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Things on T.V that scared you as a child.

Ok I'm in bed but can't sleep.
Tufty, I loved The Moondial (my friends named their cat Minty after that), that, Tom's Midnight Garden and The Children of Green Knowe.
They were all pretty scary as a kid but I bloody loved them and read the books.

i don't know the children of green knowe, but the other two, yeah, book-wise they were possibly better than the tellyversions :) i remember the headmistress of my new school when i was nine read 'moondial' to us in instalments, not sure if it was before or after it got tellyvised. on a scarybook tangent, 'the owl service' by alan garner absolutely freaked me out (and the memory of it still does) :oops:
*resolves to one day own a cat called minty*
tufty79 said:
i don't know the children of green knowe, but the other two, yeah, book-wise they were possibly better than the tellyversions :) i remember the headmistress of my new school when i was nine read 'moondial' to us in instalments, not sure if it was before or after it got tellyvised. on a scarybook tangent, 'the owl service' by alan garner absolutely freaked me out (and the memory of it still does) :oops:
*resolves to one day own a cat called minty*

Your the same age as me aren't you?
If so, it would have been about the same time.
i think so :)
the book came out in '87, and the series in '88 (thank you google!), and i started going to that school in the september of '88. so i must've been being read it while it was being shown :hmm:
Oh, The Children of Green Knowe is on YouTube.
Watch it if you get a chance. It's dated but brilliant.

Ooooh, sorry, not really a derail as it was a bit scary when I was a kid but, The Box of Delights too!!!
Adverts like this scared the fuck out of me. I didn't even know what AIDS was at 6 years old, but I was terrified of it :(

"A threat to us all"
"Deadly disease"
"No known cure"
"Anyone can get it"
"Could be the death of you"


No wonder I had a worried childhood.
Was not a child in 1995, but this Channel 4 Ident with a spooky woman's face
at the begining of the commercial break used to scare the shit out of me!

my dad let me rent it out as a treat for my 8th birthday. arsehole. i didnt sleep for about 2 years
Although the Daleks scared me shitless I also remember a dramatisation of Poe's The Murders in the Rue Morgue. I made my Gran check under all the beds before I'd go to sleep.
I used to hide behind the sofa during Dr Who.

My parents took me and my brother to see Towering Inferno at the cinema for his 7th birthday. I was 4, spent the whole film hiding under my coat crying and they never thought to leave. Had nightmares for years, especially the burned man stepping out of the lift.

I had nightmares for most of my early childhood about being chased in slow motion by some wierd creatures. Was only when I was in my 20's I found out what they were:

Some infomercial on the dangers of deep and standing water that used to be on TV. Creepy voice and a grim spectre. Pretty all the infomercials in the 80s scared the shit out of me.

But I think watching Threads scared me shitless for years.

I've just watched this for the first time on the strength of this post.Fucking powerful.
When the Daleks first appeared (in the time of William Hartnell). I'd literally hide behind the sofa but not let my Mum turn off the TV.

I agree about the Daleks, also the monster from 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea which kept trying to attack the sub. That thing was pretty scary too.
and on Nationwide in the 70's (I think) there was a story about a werewolf in Northumbria. A real fucking werewolf, loose. Real. I was about 5 and it scared me for years aferwards.
A real fucking werwolf, on the news.
I saw that. My Mum had to turn the telly off I was so freaked out.

more 1970s post apocalyptic shit scaryness. Actaully the series was often quite dull - but the opening credits always shit me up.

I remember this being quite spooky as well.
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