he has had two arrests! and one was of a sexual nature, even though he was found innocent!

He is adamant


Don't declare anything - he'll be fine. He wasn't found guilty and the only way he'll be refused is if he declares the arrests on the forms.

Don't declare anything - he'll be fine. He wasn't found guilty and the only way he'll be refused is if he declares the arrests on the forms.
Oh nooo! You have discovered my brothers true identity hahaha! On a serious note though, what are you basing your opinion on? as I cant rely on hunches really. Its so frustrating.

Cheers again.
Oh nooo! You have discovered my brothers true identity hahaha! On a serious note though, what are you basing your opinion on? as I cant rely on hunches really. Its so frustrating.

Cheers again.

Do you really believe that everyone with a DIU is known to US immigration? There's your answer. He was innocent of the other charge so it matters no one iota. Tell them and they may well stop him going, dont tell them and they will never know. I have a DUI and have never been stopped or even questioned at immigration, just tell him to say NO to everything on the forms and he will be fine.
Great thread , very informative :) a friend is wanting to travel to America , his situation is a little bit different from most mentioned above , he has no criminal record , but he is currently on bail for a alledged sex offence (he denied it etc) he has not been charged and has no previous criminal record but remains on bail.

There are no restrictions on his bail for traveling to other countries and he still has his passport, one of the newer types with a chip.

i know the old saying in the u.k is innocent until proved gulity etc........but based on the u.s embassy , would he need to apply for a special visa etc.

advice welcomed please.
p.s, does anyone know of a list of countries that can be visited without the need of a special visa while on police bail , with no past criminal record.
I've got a caution for cannabis from 2002. should I declare it ie get a proper visa? or just tick 'no' on the ESTA form. I'm bricking it that if I get the ESTA then I'll arrive in the US and they'll know my record and deport me leaving my wife there. Has anyone been to the states recently with a similar record? As it is all electronic now I am worried that they'll have the information from the police national computer even though they allegedly haven't (earlier in this thread).
I'd say he'll be alright then. No guarantees of course, but I know people with relatively serious drugs offences who's got in no probs.

No-one does.

When were those people admitted to the states? Was it recently ie electronic visa waiver or when you just had to fill out a card to get in?
Hello everyone.

Right I need little scaremongering just honest advice folks.

We wish to travel to Florida for a family holiday next year and my brother has been aressted twice! one was for drink driving one xmas years ago, he wasnt highly over the limit but the twit was charged obviously.

The next thing he was aressted for was `sexual harassment`!! It came as a HUGE shock to us all (with his Frank Spencer personality an all) and we all went to court with him. It was suggested that he`d pinched the bottom of a fellow employee and said "inappropriate" things :0/ dear lord it was a terrifying experience and totally BS and he got not-guilty all charges dropped etc etc.
However we fear that he will be frowned upon, more for the fact he has had two arrests! and one was of a sexual nature, even though he was found innocent!

He is adamant on filling all required visa forms and attending interviews as he has nothing to hide, but what are the chances he will be refused? He is a professional, home owner with a wife and kids.

Thanks everyone

They ask about convictions only, so the accusation that didn't stick doesn't count at all. They also only ask about serious crimes and those of 'moral turpitude' - that's vague, but wouldn't include drink-driving. I mean, I'm no expert or anything, but if you read the ESTA questions it's clear that they're not asking about DUIs.
Heres our dilema, we've been to the usa 4 times before but since the last visit in 2008 my wife had a breakdown and misplaced some money she was in charge of and was convicted of 3 counts theft of €90 (paid back) in 2010, she pleaded guilty and its a long story. But the facts are where the twist is she was never fingerprinted, the conviction resulted in a €50 fine which was paid. The conviction was while we were living in Ireland but she has a british passport. We want to go again in 2012, will they be able to tell she has a conviction if she ticks no on the forms. There is no record of her fingerprints on file for them to check against and we are no longer at the address listed when she was convicted. We thought about travelling to the uk and flying from there??

I got basically stitched up 2 weeks ago, never been arrested before, plod turns up asking me to go for a formal chat, not handcuffed or anything to cut a long story shot back in April i stupuidly sent a letter to a neighbour i liked which had sexual content in, she complained and i get charged and released with a caution, now i had already booked flights to vegas, should i risk the visa waiver or aplly for a visa.
Heres our dilema, we've been to the usa 4 times before but since the last visit in 2008 my wife had a breakdown and misplaced some money she was in charge of and was convicted of 3 counts theft of €90 (paid back) in 2010, she pleaded guilty and its a long story. But the facts are where the twist is she was never fingerprinted, the conviction resulted in a €50 fine which was paid. The conviction was while we were living in Ireland but she has a british passport. We want to go again in 2012, will they be able to tell she has a conviction if she ticks no on the forms. There is no record of her fingerprints on file for them to check against and we are no longer at the address listed when she was convicted. We thought about travelling to the uk and flying from there??

Fly from Dublin. You clear US imigration before evn leaving Ireland!

I got basically stitched up 2 weeks ago, never been arrested before, plod turns up asking me to go for a formal chat, not handcuffed or anything to cut a long story shot back in April i stupuidly sent a letter to a neighbour i liked which had sexual content in, she complained and i get charged and released with a caution, now i had already booked flights to vegas, should i risk the visa waiver or aplly for a visa.

Just go. do u really think that the US imigration computer has the detaills of every theft of every person in the world?
Fly from Dublin. You clear US imigration before evn leaving Ireland!

Hi, thanks for your answer. Aren't they more likely to have a record of her conviction at immigration in Dublin as it is a conviction in ireland or do you think they'll just look at her british passport. As i said if its done on fingerprints then hers aren't in the system as she's never been in trouble before(not even a parking ticket) but are they likely to pick up on the name.
Help! I really need some advice.

We would like to go on a family holiday to Florida next year. However in July 2003 I was convicted of theft from employer and was sentenced to 8 months in prison. No trial just pled guilty. Since then i have completed a teaching degree and am employed by the local county council as a teacher.

My huge dilema is the same as others....do i declare or not on the ESTA????? I have one other perhaps significant piece of information. we were going to go about 3 years ago. back then before reading posts on forums such as these i made an appointment with the us embassy for a visa interview. they took my passport number, name, address etc. do they keep these details on their database? they didn't know why i was applying. however i cancelled the interview. I visited the us in April of 2003. my passport from the trip is still valid, it has the immigration stamp in it. would it be best to report my passport as lost, get a new one, not declare and hope for the best or come clean and go for the visa interview and again hope for the best.

your advice on this subject will be very much appreciated

thanks for any help offered :confused:
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