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Titanic tourist sub missing

Though I do get all of this, I do think it's very valid to compare coverage, reaction, expressions of empathy and condolence etc. to 2 (news) events that happened almost simultaneously and included reporting of the comments from the very politicians that could do something to avert med/channel tragedies
so do i. very revealling. but i can also understand and don't judge folk inerest in this story. the two don't have to be mutually exclusive. in an ideal world both would provoke the same level of interest and coverage.
But yeah, it does seem Rush's was the only one trying to operate as a regular commercial service.

The definition of regular here being once a year I think. I read he said this was the fifth trip and they've been doing one a year since 2021. Which only adds up to three but I guess the other two were him sodding about with mates, dunno.
I'm not sure why those on here that are interested in the sub story would take any exception to those wanting to use the coverage to expose the hypocrisy of capital's media.

I think the point is that it's not hypocrisy. The media report on what's of generally greatest interest at the time, and the live situation of a sunken manned submarine beside the most famous shipwreck in the world is an absolute first that will probably never happen again. It's completely unique. Unfortunately, migrant sinkings are commonplace and don't attract such interest. It's not as if we could swap the migrants for the billionaires.
The definition of regular here being once a year I think. I read he said this was the fifth trip and they've been doing one a year since 2021. Which only adds up to three but I guess the other two were him sodding about with mates, dunno.

He's taken at least one other paying rich bloke down. He was interviewed. I think he went twice.
He's taken at least one other paying rich bloke down. He was interviewed. I think he went twice.

And he took a you tuber down. And the comms failed. Apparently the comms had failed 'almost every time' but obvs with better results than this. The you tuber made a video, he says he was fine all the way, but that's not what his face said when the comms failed.

Pretty sure this was the 3rd paying trip and yes this was the only way to pay to do it.
The co-founder of Oceans Gate is also available for speaking events

And he took a you tuber down. And the comms failed. Apparently the comms had failed 'almost every time' but obvs with better results than this. The you tuber made a video, he says he was fine all the way, but that's not what his face said when the comms failed.

Pretty sure this was the 3rd paying trip and yes this was the only way to pay to do it.

This, I think, is where hubris comes into it on the part of the passengers.

If wanted to fly onto the beach at benbecula and the options were either at a price I couldn't afford - or didn't exist - or Dave's Airline, run out of a shed at Shobdon Airfield, who can do it for £20, I probably ought to ask myself why every else does it for £300k, or doesn't do it, and how/why Dave can do it for £20.
This, I think, is where hubris comes into it on the part of the passengers.

If wanted to fly onto the beach at benbecula and the options were either at a price I couldn't afford - or didn't exist - or Dave's Airline, run out of a shed at Shobdon Airfield, who can do it for £20, I probably ought to ask myself why every else does it for £300k, or doesn't do it, and how/why Dave can do it for £20.

But of course, Dave would have a convincing story about why nobody else could do it at that price, how he was an exceptional innovator, and point to the half dozen or more successful flights he's already made to Benbecula in his kit plane.
This, I think, is where hubris comes into it on the part of the passengers.

If wanted to fly onto the beach at benbecula and the options were either at a price I couldn't afford - or didn't exist - or Dave's Airline, run out of a shed at Shobdon Airfield, who can do it for £20, I probably ought to ask myself why every else does it for £300k, or doesn't do it, and how/why Dave can do it for £20.

i once try to fly Dave Airline, thought i was going to Portugal and ended up arguing with Dave in a car park in swindon instead.
It might convince you mate, but you're a bleeding hear liberal who falls for any old shite!
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Thing is, I would genuinely love to do it if I had that kind of dough. Same with going into space (even more so), and I've thought about whether I'd have been on that sub given the chance. I'm a bit anal about researching things I spend money on though (it takes me 11 months to plan our summer holidays) so I'd like to think tube-sub wouldn't have passed muster, but I'm really not sure.
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In the promotional video, they mention safety, a fair bit. The French guy, RIP, talks about the design being a lot simpler so you get involved as part of the team not just a passenger.
Thing is, I would genuinely love to do it if I had that kind of dough. Same with going into space (even more so), and I've thought about whether I'd have been on that sub given the chance. I'm a bit anal about research for things I spend money on though (it takes me 11 months to plan our summer holidays) so I'd like to think that tube-sub wouldn't have passed muster, but I'm really not sure.

Was that deliberate? Very good.
In the promotional video, they mention safety, a fair bit. The French guy, RIP, talks about the design being a lot simpler so you get involved as part of the team not just a passenger.

Yeah, I think some people who wanted to go on this thing but were wavering due to safety concerns might have been reassured by the presence of a former submarine pilot who had been to the wreckage dozens of times
Yeah, I think some people who wanted to go on this thing but were wavering due to safety concerns might have been reassured by the presence of a former submarine pilot who had been to the wreckage dozens of times

There is though, that fella who was supposed to be on this trip but blew it out because of safety concerns. That's one bloke who needs to buy a lottery ticket for tonight.
More vile lefties.

This entire thing has been a surprising accurate microcosm of the world.

  • Media: ooh a tragedy we can flog.
  • Public: lapping it up
  • The poor: fuckem
  • The left representating the poor: yeah fuckem.
  • The rich and those who aspire or fawn over the rich (the right): Don't be mean, be respectful, know your place, god they are so bitter these people we exploit so that we can live the lives we deserve on spaceships and Titanic submersible tours.
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