Proper break this time
Coastguard said this will continue to be a rescue mission time notwithstanding is all
I imagine they'll keep it up while conditions remain favourable today.
It is what it is in the end. The only chance for them would be if they were located somewhere near the surface, but a) they'd have to be found and b) there are a lot of other scenarios, and many of them are probably more likely.
Pointless waste of life to fuel one man's dreams of being the Musk/Bezos of the seas. My Schrodinger's hope is rapidly going from 'hope they're still alive' to 'hope they died 90 hours ago'. It was a really stupid trip, but we all do stupid shit that could get us killed. I'd like to think I have the ability to assess this kind of risk, and probably could (know a little about material science, have engineering family etc), but there are undoubtedly other things where I'd get it hopelessly wrong (probably something to do with cycling long distances). Although definitely wouldn't be paying $250k for the privilege.
Think what comes across is glee is really just some level of frustration at how daft this was, and the enormous amount of resources that were required in a vain attempt to rectify one man's hubris. Juxtaposed with the drownings of a few days ago it seems deeply unjust, and think it's justifiable to pillory those involved who should really have known better (which, to be clear, is somewhere between 1 and 4 of them). At least a bit. But they were still human, and I think you can do that and still be utterly horrified at the prospect they might have lived 96 hours. Although on balance they were probably crab feed when the line went dead.