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Tommy Robinson, the court case and (guffaw) 'free speech'

Brave Sir Tommy and his lonesome crusade against Asian grooming gangs, now his own daughter gets caught up in it, yet he’s the one filth nick for assault. seems legit.
and my answer was I have no opinion, as evidenced by the words I wrote.

Ok. I'd thought from your first post that you were implying that SYL was lying about the alleged sexual assault, which'd necesarily mean his daughter wasn't telling the truth. But it seems you're keeping an open mind on the issue. Which is good, becasue as much as any right-minded person would hate him, it's a bit shitty to casually brush off a child's complaint of sexual assault.
Predictably, one of my southern cousins has just shared a youtube video of it, all shrieky and bellowing how 'she'd of killed 'im' :facepalm:
I’m very suspicious of the video, there’s a lot of times it sounds like the daughter has pauses like she’s trying to remember what to say. Whilst I don’t want to dismiss the victim of a sexual assault, particularly of this age, TR has form for making fake videos, and it’s quite telling that after investigation the police deemed not to arrest anyone for it, nor has TR released images, or a name of the man in question, because he knows he’d be hurt by another slander/liable case, like the ongoing one with Jamal at the moment. Not releasing photos/names is not TR’s style at all.

If this is an assault that’s happened, then TR has hurt his own cause with all the previous lying.

Even if the chap was now arrested, the fact TR has released videos would be prejudicing the trial and contempt of court.

TR is abusing his own daughter for financial gain, nothing more.
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I’m very suspicious of the video, there’s a lot of times it sounds like the daughter has pauses like she’s trying to remember what to say. Whilst I don’t want to dismiss the victim of a sexual assault, particularly of this age, TR has form for making fake videos, and it’s quite telling that after investigation the police deemed not to arrest anyone for it, nor has TR released images, or a name of the man in question, because he knows he’d be hurt by another slander/liable case, like the ongoing one with Jamal at the moment. Not releasing photos/names is not TR’s style at all.

If this is an assault that’s happened, then TR has hurt his own cause with all the previous lying.

Even if the chap was now arrested, the fact TR has released videos would be prejudicing the trial and contempt of court.

TR is abusing his own daughter for financial gain, nothing more.

The fact that there is no arrest is rarely a good measure of whether or not a sexual assault took place.

He'd have been specifically warned that naming the bloke would've amounted to a beach of his bail conditions.

Releasing this video before arrest wouldn't amount to contempt of court.

Whether or not the sexual assault to place, his previous conduct may have cost him, here - like the boy who cried wolf.

And, either way, using his daughter like that is despicable. He is a cunt.
I thought I should watch the video before commenting. I don’t have children but worked with them. My feeling is that the child was conscious of being filmed and of the need to say the “right” thing whatever that might have been. I felt that he was leading her to the “right” replies.

I don’t think that his reputation helped in the situation. I think that because he is very well known as a trouble causer the police were cautious about how they dealt with him. I think that knowing they were being filmed also affected how they interacted.

His rising anger, whilst understandable if the sexual assault claim is true, did not help. But he needed to listen to what he was being told which was that the person being accused of groping the daughter was being dealt with separately. It seems to me they were treating this as an actual assault for which he was arrested, and an alleged sexual assault which was being investigated at that time.

Unfortunately for him he has a reputation which would mean those dealing with him would react more quickly to a perceived threat.

He did assault someone, whatever the motivation. There were witnesses to that. My doubt is around exactly why he assaulted the person. My instinct is that that someone did touch his daughter, why and how I think is less certain because it’s not clear how much coaching she had, but I suspect she had some.

I shall watch the developments with interest.

eta The video was released after his arrest. He refers to the fact that he has a court date and that he has been arrested.
Predictably, one of my southern cousins has just shared a youtube video of it, all shrieky and bellowing how 'she'd of killed 'im' :facepalm:
Ive no idea if the incident took place or not but if it did most people would have the same thought on their mind tbh before ringing the police or possibly carrying it out and ringing the police.
Ive no idea if the incident took place or not but if it did most people would have the same thought on their mind tbh before ringing the police or possibly carrying it out and ringing the police.
tho most people wouldn't have calmly set up a camera to get every moment of their talk with their child - quite quietly and reasonably - and then go on and just deck the fella. Unless they took a hefty snifter inbetween, anyway.
Being sued for libel - yet more attacks on free speech :mad:

A video showing Jamal Hijazi, then 16, being pushed to the ground and threatened with drowning at Almondbury school in Huddersfield provoked outrage and a flood of public sympathy after it was shared online and “went viral” in November 2018.

Robinson, 37, the English Defence League founder, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, later commented about the incident in two Facebook videos, claiming Jamal was “not innocent and he violently attacks young English girls in his school”.

He also claimed Jamal “beat a girl black and blue” and “threatened to stab” another boy at his school, allegations Jamal “emphatically denies”. The teenager is bringing a libel claim against Robinson over the comments at the high court in London.

At a preliminary hearing on Thursday, Mr Justice Nicklin was asked to determine the “natural and ordinary” meaning of Robinson’s statements.

Jamal’s barrister, Ian Helme, told the court that “the notorious far-right provocateur” Robinson has accepted that the statements were “very seriously defamatory” of Jamal. He added that Robinson’s videos “led to targeting of the claimant and his family by far-right activists” which forced them to leave the area.
Has he said he wants to stay out there permanently?

Apparently he's looking at a "permanent relocation".

"At that point we left the country straight away and I'm looking at relocating my family, which is pretty hard to do, especially with Covid — I couldn't even get a hotel.

"Obviously my wife has had enough of everything — someone gave her somewhere to stay, so we left the country, and I was due to be flying back for the demonstration, but now with this 14-day quarantine, I probably won't get back out and my kids are out here."

Mr Robinson, real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, added that he had found new schools for his daughters and is in the process of finding a "permanent relocation" for them. He said: "I need my family to be away because they are not safe basically."

I have a feeling that this story is going to get more interesting post-Brexit, Once FoM ends he will presumably have to apply for Spanish residency to stay and viewed objectively he is hardly an ideal candidate, he doesn't seem to have had a proper job since 2003 when he lost the one he had for thumping a copper whilst drunk. He also has quite a criminal record. I can see him on the news 12 months from now giving a press conference at Gatwick shouting his mouth off about the unfairness and injustice of it all after the Spanish have turfed him out.
I have a feeling that this story is going to get more interesting post-Brexit, Once FoM ends he will presumably have to apply for Spanish residency to stay and viewed objectively he is hardly an ideal candidate, he doesn't seem to have had a proper job since 2003 when he lost the one he had for thumping a copper whilst drunk. He also has quite a criminal record. I can see him on the news 12 months from now giving a press conference at Gatwick shouting his mouth off about the unfairness and injustice of it all after the Spanish have turfed him out.
Hopefully the whole thing will cost him financially as well as credibility wise.
Would be nice to see him at Gatwick shouting his mouth off but also in debt :)
I have a feeling that this story is going to get more interesting post-Brexit, Once FoM ends he will presumably have to apply for Spanish residency to stay and viewed objectively he is hardly an ideal candidate, he doesn't seem to have had a proper job since 2003 when he lost the one he had for thumping a copper whilst drunk. He also has quite a criminal record. I can see him on the news 12 months from now giving a press conference at Gatwick shouting his mouth off about the unfairness and injustice of it all after the Spanish have turfed him out.
dessiato will know more about this. However my feeling is is that money may well oil the wheels of any such application.Hes got quite a few months before FOM expires.
I have a feeling that this story is going to get more interesting post-Brexit, Once FoM ends he will presumably have to apply for Spanish residency to stay and viewed objectively he is hardly an ideal candidate, he doesn't seem to have had a proper job since 2003 when he lost the one he had for thumping a copper whilst drunk. He also has quite a criminal record. I can see him on the news 12 months from now giving a press conference at Gatwick shouting his mouth off about the unfairness and injustice of it all after the Spanish have turfed him out.
Presumably, even prior to that, the Home Secretary can revoke his British citizenship as he is now in a position to apply for another nationality. After all, he's been convicted of a lot more stuff than that the girl that ran away Syria.
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