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Thread about spiders (not for the arachnophobic!)

This is a beautiful beast - Purple bloom birdeater (Pamphobeteus insignis)

I had a really inflamed and burning sensation on my leg a couple of nights ago, it stopped me sleeping and went on for quite a while, well over 24 hours - I was worried I might have a DVT or something but it turned out to be a reaction to a spider bite (now the inflammation has subsided I can clearly see the bite mark). I must have got into bed with one of the many false widows that have taken up residence in the landfill site that is our flat.
Don't be scared of him - he's a friendly spider who won't bite. It's a nice sensation getting a housespider onto your arm and feeling it clambering over the arm hairs. :cool:

I don’t have full-on arachnophobia, probably never had a precipitating trauma as a kid, I do sort of like them from an intellectual angle but something in my brain still tells me to run.
I don’t have full-on arachnophobia, probably never had a precipitating trauma as a kid, I do sort of like them from an intellectual angle but something in my brain still tells me to run.
Just repeat to yourself 'spiders are my friends' and you'll soon overcome your instinct to flee. Put it on a tape and play it on a loop while you sleep would probably be an efficient way to do it.
Just repeat to yourself 'spiders are my friends' and you'll soon overcome your instinct to flee. Put it on a tape and play it on a loop while you sleep would probably be an efficient way to do it.

It’s pretty well dealt with. I watched Derren Brown doing some stuff with someone to help their arachnophobia (at the end of which she let a tarantula walk on her arm), and some of that helped (kind of a speed-CBT).

Plus I know they eat a bunch of other bugs, which is handy.
I have a kitchen spider!

Technically it's a garden spider but it's living in my kitchen. Think it came in with some plants I'd cut down to save seed from, then it spent a couple of weeks stringing up webs between things at ankle-to-knee height (then completely relocating overnight just when stepping over them was becoming an ingrained habit for me :rolleyes:) before settling on its current home in the space between the ceiling and the cupboards either side of the cooker.

Just watched it finish eating a fly and start darting around like it was either having a mad five minutes like my dog used to, or some kind of seizure. Watching the patterns it's running in though it seems to be repairing its web. Never seen it this active before :cool: Usually it only moves when it's caught something to eat. Then it jumps over, grabs the food and flings itself out into space with a thread of silk to swing back into the middle of the web like it's bungee jumping :cool:
Adult jumping spider (Pelegrina pervaga)


I like the description -

Just before it jumps, it tethers a filament of silk to whatever it is standing on. Should it fall for one reason or another, it climbs back up the silk tether with its hairy spider legs made to be be adherent to surfaces.
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