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Titanic tourist sub missing

You are right.

I should definitely be more compassionate towards the billionaire class. They are so misunderstood.

Who said anything about compassion for billionaires? Not me, that's for damn sure. There are loads of resources on this very thread which point to the foolishness of the venture, which can be employed as a criticism. The shoddy and cheap design of the craft. The cavalier attitude to health and safety at the highest levels of the company. You know, the sort of thing that might actually provoke some thought about how capital undermines our lives.
Wtf? He should not have had to apologise for that.

Maybe not. What a fucking childish thing to do. pathetic actually.

If you read this as a defence of billionaires. You are off your noggin. The only people looking bad with those sort of comments are those making them. Not advancing anything or fighting the good fight. You just look like a prick. Fine, I don’t really care but you can’t really complain about the consequences doing that in a work setting.
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anyway you should probably be praising ocean gate. This is exactly the sort of thing you want to happen to billionaires right. Fuck them off into the sea. they will get loads of likes if they post it on here, the surviving board members.
we’ve all been there. I got a bit of grief when I said I didn’t really give a shit about Prince Philip, the racist old Cunt. On the day of his funeral. but he was already dead. Not trapped in a submarine at the bottom of the ocean. but that’s how it goes.
He told her that if he was stuck in that submarine the first thing he'd do was kill the rest of the passengers. That way he'd have more oxygen...

How though? The fucking thing is the size of a Ford Focus. The other three aren't going to just quietly sit and wait for their turn while he goes boat happy and strangles the first one.
The very worst thing would be if the rescue team are rushed and therefore fail to take normal precautions with disastrous consequences
At work this happened on our team's chat channel...

Person A: "Anyone else keeping updated with The Titan resuce mission?"

Me: Billionaires get killed doing pointless thing. Where's my tiny violin...?

Person A: It's peoples lives...

Me: I don't class billionaires as people

...I've had an official complaint and warning (can you fucking believe it?) and I've been obliged to post an unreserved apology.

However, for my Urban75 chums, may I clarify my position as follows: eat the rich
Yesterday in work my only co-worker commented on how it must be an awful experience for them. I pointed out they were billionaires and it was the best place for them. He came round to my way of thinking in under 2 seconds.

The next time we need a third labourer I'll give you a shout.

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