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Toyota + Saatchi 'guerilla action' and the 'whitening of Brixton'

Well if you're going to be pedantic....

You couldn't possibly know what a Ukrainian copy writer would want from someone like you, could you? Perhaps if she had asked for feedback on her writing rather than apologising openly about something that had been taken out of context then just maybe she might ask somebody on an open forum what they thought of her writing skills.

And perhaps you meant "If I was Ukrainian, writing English copy...". Your writing isn't up to it.

As for your final unsubstantiated assertion, I don't know where to start. Perhaps you'd like to enlighten us all with your argument for that. It wasn't even especially praise, it was a just a means of communicating a well meaning defence against a rather aggressive comment. Nothing more, nothing less.

Over and out.

Both statements taken from long experience with language learners, who repeatedly complain that patronising native speakers (a) don't correct their mistakes because they think it's impolite and (b) praise their language skills in comparison to their own non-existent ones, as if that meant something. Oh, and personal experience of the same thing happening to me in other languages.

Finally, given the number of translators and proofs who struggle to make a living, despite the amount of shite copy written by unqualified people (busting rates), excuse me if my sympathy levels for charlatans inadvertently producing racist shit copy are low.
I suppose, to be fair and accurate, it's not Saatchi who are saying these things, but this Anna Rudenko.

Saatchi are far too savvy to make a mistake like this.

They do talk shite though:

The Yarn Stormers are a great example of a how a small number of people can create a large amount of positivity, as well as having some fun doing it. We’re glad we could lend our support and be a part of another one of their amazing knitted spectacles,” commentedLaurence Quinn, Creative Director, Saatchi & Saatchi.

Saatchis are advertising cars and they try to make out that they are "lending" there support to something artistic. Like they a doing the "Yarnstormers" a favour.


Saatchis creatives sit around thinking how to make a product come across. "Yarnstormers" are the ones doing Saatchis a favour. Fitted the bill for how Saatchis want the product portrayed and seen by a consumer. They would have thought about this.

Ur right Saatchis are to savvy to make the mistake that Anna did.

However this has given there advert more publicity.
They're certainly on-message with their corporate sponsors:
About the collaboration with Toyota, The Fastener of The Yarnstormers commented: "When Toyota approached us, we were impressed that they wanted to use the environmentally-friendly message of the Prius Plug-In Hybrid to brighten up London, and wanted to imbibe a similar message through our knitting needles."

Deadly Knitshade, speaking about the campaign, said: "Knit the city are about taking hold of forgotten public spaces and giving them soul through their colourful woolly creations. Toyota are the perfect partners to help us spread positivity, bringing a smile to peoples faces and encouraging them to go out and make their own artistic mark on the world."

Definitely. Same applies to most British people.

Though British people have learnt not to say things in public. If there is a difference between British and East Europeans its that East Europeans will sometimes just come out and say things. As in the un edited article.

I notice the edited article is not just clearing up factual errors but taking out any comment on Brixton. It is know completely anodyne.

The original was more honest about the intentions of the advertisers imo. They however do not say such things in public but let the advert do the talking.
a knitted one?

And as regards the proofreading / second language business...

My knowledge of Ukranian is bugger all. But if I was producing documents that I wanted to be read by a Ukranian audience, I'd damn well get someone who I was proficient in the language to do the translation / checking.

On further reflection I think she was naively putting into print the kind of way these people in hipster advertising think.

Its not that her English is poor. What she did not know was that u do not put this into print. As Story said Saatchis creatives would not make this mistake.

She inadvertently showed us how these hipsters like "nice" multicultural area. A previous poster commented on Starbucks multiculturalism.

So on second thoughts I do not think use of the word "whitening" was a mistake. Its how these people think.

"nice" multicultural area= Brixton Village.

"unpleasant" multicultural area = Brixton in the 80s opposing Police harassment and brutality.
On further reflection I think she was naively putting into print the kind of way these people in hipster advertising think.

Its not that her English is poor. What she did not know was that u do not put this into print. As Story said Saatchis creatives would not make this mistake.

She inadvertently showed us how these hipsters like "nice" multicultural area. A previous poster commented on Starbucks multiculturalism.

So on second thoughts I do not think use of the word "whitening" was a mistake. Its how these people think.

"nice" multicultural area= Brixton Village.

"unpleasant" multicultural area = Brixton in the 80s opposing Police harassment and brutality.

Even with poor English, she knows the word "you" is spelt "Y..O..U" not "U'.

Learn the language before you criticize someone else's.
There's been a fairly lively discussion going on with the knitters, their defenders and a few stroppy types on my blog, by the way:

The posts are interesting.

I would says that the problem is not the concept of putting knitting in the street linking it to the cars.

The problem is that "Yarnstormers" have explicitly linked there "brand" in public with the Toyoto campaign. For Toyoto that means some of the street cred of the "Yarnstormer" brand rubs off them.

This is not a case of Yarnstormers get funding from a sponsor. Who are acknowledged in the background.

Plenty of people do commercial and art work. But they keep the two separate. People have to live. You can be an artist who does commercial work separately.
Even with poor English, she knows the word "you" is spelt "Y..O..U" not "U'.

Learn the language before you criticize someone else's.

Read my post before you criticise me.

I am not criticising her English.

I say its not that her english is poor. And then explain why.

She is from Ukraine and probably had only worked here in media world. So does not know that there are things u do not say in public in print. Even if its the kind of attitudes she hears in the hip media circles she mixes in.
On further reflection I think she was naively putting into print the kind of way these people in hipster advertising think.

Its not that her English is poor. What she did not know was that u do not put this into print. As Story said Saatchis creatives would not make this mistake.

She inadvertently showed us how these hipsters like "nice" multicultural area. A previous poster commented on Starbucks multiculturalism.

So on second thoughts I do not think use of the word "whitening" was a mistake. Its how these people think.

"nice" multicultural area= Brixton Village.

"unpleasant" multicultural area = Brixton in the 80s opposing Police harassment and brutality.

I think you are ALL READING TOO MUCH INTO IT. Sometimes people make mistakes for whatever reason. An apology was made, and that should e that.

And as for the lambasting on @deadlyknitshade on the blog, you should all get over yourselves. So what if a 'nice thing' was sponsored by a car manufacturer. Lots of people enjoyed it and, newsflash, NOBODY HAS TO BUY A TOYOTA IF THEY DON'T WANT TO.

Like @deadlyknitshade said, I hope that everybody else who is criticising shotgun all over this board is doing everything they can to make the world a better place, in their work and other choices.
Like @deadlyknitshade said, I hope that everybody else who is criticising shotgun all over this board is doing everything they can to make the world a better place, in their work and other choices.
I'm trying hard to imbibe the environmentally-friendly message of the Prius Plug-In Hybrid through everything I do, and find that Toyota are the perfect partners to help me spread positivity, bringing a smile to peoples faces and encouraging them to go out and make their own artistic mark on the world.
I think you are ALL READING TOO MUCH INTO IT. Sometimes people make mistakes for whatever reason. An apology was made, and that should e that.

And as for the lambasting on @deadlyknitshade on the blog, you should all get over yourselves. So what if a 'nice thing' was sponsored by a car manufacturer. Lots of people enjoyed it and, newsflash, NOBODY HAS TO BUY A TOYOTA IF THEY DON'T WANT TO.

Like @deadlyknitshade said, I hope that everybody else who is criticising shotgun all over this board is doing everything they can to make the world a better place, in their work and other choices.

Get over yourself.

I got the alert as u quoted my post.

Then see you are having a go at all and sundry.

If u want to say something to me say it to me. I do not speak for everyone here.

Nor do I object to artists doing commercial work or taking sponsorship. As I have already posted.

I have some knowledge of the advertising industry.
I find it hard to believe that any racist could use the term multicultural and nicely together. To me that expresses multicultural as a desirable trait therefore not racist.

Therefore I believe that whitening was an accident misuse by a non native speaker of the English language and was meant in a 'has cleaned up its act' way. Although I can understand how this would also offend those who felt that high crime levels and public defacing of property and hatred of the middle classes is part of Brixton's valuable identity.
Therefore I believe that whitening was an accident misuse by a non native speaker of the English language and was meant in a 'has cleaned up its act' way. Although I can understand how this would also offend those who felt that high crime levels and public defacing of property and hatred of the middle classes is part of Brixton's valuable identity.
I'd imagine the phrase might offend an awful lot of people, even those who don't fall in to your point-scoring category of fantasy residents.
I'm trying hard to imbibe the environmentally-friendly message of the Prius Plug-In Hybrid through everything I do, and find that Toyota are the perfect partners to help me spread positivity, bringing a smile to peoples faces and encouraging them to go out and make their own artistic mark on the world.

Dude, that's just PR people for you. It's what they're paid for. Many of them are quite nice people and I dare say lots of them live in Brixton. But surely you don't take them seriously do you?

If you don't take them seriously or pay attention to their messages (as I don't), the it doesn't matter does it? Especially not when we get some nice knitting out of it.
Dude, that's just PR people for you. It's what they're paid for.
Except - dude - it wasn't PR people saying it. It is in fact directly attributed to the 'guerilla' knitters.
About the collaboration with Toyota, The Fastener of The Yarnstormers commented: "When Toyota approached us, we were impressed that they wanted to use the environmentally-friendly message of the Prius Plug-In Hybrid to brighten up London, and wanted to imbibe a similar message through our knitting needles."

Deadly Knitshade, speaking about the campaign, said: "Knit the city are about taking hold of forgotten public spaces and giving them soul through their colourful woolly creations. Toyota are the perfect partners to help us spread positivity, bringing a smile to peoples faces and encouraging them to go out and make their own artistic mark on the world."

I find it hard to believe that any racist could use the term multicultural and nicely together. To me that expresses multicultural as a desirable trait therefore not racist.

Therefore I believe that whitening was an accident misuse by a non native speaker of the English language and was meant in a 'has cleaned up its act' way. Although I can understand how this would also offend those who felt that high crime levels and public defacing of property and hatred of the middle classes is part of Brixton's valuable identity.

Multicultural is a buzz word in marketing (as has been previously mentioned in regards to the Starbucks effect) as with any word the meaning is in the eye of the beholder or 'the writer'
Get over yourself.

I got the alert as u quoted my post.

Then see you are having a go at all and sundry.

If u want to say something to me say it to me. I do not speak for everyone here.

Nor do I object to artists doing commercial work or taking sponsorship. As I have already posted.

I have some knowledge of the advertising industry.

It wasn't a direct criticism of you, just used your post to make a point. Apologies if you feel aggrieved.

And I'm not having a go, just engaging in some healthy debate. I'm sure we're all big enough to understand that and would all get on great over a beer or two.
Except - dude - it wasn't PR people saying it. It is in fact directly attributed to the 'guerilla' knitters.


I've been quoted by PR people once or twice in the past, and it is almost always written by them. They generally craft a quote for you. Maybe they didn't in this case but still it goes with the territory. If you are involved you are generally held on message. But like I say, they still knitted some nice things. Dude :)
I'd imagine the phrase might offend an awful lot of people, even those who don't fall in to your point-scoring category of fantasy residents.

Well it basically returns us to that thread where someone asked the question "what do people mean by a 'good area'?".
- You're overlooking human suggestibility upon which all Advertising and Marketing is predicated. Do you really think your consumer 'choices' are made with 100% autonomy?

"I hope that everybody else who is criticising shotgun all over this board is doing everything they can to make the world a better place, in their work and other choices."
- Ah, the old "but what do you do though" get-out-of-debate card.
If we wrote a list of things we could all do tomorrow to make the world a better place, how many thousands of ideas would have to be exhausted before we arrived at "knitting flowers under a damp bridge on the off chance a passer by grins for a second"?
Does this hapless wool gatherer seriously think her banal flotsam is in any way more life improving than a single cute kitten .gif ?
"I hope that everybody else who is criticising shotgun all over this board is doing everything they can to make the world a better place, in their work and other choices."

or it could be looked at as free publicity.....piss off a few limey's and we get more hits.
Well it basically returns us to that thread where someone asked the question "what do people mean by a 'good area'?".
It may be leading you that way, but I'm finding the current topic under discussion interesting enough as it is.
Though British people have learnt not to say things in public. If there is a difference between British and East Europeans its that East Europeans will sometimes just come out and say things. As in the un edited article.

I notice the edited article is not just clearing up factual errors but taking out any comment on Brixton. It is know completely anodyne.

The original was more honest about the intentions of the advertisers imo. They however do not say such things in public but let the advert do the talking.
That was my point exactly, I was referring to the 'more about inherited notions and lack of thought and understanding.' which I believe applies to far too many people as can be seen in some of the replies on here as well, where a clear example of discriminatory thinking (and expression of it) is variably ignored, excused, explained (pure speculation), justified etc rather than acknowledged.
I think you are ALL READING TOO MUCH INTO IT. Sometimes people make mistakes for whatever reason. An apology was made, and that should e that.

And as for the lambasting on @deadlyknitshade on the blog, you should all get over yourselves. So what if a 'nice thing' was sponsored by a car manufacturer. Lots of people enjoyed it and, newsflash, NOBODY HAS TO BUY A TOYOTA IF THEY DON'T WANT TO.

Like @deadlyknitshade said, I hope that everybody else who is criticising shotgun all over this board is doing everything they can to make the world a better place, in their work and other choices.
I find it hard to believe that any racist could use the term multicultural and nicely together. To me that expresses multicultural as a desirable trait therefore not racist.

Therefore I believe that whitening was an accident misuse by a non native speaker of the English language and was meant in a 'has cleaned up its act' way. Although I can understand how this would also offend those who felt that high crime levels and public defacing of property and hatred of the middle classes is part of Brixton's valuable identity.
Nicely 'non-white' multicultural maybe? I wonder how many non-white people work in her multicultural office and how they read the article.
Nicely 'non-white' multicultural maybe? I wonder how many non-white people work in her multicultural office and how they read the article.

An interesting point. Is multicultural ever used where whites don't reside? Say in areas of Birmingham populated solely by a variety of Asian and or african descent of different cultural backgrounds. If such places exist in Britain? If not in other parts of the world.
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