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Things to do in the office when you’re bored

Orang Utan

Psychick Worrier Ov Geyoor
(that aren’t actual work)

Bitch about absent staff
Throw paper balls in the bin
Steal stationary
Print off loads of recipes
Argue on social media
Laminate things
Wind either colleagues or clients/customers up

Owt else?
Cause the printer to temporarily stop working and then make a massive faff trying to fix it.
Run out of a particular office supply, urgently need it, and spend an hour searching the building for some.
Spill something, and clean it up.
Find that your chair has suddenly become unbearably uncomfortable, and try out all the spare ones.
Sleep. Discreetly sleep. Sat up bright but sort of leaning on the keyboard. admittedly you need quite a large office and to be in the corner somewhat out of you for this.
When I worked full time in an office (long time ago) my colleague Flavio was away on a work trip so often, we spent hours making a model Flav (with a balloon head) to put in his chair.
When I worked at Shellys in the head office, our office was next to the warehouse door. Mc Neat (yes him) gave us rides round the warehouse in the forklift truck.
The last office I worked in regularly in Tottenham, as a freelance, I spent most of my time sitting next to Mr Ahmed, who did the finances, learning about Islam (he was super religious) and trying to figure out what was going on, on the Pakistani radio station he listened to. Gossiping (and praying) was done between racks of shoes in the top of the warehouse. And there was lots of trying on of outfits and costumes, one of the workers there did drag and theatre in his free time, would order the gear in and try it at the office, then there was the clothes borrowed to shoot for Instagram, we’d try them on too. They sold parking spaces to football fans because they were so near to the stadium, so we’d waste time checking out and discussing the (usually) gammony Essex boys who showed up to park there in their SUVs, one fella used to arrive then wash his car. Mental. And the time my friend (who freelanced there and got me the job) ordered a load of kit from Amazon for her trip to Mecca for her Umrah and we all had to try that on. She’d even bought knee pads for all the praying she planned to do. It was the cusp of covid and she’d bought a respirator mask, what with all the get up on and the PPE, the fact that shes not modest or hijabi we were all struggling to keep a straight face.
I go into an office in Manc regularly now for meetings but theres not much time for messing about, apart from trying on and blagging clothing samples.
EAM had a lot of low cost software licenses for all sorts of stuff (MS, Adobe, Lotus, etc) complete with unrestricted corporate keys. One guy had a thriving business selling off CD's/DVD's of it at a very competitive price. Eventually he got rumbled and threatened with the sack until he pointed out that his long client list involved many senior managers in EAM's corporate clients. Rather than make a hoohah he was allowed to take early retirement on generous terms.
Early 2000ish there was a bit of an internal scandal after three guys were discovered running a porn site on corporate servers in the USA, making a profit apparently. (they were definitely fired)
Proving that people do move with the times, after I left in 2015 a colleague told me EAM had fired two guys for using client systems to mine bitcoin.
In the days before internet I had a summer job in an office which was really dull, and I was on my own with only 2 telephones (that I was employed to answer and take the hundreds of orders they seemed to expect but never happened.) But boss would pop in and out so I couldn't really have naps or anything. The first month I just phoned all my friends/family for chats and pretended it was customers if he came in - but then got told off when the phone bill came in... So the second month I started ringing freephone numbers for things like car insurance and basically just have chats with them. (I'd start off with some vague questions like how much would it cost to insure car X and how could I get it cheaper, then what about Car Y or car Z and if the call handler seemed amenable I'd ask about the most expensive car to insure and on... I think I rang banks too and asked random questions. I was really bored.
When I eventually got a job with internet access and a computer I found this place.
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