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Things on T.V that scared you as a child.

Rabies stuff used to scare the shit out of me.

I'm told Dr Who and The Incredible Hulk had me hiding behind the sofa. :D The witch off of Chorlton and the Wheelies creeped me a bit and Jacko's Thriller video.

All rather strange considering some of the video nasties i watched before I was 10. :D Only one I was offered and refused to watch at the time was this:

Can anyone remember a short film from the 80s, may have been Canadian, I seem to remember it having little or no dialogue. Set in a world where it rains every day of the year, except for one day when it is sunny. Cant remember the set up, but on the day it is sunny one kid gets locked in the closet and misses it, whilst the other kids play outside. Ring any bells??
God yeah. Had recurring nightmares about the tomb in the quarry thing at the end. They really knew how to put the shits up kids in the 70s.

I've got the whole series on a dodgy dvd if you ever want to see it again? (still as creepy as you remember..)
Just remembered one that I can't find anywhere on YouTube - it was a series of adverts about Rabies in the 70s. It showed someone delirious with hydrophobia and then the slogan was something like:


I was terrified of dogs after that.. :eek:
I remember the baby being born in the original V freaked me out a bit. Freddie Kruger was there for the birth. :cool: I hoped in this clip you'd see the second kid born but someone has edited in something stupid instead. :rolleyes:

Moomins and assorted 'friends'. Bloody terrifying.



Pure evil.
Watching Beetlejuice as a child put me off Tim Burton for life.
Funnily enough our daughter (nearly 4) watched it with us the other week and loved it (it helped that we kept insisting that the ghosts were silly and funny)

I was terrified of the Hattifatteners off Moomins - can't find clips, as evidently the copyright owners have been thorough in keeping any of the series off the web!
The intro/outro to He-man where Skeletor used to throw his head back and cackle. Used to scare the shit out of me, my mum had to give me the all clear when it had finished.
Adverts like this scared the fuck out of me. I didn't even know what AIDS was at 6 years old, but I was terrified of it :(

"A threat to us all"
"Deadly disease"
"No known cure"
"Anyone can get it"
"Could be the death of you"


No wonder I had a worried childhood.

I've heard it said that that exact campaign put the cause of AIDS awareness back years because people were so shit-scared by it that they were more likely to blank it out completely than take sensible precautions.

Strangely, I couldn't remember anything on TV that genuinely scared me. Must have been a very brave, or unimaginative, child. All the things that occured to me are the kinds of things when you're older you go "oh, that was really creepy" (Big Bird off Sesame Street, the Trebor 'Mr Soft' adverts, the 'Cat Came Back' cartoon) but when you really think back, it didn't seem so bad at the time. Noseybonk included.
Pennywise the clown from the stephen king adapt IT.

still fair terrifying today as i knock on the door of 30
Doctor Who did genuinely have me hide behind the sofa when I was little (Saturday was shopping followed by an early tea/late lunch of tinned fish and fresh bread from the shops, followed by Doctor Who), and Blake's 7 also had some scary moments.
My parents were quite relaxed about letting us watch horror films, I watched a lot of the '70s classics and was scared out of my wits by them! I recall that my brother who was a bit younger than I was had real trouble sleeping for ages after watching Salem's Lot, he'd wander out of his bedroom complaining that the vampires were scratching at his bedroom windows. I am 3 years older than him but I still found it quite scary myself.
Kate Bush scared me as a child.

My parents would turn the sound down and then call me 'quick, the Hulk's on!'

I'd come runnig down and they'd turn the volume up full blast and I'd run off screaming.

I grew to love Kate Bush.....but then, she hurt me hears!
Quatermass, I don't know why my parents let me watch it.

Me too, this series in particular, although 10 years later I was dancing around in fields with people who looked quite similar, so it can't have had a lasting effect. Ley, Ley, Ley, Ley.

The intro to tales of the unexpected freaked me out somewhat, but i believe it was designed to do that.

good one. In my youth id always carefully study the opening titles to try and work out if the dancing women was in the nip.
Even with the benefit of the youtube pause button I am still undecided.
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