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Titanic tourist sub missing

Have you not heard of lockerbie
Yes. I remember it well. I was in logistics at the time. I spent about 2 hours consigning items for that flight in a London warehouse.

That evening, I went for a drink around a co-workers house (His family comes from the same town in Ireland as mine and well, we're Irish, we get absolutely smashed at Christmas!)

We watched the news unfold with absolute horror. We didn't feel like drinking any more, it was sobering and besides, I knew that since the entire consignment would be missing, it would have to me that would have to phone up all the customers and explain to them over the phone that their packages were on that flight.

I found it emotionally hard just to tell people their packages were on that flight, I could only imagine how awful it must have been for someone closer to the victims.
Anyway, it’s been strangely useful. Anyone who’d take any kind of pleasure in these people’s predicament is as sociopathic as any Tory is. When push comes to shove, there’s no real difference between that kind of person and the very worst in that party.
Oh, I don't know, there's been plenty of pointing out the stupidity and shit priorities of paying half a million to go in an unregulated submarine without apparent safety features, but no actual wishing them dead. There's been plenty of comparing this to the daily deaths of desperate people on the high seas., plenty of failure to give all that many fucks. Regardless, the real difference between what anyone has said on here and the Tory Party is that the vermin actually do kill large numbers of people.
Yes. I remember it well. I was in logistics at the time. I spent about 2 hours consigning items for that flight in a London warehouse.

That evening, I went for a drink around a co-workers house (His family comes from the same town in Ireland as mine and well, we're Irish, we get absolutely smashed at Christmas!)

We watched the news unfold with absolute horror. We didn't feel like drinking any more, it was sobering and besides, I knew that since the entire consignment would be missing, it would have to me that would have to phone up all the customers and explain to them over the phone that their packages were on that flight.

I found it emotionally hard just to tell people their packages were on that flight, I could only imagine how awful it must have been for someone closer to the victims.
Did any of them live in Tripoli?
Yes. I remember it well. I was in logistics at the time. I spent about 2 hours consigning items for that flight in a London warehouse.

That evening, I went for a drink around a co-workers house (His family comes from the same town in Ireland as mine and well, we're Irish, we get absolutely smashed at Christmas!)

We watched the news unfold with absolute horror. We didn't feel like drinking any more, it was sobering and besides, I knew that since the entire consignment would be missing, it would have to me that would have to phone up all the customers and explain to them over the phone that their packages were on that flight.

I found it emotionally hard just to tell people their packages were on that flight, I could only imagine how awful it must have been for someone closer to the victims.
How did you possibly make such a tone deaf post before about someone's PanAm employee mum being off sick in 1989 if indeed you have all these very significant and not at all fictional connections to the events of the lockerbie bombing?
In my own encounters, Some of the kindest people, politics aside, have been Tory's. My boss being one of them. A gentle kinder soul you couldn't hope to meet. Some of the worst, word-perfect leftists. Some of the best father's I've met have been Tories, some of the worst, socialists. Need to see tragedies like this through not just such a narrow view. Life and people are complex.

I mean jeez does it even need saying?
And there's the rub. :rolleyes:
Waiting for Mogg-Dogg to say the billionaires lacked common sense - I'll be waiting a long time. It felt like a ghoulish thing to do in the first place.
Yes, that’ll be interesting. Maybe someone on KGBNews can put that to him. He’ll want the chance to be fair no doubt. It would be a shame if the old ham missed the chance to update his public about safety advice.
Did any of them live in Tripoli?
No. LOL. There would have been a period where we was like "FFS please let it not be one of our packages !!!!"

Very few of our packages were anything other than documents. If it didn't feel like documents - we would flex and bend the packages for any resistance. If it was declared as non-dox we would open it to verify it is what it is.

It's coming back to me now - it was an onboard courier. Onboard courier's for the benefit of those that don't know are casual people who are already flying to the destination for personal reasons and just want to get their quickly. They take a load of packages with them, declare they weren't packed and they are put on as part of their baggage. Then, because someone is travelling with those packages, customs on the other end have to clear it instantly or clear in front of the onboard courier because they are a passenger. The advantage is that it's not sat in some cargo bay in some clearing warehouse for about 8 hours.

So there would have been some poor soul who took those packages as an onboard job, felt well chuffed that they was going to New York for next to nothing, then perished on that flight.
I find the Boris Johnson Twat thread annoying. Because how many times does anyone need to point out the obvious?

But I'm not on there pissing and wheezing about it.
I’ve made a few posts on a 30 page thread, mainly to take the piss.
And yet you bang on about thread-policing.
What a world we live in.
How did you possibly make such a tone deaf post before about someone's PanAm employee mum being off sick in 1989 if indeed you have all these very significant and not at all fictional connections to the events of the lockerbie bombing?
If aging 34 years has had no effect what-so-ever on how quickly your memory works, then I'm very pleased for you.

I'm afraid I'm not so lucky. If I put enough effort into it, I can dig up anything from the past in this brain of mine, we all can under hypnosis.

Even you, I'm sure, on occasions, won't always recall stuff that is much more relevant.
It's coming back to me now - it was an onboard courier. Onboard courier's for the benefit of those that don't know are casual people who are already flying to the destination for personal reasons and just want to get their quickly. They take a load of packages with them, declare they weren't packed and they are put on as part of their baggage. Then, because someone is travelling with those packages, customs on the other end have to clear it instantly or clear in front of the onboard courier because they are a passenger. The advantage is that it's not sat in some cargo bay in some clearing warehouse for about 8 hours.

So there would have been some poor soul who took those packages as an onboard job, felt well chuffed that they was going to New York for next to nothing, then perished on that flight.
Oh give over you big fibber
No. LOL. There would have been a period where we was like "FFS please let it not be one of our packages !!!!"

Very few of our packages were anything other than documents. If it didn't feel like documents - we would flex and bend the packages for any resistance. If it was declared as non-dox we would open it to verify it is what it is.

It's coming back to me now - it was an onboard courier. Onboard courier's for the benefit of those that don't know are casual people who are already flying to the destination for personal reasons and just want to get their quickly. They take a load of packages with them, declare they weren't packed and they are put on as part of their baggage. Then, because someone is travelling with those packages, customs on the other end have to clear it instantly or clear in front of the onboard courier because they are a passenger. The advantage is that it's not sat in some cargo bay in some clearing warehouse for about 8 hours.

So there would have been some poor soul who took those packages as an onboard job, felt well chuffed that they was going to New York for next to nothing, then perished on that flight.
That’s genuinely sad.

Whenever there’s a story about it, they sometimes mention that one of the cabin crew was found alive, but barely, face down clutching a piece of mud/grass in the field she’d landed in. Alive when the farmer found her, dead along with everyone else before any medic arrived. It’s another of those things where you’d hope those involved were dead in the first split second, but quite a lot of people on that flight actually weren’t - and some of those who were initially unconscious are believed to have regained it as they fell to lower altitude, so they’d have seen the ground coming. My mother lives in fear that this stewardess’ name will be revealed - she prefers not to know which one it was, but still reads it to bathe in her survivors guilt along with another bottle of vodka.

Its a horrible thing.
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the kids are talking about this. Its all tittok generated worry. its a bit concerning tbh.

Wasnt there a meme in robocop or something that kept on popping up on media about a kid trapped in a cave or soemthing that had the whole country entralled ?
At work this happened on our team's chat channel...

Person A: "Anyone else keeping updated with The Titan resuce mission?"

Me: Billionaires get killed doing pointless thing. Where's my tiny violin...?

Person A: It's peoples lives...

Me: I don't class billionaires as people

...I've had an official complaint and warning (can you fucking believe it?) and I've been obliged to post an unreserved apology.

However, for my Urban75 chums, may I clarify my position as follows: eat the rich
At work this happened on our team's chat channel...

Person A: "Anyone else keeping updated with The Titan resuce mission?"

Me: Billionaires get killed doing pointless thing. Where's my tiny violin...?

Person A: It's peoples lives...

Me: I don't class billionaires as people

...I've had an official complaint and warning (can you fucking believe it?) and I've been obliged to post an unreserved apology.

However, for my Urban75 chums, may I clarify my position as follows: eat the rich
"im sorry i said billionaires arent people. they are people. HAPPY?!
At work this happened on our team's chat channel...

Person A: "Anyone else keeping updated with The Titan resuce mission?"

Me: Billionaires get killed doing pointless thing. Where's my tiny violin...?

Person A: It's peoples lives...

Me: I don't class billionaires as people

...I've had an official complaint and warning (can you fucking believe it?) and I've been obliged to post an unreserved apology.

However, for my Urban75 chums, may I clarify my position as follows: eat the rich
Who are you apologising to?

I mean, I can understand it, work and everything, they're not us, but....
I mentioned to the wife that I'd had an official complaint at work.

She said they'd been discussing it where she works and told me what one of the consultant anaesthetists said.

He told her that if he was stuck in that submarine the first thing he'd do was kill the rest of the passengers. That way he'd have more oxygen...
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