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Tommy Robinson, the court case and (guffaw) 'free speech'

However, it is up to the prosecution and the judge to get it right, it is not up to the defence to correct them.
Actually it is when they know something's procedurally wrong.

The duty of the participants in a criminal case
1.2.—(1) Each participant, in the conduct of each case, must―

(a) prepare and conduct the case in accordance with the overriding objective;

(b) comply with these Rules, practice directions and directions made by the court; and

(c) at once inform the court and all parties of any significant failure (whether or not that participant is responsible for that failure) to take any procedural step required by these Rules, any practice direction or any direction of the court. A failure is significant if it might hinder the court in furthering the overriding objective.

(2) Anyone involved in any way with a criminal case is a participant in its conduct for the purposes of this rule.

The Criminal Procedure Rules 2015

As set out in paras 51-59 of today's judgment.[/i][/B][/SIZE]
I think they're going to try to take over UKIP.

Raheem Kassan, Tommy Robinson, Dankula, Watson, Sargon... Batten's already speaking in favour of Robinson. Sheesh.
I must stop listening to radio 4.... this morning they gave prime time to Kassam who is clearly a dangerous but worryingly influential nutter - also trying to make TR sound reasonable. They are fascists and BBC should be wary of promoting their views over my breakfast....
Raheem Kassam
I must stop listening to radio 4.... this morning they gave prime time to Kassam who is clearly a dangerous but worryingly influential nutter - also trying to make TR sound reasonable. They are fascists and BBC should be wary of promoting their views over my breakfast....
Raheem Kassam

I had no idea who he is...

Raheem Kassam is one of the self-styled “Bad Boys of Brexit” who appeared grinning alongside Donald Trump in the infamous photo at Trump Tower – in fact, he helped set that meeting up.

His path to that moment of ‘glory’ had led him from being a Conservative activist to UKIP, where he served as chief adviser to Nigel Farage. In 2014 he was appointed London editor of Breitbart News, the extreme right-wing publication funded by Robert Mercer and run by Steve Bannon, which was credited by Farage as having “helped hugely” with Brexit. Kassam has also previously worked for the Taxpayers’ Alliance, the influential lobbying group run by Vote Leave CEO Matthew Elliott.
Other way round. UKIP are trying to associate with _them_.

Mutual I reckon. UKIP might be a bit of a joke, but they presumably still have the infrastucture of a party that was able to run national election campaigns - offices, activists, mailing lists.... A 15% increase in their membership (only some 3,000 up to 24,000-ish off the top of my head) has been reported in July. They're ripe for entryism by the more Alt Right elements, and Batten is holding up a big welcome sign.
I think the BBC - and perhaps the New York Times in America* - has got into its head that its "gatekeeper" function that kept extreme and racist views largely off TV and radio is somehow broken by Trump/Brexit and internet media and they're bending over backwards to get those views on. The far right has also made an art form out of complaining about being silenced...

Kassam's a real piece of work. He's really abusive and sometimes threatening online.

*I'm no expert on American media or the NYT, but I do see lots of complainst about their glowing(ish) profiles of small-town Trump voters and even white supremacists.
Lauren Southern and Stephen Molyneux were meant to be vomiting their hate speech "race science" in Auckland this evening. Silly pricks booked our best indie music venue for it. Announced the venue at the last minute, everybody went gangbusters on social media and the owner cancelled. Whole speaking gig is off, and there's a big anti-fascist rally/street party now happening in the city centre :cool:

Far-right speakers' venue cancelled last minute after outcry
Lauren Southern and Stephen Molyneux were meant to be vomiting their hate speech "race science" in Auckland this evening. Silly pricks booked our best indie music venue for it. Announced the venue at the last minute, everybody went gangbusters on social media and the owner cancelled. Whole speaking gig is off, and there's a big anti-fascist rally/street party now happening in the city centre :cool:

Far-right speakers' venue cancelled last minute after outcry
Lauren Southern is just fucking stupid, but Molyneux is an insidious vile bigot. One of the worst of these people.

Not that she's any better, happy to participate in efforts to drown refugees.
Lauren Southern is just fucking stupid, but Molyneux is an insidious vile bigot. One of the worst of these people.

Not that she's any better, happy to participate in efforts to drown refugees.
Is molyneuax the same Stefan molyneuax who ran a kind of online weirdo right wing libertarian cult where he told people to disconnect with their families? Called it de-foo or something mental. He's a mad fucker who performs strange rants where he fantasies about killing his mum. The fucking rotter.
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