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People saying the father was stupid to do this. I mean yes of course it’s risky but he may well have quite naturally presumed the company knew what they were doing. that relevant safety regulations were met, engineering standards, that sort of thing. he’s not likely an expert in oceangoing vessels himself is he.
No, but all the shit about 'being an explorer' etc. is just nonsense, as is all the 'loved science fiction and Star Wars' as if that makes him somehow different and more of an adventurer or something. He just threw money at a millionaire's bucket list.
So? Have you never done anything unwise with whatever money you’ve had access to? You’ve given everything spare away? Never done something risky with your cash, something that in hindsight you might not repeat? Something that could land you in hospital or worse. Are you that perfect? Would you expect to be laughed at if it had gone wrong - or would you think that person was a cunt? Don’t tell me, but be honest with yourself.

Have you ever read an obituary style tribute? Do they ever say ‘He was a bit odd really, strange habits, and some of his views and spending choices troubled us’. Presumably not. It’s just his friend saying something nice about him - and you even begrudge that. FFS. Take a look at yourself. The hatred for these people - dying in a dreadful way - and mockery for the words of those who knew and cared about them, is unhealthy.
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I too have been on ferries that didn't sink.

When that helicopter crashed at Leicester City, my stepdad's mum was living in Leicester.

Mrs Frank was once in a car that stopped to avoid hitting a cat. The car that overtook hers was then destroyed by a roadside bomb a hundred yards up the road.

Mrs Frank was once in ten lifetimes lucky.
What about urban explorers, there are photos on here from people like that?
Yeah fair enough but the urban adjective does quite a lot of work there, it's about looking round abandoned infrastructure that generally very easily accessible and often inhabited by the otherwise homeless, not going hunting in Kenya or going up the Himalayas with sherpas or doing shipwreck dives in submersibles for pleasure
Anyway, it’s been strangely useful. Anyone who’d take any kind of pleasure in these people’s predicament is as sociopathic as any Tory is. When push comes to shove, there’s no real difference between that kind of person and the very worst in that party.
I haven't seen anyone 'take pleasure' in their death, at least not in a sadistic way. There's been a bit of 'just desserts' stuff, some comparisons to other people that have died in the sea recently and the like but nothing particularly cruel. I'm not sure what you're on about or who you're talking to.
One can only hope that the pressure hull gave way, death would have been instant. The thought of five people, quite possibly in the dark, just sitting there waiting for the air to run out is beyond appalling. God help them.
You can also hope that they're still alive, if you like.

(afaict, that's perfectly plausible, because all it requires is for the hull to still be intact. Problem then being finding them.)

Have you ever read an obituary style tribute? Do they ever say ‘He was a bit odd really, strange habits, and some of his views and spending choices troubled us’. Presumably not. It’s just his friend saying something nice - and you begrudge that. FFS.

I don't begrudge it, it is just bullshit though isn't it?

I mean I think pushing the limits of human endurance and endeavour is pretty admirable tbh, even people that ascend Everest by paying a guide and Sherpas have a fucking hard time and have to be very fit, determined and lucky. There's all sorts of incredible, risky and genuinely amazing feats people try that I admire.

But this was just rich people paying huge sums of money to sit in a very questionably run thing that the CEO had avoided all safety warnings about, and which didn't push the boundaries of anything apart from foolishness, likely so they could all post about it on Instagram and maybe do a TED talk or something. I don't wish ill or dead of them at all, but it's fucking insane and has pretty much no redeeming features about it at all really.

Juxtaposed with poor people drowning trying to cross bodies of water the whole thing just illustrates the insanity and fuckedupness of the modern world to me tbh.
Yeah fair enough but the urban adjective does quite a lot of work there, it's about looking round abandoned infrastructure that generally very easily accessible and often inhabited by the otherwise homeless, not going hunting in Kenya or going up the Himalayas with sherpas or doing shipwreck dives in submersibles for pleasure

someone has mentioned visiting Chernobyl. another site of a major tragedy. I mean if that’s the yardstick. I just find it a bit weird . that these people who are quite likely dead, oh well they were knobs anyway.
So his politics are misguided and his interests are eccentric. He doesn’t deserve to die horribly while watching his son do the same.
In my own encounters, Some of the kindest people, politics aside, have been Tory's. My boss being one of them. A gentle kinder soul you couldn't hope to meet. Some of the worst, word-perfect leftists. Some of the best father's I've met have been Tories, some of the worst, socialists. Need to see tragedies like this through not just such a narrow view. Life and people are complex.

I mean jeez does it even need saying?
I don't begrudge it, it is just bullshit though isn't it?

I mean I think pushing the limits of human endurance and endeavour is pretty admirable tbh, even people that ascend Everest by paying a guide and Sherpas have a fucking hard time and have to be very fit, determined and lucky. There's all sorts of incredible, risky and genuinely amazing feats people try that I admire.

But this was just rich people paying huge sums of money to sit in a very questionably run thing that the CEO had avoided all safety warnings about, and which didn't push the boundaries of anything apart from foolishness, likely so they could all post about it on Instagram and maybe do a TED talk or something. I don't wish ill or dead of them at all, but it's fucking insane and has pretty much no redeeming features about it at all really.

Juxtaposed with poor people drowning trying to cross bodies of water the whole thing just illustrates the insanity and fuckedupness of the modern world to me tbh.
Yes, it’s largely emotive bullshit.

BIB, nobody said anything contrary to that.

Im not sure poor people dying while escaping from hell is a particularly new thing.
I haven't seen anyone 'take pleasure' in their death, at least not in a sadistic way. There's been a bit of 'just desserts' stuff, some comparisons to other people that have died in the sea recently and the like but nothing particularly cruel. I'm not sure what you're on about or who you're talking to.
someone has mentioned visiting Chernobyl. another site of a major tragedy. I mean if that’s the yardstick. I just find it a bit weird . that these people who are quite likely dead, oh well they were knobs anyway.
Probs a bit harder now but back in't day I think you could go to chernobyl for a lot less than 250,000 usd. Not necessarily a millionaire playground like the things I mentioned
Don't have much sympathy for them. Live by the sword and all that. There's truth to that.

But just standalone, stripped of context, which you can do, just for a laugh, it's a fascinating story that will make a great movie.
In my own encounters, Some of the kindest people, politics aside, have been Tory's. My boss being one of them. A gentle kinder soul you couldn't hope to meet. Some of the worst, word-perfect leftists. Some of the best father's I've met have been Tories, some of the worst, socialists. Need to see tragedies like this through not just such a narrow view. Life and people are complex.

I mean jeez does it even need saying?
It shouldn’t, but then you admit to shedding a tear over a dying kid and his father after getting caught up in an element of their story, and get compared to Margaret Thatcher because said kid and father don’t live on the breadline. So sadly it does seem to need saying.
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