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Titanic tourist sub missing

Absolutely. The legal framework they set up to prevent lawsuits when things went wrong is almost certainly as badly designed as the submarine was - all they'll have to prove (if there is anything worth suing afterwards) is that they knew or should have known the thing was manifestly unsafe and all those waivers won't matter a damn. The court will find they had no business putting people in it, and that will be that.
Well they somehow thought testing and regulations weren’t important as they hampered innovation.
How they were allowed to operate under that philosophy are more questions that need answering.
Been mentioned somewhere on the thread, but UK law you can't really exclude liability for death or serious injury. I have a vague memory that US law is more er... 'liberal', but not sure. Also not sure which jurisdiction applies here, didn't they sail from Canada or something?

The company is gone I think. It was run on a budget in any case and their only other asset is a fairly ropey old ship.

I think this would fall under "The Law of the Sea" Convention or some other international agreement/law.

<edited to add>
It might be this:

The Convention was adopted at a Conference, convened in Athens in 1974 and was designed to consolidate and harmonize two earlier Brussels conventions dealing with passengers and luggage and adopted in 1961 and 1967 respectively.

The Convention establishes a regime of liability for damage suffered by passengers carried on a seagoing vessel. It declares a carrier liable for damage or loss suffered by a passenger if the incident causing the damage occurred in the course of the carriage and was due to the fault or neglect of the carrier.

However, unless the carrier acted with intent to cause such damage, or recklessly and with knowledge that such damage would probably result, he can limit his liability. For the death of, or personal injury to, a passenger, this limit of liability is set at 46,666 Special Drawing Rights (SDR) per carriage. The 2002 Protocol, when it enters into force, will introduce compulsory insurance to cover passengers on ships and substantially raise those limits to 250,000 SDR per passenger on each distinct occasion. .
I still retain an admiration for people who can do these extreme things, doing things that the human body wasn't really designed to do. But Everest has always been problematic as a colonialist adventure, essentially using poor workers as their servants and exposing them to massive risks. And as you say, the number of people who have died there, well, it's probably best to just leave the fucking place alone.

Slightly tangentially, I've always been fascinated by the experience of war - but I have no great desire to spend 1 day in the trenches in Ukraine, or really in Kyiv wondering if a drone will drop on me..

Extreme sports seems abit of a game where the assumption is that the worst outcome - death - won't happen to you.. it's something the tour companies also play into.. not nice. And yes there is part of me that wants to climb Everest.
It's also the very definition of hubris. And in Greek tragedy (bear with me) hubris leads to nemesis. And the definition of nemesis is "a downfall caused by an inescapable agent".

Makes you think doesn't it.

I skimmed the thread, I wasn't interested in all the glee being shown about some richer people dying, I think it unedifying. I may have missed the bit about the comms because of that.

It's pretty disgusting tbh. I mean the Pakistani/British guy who's on there with his teenage son built his own business out of nothing and is involved with many charities. But hey, he's rich. So he should die.

So so juvenile.
If they really are banging on the bloody sub you cant help but feel super bloody sorry for the poor sods.

Cba to read 27 pages (!) on this topic though. 3 was definitely enough.

Soz, you're correct - wrong info from colleague.

Regardless I don't see why the glee over his death. The bit about his charity work is correct though.

not sure if it's glee of his death

or mirth from his hubris and foolishness
20.35 BST
Shahzada Dawood, the British-Pakistani businessman on board the missing Titan sub, is an explorer whose expedition to the Titanic wreck followed a yearslong passion for science and discovery, his friends and family have said.

Dawood, 48, who boarded the vessel with his 19-year-old son, Suleman, loves Star Trek and Star Wars, as well as sharing pictures of his faraway adventures, according to Ahsen Uddin Syed, a friend of Dawood who used to work with him at Engro Corporation, the chemicals-to-energy conglomerate where Dawood is the vice-chair.

“He is an explorer,” Syed told the New York Times. “Traveling, science, are part of his DNA.”

Like his father, Suleman Dawood also loves science fiction, according to a statement from Engro.

Shahzada Dawood and his son Suleman Dawood.

This little piece in The Guardian had me in tears. They seem sweet. I guess at least they’re together.
Soz, you're correct - wrong info from colleague.

Regardless I don't see why the glee over his death. The bit about his charity work is correct though.
big Tory Prty donor oh and some foundation searching for extra terrestrials?
I skimmed the thread, I wasn't interested in all the glee being shown about some richer people dying, I think it unedifying. I may have missed the bit about the comms because of that.
As usual you have to wade through slurry to get to the interesting bits, as is the urban way.
But it’s being widely reported also.
I might be being harsh on the dad, though it at best quite a stupid thing to do.
Anyway, it’s been strangely useful. Anyone who’d take any kind of pleasure in these people’s predicament is as sociopathic as any Tory is. When push comes to shove, there’s no real difference between that kind of person and the very worst in that party.
So his politics are misguided and his interests are eccentric. He doesn’t deserve to die horribly while watching his son do the same.

No, but all the shit about 'being an explorer' etc. is just nonsense, as is all the 'loved science fiction and Star Wars' as if that makes him somehow different and more of an adventurer or something. He just threw money at a millionaire's bucket list.
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