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Titanic tourist sub missing

Thing is, I would genuinely love to do it if I had that kind of dough. Same with going into space (even more so), and I've thought about whether I'd have been on that sub given the chance. I'm a bit anal about research for things I spend money on though (it takes me 11 months to plan our summer holidays) so I'd like to think that tube-sub wouldn't have passed muster, but I'm really not sure.
Are we doing a JustGiving to blast Spymaster into space ?
Honestly I fail to give a shit.

Spend hundreds of thousands to look at a famous shipwreck through a porthole in basically a modified submersible wheelie bin. Die because the thing is, surprise surprise, not suitable for such a purpose.

If these were poor people tik tok / twitter would be full of girning morons nominating them for a Darwin award.

Your life is very precious and fragile, don't waste it doing stupid shit like this.
Honestly I fail to give a shit.

Spend hundreds of thousands to look at a famous shipwreck through a porthole in basically a modified submersible wheelie bin. Die because the thing is, surprise surprise, not suitable for such a purpose.

If these were poor people tik tok / twitter would be full of girning morons nominating them for a Darwin award.

Your life is very precious and fragile, don't waste it doing stupid shit like this.
i think we're broadly agreed that we'd like to see more billionaries naval gazing for all eternity at the bottom of the sea
Hence my question above. The news about Titan is chaffing-up my googling, but I can't find much about other more responsible outfits offering such trips for more money, though there are references to Titanic tourism having existed for 30 years.

Some things you just can't do. Until recently the only way for civilians to fly in current jet fighters was to chuck the Russian military 20 grand, and I guess if a billionaire offered the British Army a quarter mill for a go in an Apache, he'd be told to fuck off.
I dunno, the RAF let Boris have a ride in one of their planes for funsies.
I think, unfortunately, it's far more about novelty than anything else.

Submarine accidents next to the Titanic aren't exactly everyday occurrences, but deathtrap boats with hundreds of people on board fleeing poverty, starvation and war, that sink and everyone on board dies - that's (disgustingly) something that happens every week.

One is a buttercup in a field of buttercups, one is an orchid in a field of buttercups.
In journalism terms, it's known as 'dog bites man,' versus 'man bites dog' kind of thing. The former's meh, whatevs, the second is a story.
I think the point is that it's not hypocrisy. The media report on what's of generally greatest interest at the time, and the live situation of a sunken manned submarine beside the most famous shipwreck in the world is an absolute first that will probably never happen again. It's completely unique. Unfortunately, migrant sinkings are commonplace and don't attract such interest. It's not as if we could swap the migrants for the billionaires.
'like' because it's true, not because I like like, y'know what I mean. And as someone else pointed out, this was also a breaking, then developing/ongoing story, whereas the migrant boat disaster was very likely over and done with by the time it was reported in the mainstream media. The latter was something that had happened, the former was something that was still happening.
This, I think, is where hubris comes into it on the part of the passengers.

If wanted to fly onto the beach at benbecula and the options were either at a price I couldn't afford - or didn't exist - or Dave's Airline, run out of a shed at Shobdon Airfield, who can do it for £20, I probably ought to ask myself why every else does it for £300k, or doesn't do it, and how/why Dave can do it for £20.
I might be tempted to fly DaveAir.

I'm aware that pilots are required to fly a minimum number of hours every year, so I'd be thinking Dave probably has to fly some miles anyway, to maintain his pilot's licence, he might also be making the same journey himself anyway (to visit clients, friends or family) so he probably figures he might as well sell the extra seat(s) and make a bit of cash.
I think the point is that it's not hypocrisy. The media report on what's of generally greatest interest at the time, and the live situation of a sunken manned submarine beside the most famous shipwreck in the world is an absolute first that will probably never happen again. It's completely unique. Unfortunately, migrant sinkings are commonplace and don't attract such interest. It's not as if we could swap the migrants for the billionaires.
Yeah, maybe hypocrisy was not the most appropriate word, I dunno. But what sticks in my craw is the predictable, instinctive media construct that expects us to empathise with the grotesquely rich small sub people and their reckless folly, whilst doing their utmost to dehumanise the small boat people fleeing wars, persecution and poverty.
I might be tempted to fly DaveAir.

I'm aware that pilots are required to fly a minimum number of hours every year, so I'd be thinking Dave probably has to fly some miles anyway, to maintain his pilot's licence, he might also be making the same journey himself anyway (to visit clients, friends or family) so he probably figures he might as well sell the extra seat(s) and make a bit of cash.
Which Dave is doing the piloting that day? Irish Dave, English Dave, Scottish Dave, Welsh Dave or Cornish Dave?
you know I'd you type home made subs into YouTube first that pop up is a list from 2021 say why its a bad idea

I think I need to reach out and ask them to update the thing :hmm:
Yeah, maybe hypocrisy was not the most appropriate word, I dunno. But what sticks in my craw is the predictable, instinctive media construct that expects us to empathise with the grotesquely rich small sub people and their reckless folly, whilst doing their utmost to dehumanise the small boat people fleeing wars, persecution and poverty.

Not to mention climate change, which rich twats with extravagant lifestyles will be disproportionately responsible for.
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