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Time to Close This Forum?

That's a good question there from Monkeygrinder's Organ - but I think the answer is "no". Even if the nature of the threat has changed, the threat is still there, and we're likely going to have other new Emerging Infectious Diseases coming down the pipe in the not too distant future. And that's on top of the various inquiries going on about the late unpleasantness.

We might have to change the title of the forum - but viruses? They haven't gone away you know.
I hear at least weekly of people who have contracted Covid. It hasn't gone away.

What has happened, I think, is that vaccination and immunity (sort of) by infection has ameliorated the effects of the disease, in general, people are not becoming as ill now as they were pre-vaccination. That doesn't mean that this is over though.
I hear at least weekly of people who have contracted Covid. It hasn't gone away.

What has happened, I think, is that vaccination and immunity (sort of) by infection has ameliorated the effects of the disease, in general, people are not becoming as ill now as they were pre-vaccination. That doesn't mean that this is over though.

I think the question isn't so much 'has it gone away' as 'has it been absorbed into 'The Norm'' though isn't it? I mean it hasn't gone away granted, but we don't have a Flu forum and so forth. So is Covid still a special case?
I think there's a lot of collective amnesia about the last couple of years. On one level I understand why that is, but I'm also not sure it's healthy to act as if we're still living in the same kind of normality we were before.

I'm thankful urban has this excellent resource to both look back on and add to, so the experiences we've all had and the lessons we've all learned aren't so easily forgotten.
Have to say, the support given on these boards during the height of Covid, when we were all feeling scared and confused and lonely and sad and every other emotion we all went through during those dark days, that support was utterly invaluable to myself and clearly to so many other people. Would go as far as saying that pretty much the finest hour of these boards. editor, Lazy Llama and the others who work so hard to keep these going, quite literally saved my sanity, thank you.
Have to say, the support given on these boards during the height of Covid, when we were all feeling scared and confused and lonely and sad and every other emotion we all went through during those dark days, that support was utterly invaluable to myself and clearly to so many other people. Would go as far as saying that pretty much the finest hour of these boards. editor, Lazy Llama and the others who work so hard to keep these going, quite literally saved my sanity, thank you.
yes, was literally my only sense of community other than a few mates on whatsapp. was also going through an incredilbly sad and painful divorce. was a place to really process waht we were all going through. sounds perhaps a bit cheesy but maybe it contained some of that blitz community spirit and bonding. urban was like us sitting down the tube during the blitz with teh enemy this time a virus.
Covid now seems almost forgotten, at least by most people I know, but the early days, with the high death rate and worldwide lockdowns, were truly eerie and unnerving, especially for those of us who weren't furloughed or allowed to work from home. Not to mention those whose state of health was precarious in the first place.

Many don't express it outright, but it's clear to me that they've bought into the lies spread by those for whom the economy is God, as well as the nutter conspiracy element they foster, which doesn't give much hope for when a worse virus comes along, as it inevitably will at some point.
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I had an interesting chat at work today. Four colleagues and I was the only vaxxed one. Three idealists, in their various ways vs a materialist. All still alive and discussing it.
Although they were keen to point out deaths by vax rather than deaths by virus.
I was working in a GP this week and a member of staffcame in with a mask on. She apologised and said she had Covid. Even worse she'd got there by public transport. The mind boogles. :(
My work trust's policy (NHS) is that if a member of staff has covid they can still come to work as long as they are well enough to work 🙄

Initially being off sick with covid was ignored as a episode of sickness. This is not the case any longer. A sickness episode also means that said member of staff is not permitted to pick up bank shifts for a few weeks on their return to work. Loads of staff rely on regular bank shifts to make ends meet.

This means that staff come to work doing clinical tasks ,in a clinical setting, where some patients may already be compromised clinically.

I've been off sick this week (three weeks after having covid) because three of my colleagues that I worked closely with on Tuesday were fucking ill 🙄.

So whilst I would never go to work while sick, hospital trusts allow it and I'd even go so far to say that my trusts sickness policy encourages it because of penalties incurred prevent sick leave being taken.
I had an interesting chat at work today. Four colleagues and I was the only vaxxed one. Three idealists, in their various ways vs a materialist. All still alive and discussing it.
Although they were keen to point out deaths by vax rather than deaths by virus.
I think I've written something before about a mate of mine who blames the vaccine for the DVT he suffered in late '22 despite being otherwise healthy and keen on lengthy country walks etc. He's married and your average kind of Labour voter, from a working class background although with an unstable set of social connections currently. He's adamant that the doctors he's seen agree with him, although I suspect their view is nuanced, and doesn't seem able to grasp that bad health things can happen randomly.

Despite subsequently going along with lockdown restrictions and the vaccinations and so on, at the beginning of Covid he shared a 'sceptical' video with me. I looked up the pompous, self-important cunt who'd made the video, and it turned out that, as I'd expected, he wasn't any kind of medical professional.

People tend to believe what suits their purposes and worldview, and so reality doesn't matter all that much.
My work trust's policy (NHS) is that if a member of staff has covid they can still come to work as long as they are well enough to work 🙄

Initially being off sick with covid was ignored as a episode of sickness. This is not the case any longer. A sickness episode also means that said member of staff is not permitted to pick up bank shifts for a few weeks on their return to work. Loads of staff rely on regular bank shifts to make ends meet.

This means that staff come to work doing clinical tasks ,in a clinical setting, where some patients may already be compromised clinically.

I've been off sick this week (three weeks after having covid) because three of my colleagues that I worked closely with on Tuesday were fucking ill 🙄.

So whilst I would never go to work while sick, hospital trusts allow it and I'd even go so far to say that my trusts sickness policy encourages it because of penalties incurred prevent sick leave being taken.
A now deceased relative of mine, already terminally ill with cancer, caught Covid after being rushed to hospital during the throes of the pandemic and, despite all the safeguards, ended up in an ICU. Fuck knows what it's like for such people now.
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Just remembering talking to a youngish client I had to visit Monday evening. She caught COVID during a recent stay in hospital.
I had an interesting chat at work today. Four colleagues and I was the only vaxxed one. Three idealists, in their various ways vs a materialist. All still alive and discussing it.
Although they were keen to point out deaths by vax rather than deaths by virus.

Scary stuff. What sort of workplace?
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