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Things on T.V that scared you as a child.

That Doctor Who (Paradise Towers) which had monsters living in the swimming pool at the top of the towers. That's the only thing I can remember being genuinely scared by.
The first things I can remember that scared me from TV (I used to hide behind the sofa) were people on top of the pops- Noddy Holder, Gary Glitter and Den Heggerty-it was the scary eyes!! Also Emu! I was about 3years old.
The opening credits to World in Action used to frighten the life out of me. Something about the urgency of it all. Like we're all going to die.
Panorama did that to me - it was the graphics of the opening sequence.
Some fine screaming-

An even bigger plonker than Jimmy getting his frisbee is one of Jack Regan's crew showing high standards of 70s British workmanship-

The opening credits to World in Action used to frighten the life out of me. Something about the urgency of it all. Like we're all going to die.
Me too. It was all too much - the Vitruvian Man (?) had a scary face and scary hair and, to my seven-year-old mind, four arms and four legs. The music was , as you say, doom-laden. And then you'd get some report about gloomy adult mysteries like Supplementary Benefit or the People's March for Jobs.

Now, I'd be so pleased if ITV had something half as substantive say, once a year, let alone once a week.
The Two Ronnies doing The Phantom Raspberry Blower of Old London Town. The phantom Raspberry blower shit me up :oops:
Already mentioned but Dr Who And The Daleks (William Hartnell). Not just the dwarf from the Sing Rining Tree but the series "Tales From Europe" from which it came was a bit creepy at times. The big dog in the Tinderbox . . . .. scary!
1960s public information films. There were some about children, boiling water and all that.
Also this episode of Marmalade Atkins where she gets put in "The Bad Girl Cupboard" also frightened me so much I cried and screamed. Can't remember which bit but I guess it was when she nudged the skeleton and it's head moved. Seems so unfrightening now though :confused"

6 minutes mark had me screaming for my mum and dad and crying????

The Two Ronnies doing The Phantom Raspberry Blower of Old London Town. The phantom Raspberry blower shit me up :oops:

Thanks a lot - I'm on my own in the house.

(I remember being aware that this was :oops: even at the time but was still scared of it)
We didn't have a telly, so it was only very occasionally round my aunty's that I got to hide behind a cushion for the Daleks.
Since then I have studiously avoided watching anything scary or unpleasant.
Also this episode of Marmalade Atkins where she gets put in "The Bad Girl Cupboard" also frightened me so much I cried and screamed. Can't remember which bit but I guess it was when she nudged the skeleton and it's head moved. Seems so unfrightening now though :confused"

6 minutes mark had me screaming for my mum and dad and crying????

i found that clip very unsettling (seeing it for the first time now - i think) the 'nuns' and the whole set up of the school has a very macabre & sinister quality. thats building upon the theme of having been taken/abandoned from the security and protection of home/parents (admittedly this was a reccuring nightmare for me).

the skeleton bit does seems completely lame now.
An even bigger plonker than Jimmy getting his frisbee is one of Jack Regan's crew showing high standards of 70s British workmanship-

I can't believe they needed an public safety video to tell you how stupid that was. Though maybe the fact that's my reaction shows the success of the video (I was born after it).

Youtube has this for a related video

That's a bit graphic! :eek: A blackened corpse and and a small child lit up like Blackpool.
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