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Tommy Robinson, the court case and (guffaw) 'free speech'

Can't deny there is a big social media presence but in the real world despite almost ideal conditions the UK must have one of the lowest electorally performing far right / alt right in Europe .

Doesn’t stop the major parties colonising their ideas and rhetoric when it has suited them in recent years (‘British Jobs for British Workers’ and related crap). They’ve had this influence despite a small following. Plus a large chunk of the brexit vote was mobilised with the racist notion of invading Turks and so on. It’s just down to the incompetence and division of the UK far right (and the capability of those opposing them on the street) that they haven’t made bigger gains, not that the attitudes don’t exist here.
Doesn’t stop the major parties colonising their ideas and rhetoric when it has suited them in recent years (‘British Jobs for British Workers’ and related crap). They’ve had this influence despite a small following. Plus a large chunk of the brexit vote was mobilised with the racist notion of invading Turks and so on. It’s just down to the incompetence and division of the UK far right (and the capability of those opposing them on the street) that they haven’t made bigger gains, not that the attitudes don’t exist here.
Your last sentence actually ties in with what I am saying.
^ Holy fuck...how did he survive without Love Island?

Some of his fuckwit supporters swarmed a communist bookshop...

"you fucking Jew hater" ...wtf?
According to a recent non-partisan study by Georgetown University's Free Speech Project, the majority of censorship on campuses in the US is directed at the left (much of this is pro-palestine/BDS stuff), the study also found that cases of free speech violation are not hugely widespread. I'm sure the likes of Ben Shapiro will be straight on the case (as if!). I am curious as to whether any similar studies have been carried out in the UK, not aware of any myself though.
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Robinson claimed through a social media outrider that he had been put in a jail with a 71 percent Muslim population, in a cell opposite the “mosque” where Muslim prisoners could spit or throw feces at him. This was reiterated on Breitbart by Telegraph journalist James Delingpole.

The Phony Martyrdom of Tommy Robinson

literally forgot delingpole existed. Since paywalls and patreons I must have forgotten a few who I'd never pay to read.
According to a recent non-partisan study by Georgetown University's Free Speech Project, the majority of censorship on campuses in the US is directed at the left (much of this is pro-palestine/BDS stuff), the study also found that cases of free speech violation are not hugely widespread. I'm sure the likes of Ben Shapiro will be straight on the case (as if!). I am curious as to whether any similar studies have been carried out in the UK, not aware of any myself though.
Free speech violations are often conducted by the right. Groups like Turning Point, run by pinless human voodoo doll, Charlie Kirk, routinely draw up lists of faculty who think 'incorrectly' and subject them - directly or indirectly - to abuse including death threats.

You don't hear Stephen YL talking about this of course. Nor Katie Shitbag. Nor any of the other intellectual heavyweights that haunt social media in lieu of a genuine platform (that they must never have)
According to a recent non-partisan study by Georgetown University's Free Speech Project, the majority of censorship on campuses in the US is directed at the left (much of this is pro-palestine/BDS stuff), the study also found that cases of free speech violation are not hugely widespread. I'm sure the likes of Ben Shapiro will be straight on the case (as if!). I am curious as to whether any similar studies have been carried out in the UK, not aware of any myself though.
Free speech violations are often conducted by the right. Groups like Turning Point, run by pinless human voodoo doll, Charlie Kirk, routinely draw up lists of faculty who think 'incorrectly' and subject them - directly or indirectly - to abuse including death threats.

You don't hear Stephen YL talking about this of course. Nor Katie Shitbag. Nor any of the other intellectual heavyweights that haunt social media in lieu of a genuine platform (that they must never have)
Can't deny there is a big social media presence but in the real world despite almost ideal conditions the UK must have one of the lowest electorally performing far right / alt right in Europe .

Certainly, and it's long-standing. Don't forget Cable Street, 1936. I was a teenager in mid to late '70s, and the NF were very visible in the media and society. However, I recently learned they had already peaked electorally in the 1970 GE (the first time they stood) with a measly 2% of the vote. Compare that with some other European countries, and it's a rare thing about recent Britain politically to be proud of.
Certainly, and it's long-standing. Don't forget Cable Street, 1936. I was a teenager in mid to late '70s, and the NF were very visible in the media and society. However, I recently learned they had already peaked electorally in the 1970 GE (the first time they stood) with a measly 2% of the vote. Compare that with some other European countries, and it's a rare thing about recent Britain politically to be proud of.
They didn't do nearly as well as the more recent bnp
They didn't do nearly as well as the more recent bnp

The BNP's best GE election results achieved was in 2010, at just 1.9% vote share:
British National Party - Wikipedia

Its our electoral system surely?

That makes it different for minor parties to get MPs elected, it doesn't stop people voting for them, in the 2015 GE, UKIP gained a vote share of 12.6% - higher than the LibDems & Greens combined.
UK Independence Party - Wikipedia
The BNP's best GE election results achieved was in 2010, at just 1.9% vote share:
British National Party - Wikipedia

That makes it different for minor parties to get MPs elected, it doesn't stop people voting for them, in the 2015 GE, UKIP gained a vote share of 12.6% - higher than the LibDems & Greens combined.
UK Independence Party - Wikipedia
They had far more councillors than the front ever managed and got representation on the gla and of course the euro parliament
I guess the best way of judging the 'success' of the BNP-v-National Front in GE's is by looking at the best average votes per candidates:

The Front achieved 1,423 in 1974, the BNP achieved 1,663 in 2010, not a lot in it really.
I guess the best way of judging the 'success' of the BNP-v-National Front in GE's is by looking at the best average votes per candidates:

The Front achieved 1,423 in 1974, the BNP achieved 1,663 in 2010, not a lot in it really.
90 candidates vs 339. A total vote for the BNP at least 4 times bigger than the NFs. The single time the NF managed to put up a similar amount of candidates their vote dropped to 633 per candidate. BNP were well beyond that.
I guess the best way of judging the 'success' of the BNP-v-National Front in GE's is by looking at the best average votes per candidates:

The Front achieved 1,423 in 1974, the BNP achieved 1,663 in 2010, not a lot in it really.
The question isn't which did best in general elections but which has enjoyed most success and the answer is unquestionably the BNP who not only achieved more electoral success but also pushed fascist politics into 'the mainstream', and paved the way for the plethora of groups we've seen in recent years from the EDL to Britain first etc
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